EchoNightmare x reader part 1

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{Team project of Ꮓ (me) And J }
Yandere •••
Readers pov))

   Never thought this is how i die...My name is (y/n). what did I do to get it
monsters I don't even know to be head over heels for me. They are so all over me that take fight over who gets to hold their 'love' that's always tied up. I almost escaped but here i am about to be punished for trying to escape. I hope they don't have something to messed up in mind 

  I panted as I ran through the woods. "You think you can escape me? Well you're wrong" I heard his taunting voice call out. I didn't waste time on a response. I just ran. I turned around and  ended up tripping over a log. 

      As I trip my head hits against a rock and I black out. When I awoke it was dark, I know  I was laying down but my hands were being held down by something maybe rope.  My feet were tied to what I believed was the edge of what I was lay down on. I realized how cold it was I didn't have a shirt on! I was struggling to try and get loose when I froze something was touching my legs.

  I looked down at what was touching my leg and squirmed.A tentacle?!?!I screamed against the gag."No point in screaming doll"I heard him say "No one can hear you."

     As it slides up and down my leg as i try to fight back. It was so close to my women-hood i started to tear up. I didn't want to be taken like this. He was about to enter but he left the room. I was safe for now i need to find help. "Gream please help me"  (g-dream)

  There was no answer to my plea.Where was he?Could he even find me?Was he even looking? I cried myself to sleep.I didn't want to sleep.

I fell asleep into a dream i seen gream i yelled to him for help as soon as he looked at me, I fell into a black hole. Right into G-Mares Hands, crying for Gream to help me i was starting to lose hope. Someone please help me.

{{ink and fresh x the fake happy reader is still in progress SO dont worry! But if you would like more of this Let me know!}}

Word count:414
Time posted: 4:37am

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