Chapter 22

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The trek to Sunset Keep was longer than Nola would have liked, but she understood that they had to be extra vigilant not to get caught. She was surprised that Kaana had set up patrols everywhere in fear of uprising. He'd never struck her as the paranoid type. But then again, he had never struck her as a usurper either.

The small group of warriors did their job well, dispersing ahead and behind to ensure that nobody saw them. This offered the princess and Chief Warrior some form of privacy as they walked. Despite this, they hardly spoke, except for Jumu to explain why he was headed for the mines, and Nola to tell him in very few words where she'd been. The reason for this was that they were both highly on their guard, preoccupied with worry that something would happen to would rob them of each other yet again.

But they relaxed as soon as they arrived at Sunset Keep. None of the people there recognized Nola for she had covered herself in the cloak and hood, keeping her gaze lowered. The people were happy to see their Chief Warrior, and didn't hesitate to offer them a place to shelter, Vuma having already made the necessary arrangements for his arrival.

Jumu escorted Nola to the quaint little house that had been promptly unlocked for his use and let her walk in.

"Wait here," he told her.

He hesitated for a moment, as if he feared he would lose her all over again the moment he stepped away. Nola smiled reassuringly.

"I'm not going anywhere."

Jumu nodded and tore himself away, wishing the warriors would have just dismissed themselves. But it was good they waited. It showed they were genuine in their service. They stood up straight as he approached, looking upon him with renewed respect.

"What else would you have us do, Chief Warrior?" Luk asked eagerly.

"Nothing for now," Jumu replied. "Best you return to the forest before you're spotted where you shouldn't be. Be ready; I will send for you soon." He grabbed the man's shoulder and looked him in the eye. "Tell no one of this; of her."

"You have my word, Chief Warrior," Lok nodded before signaling his group.

They turned and left the Keep as silently as they had arrived. Jumu let out a heavy sigh. What an interesting day it was. He looked at the sky. The sun was still in its prime. There was still a few hours left before the meeting. He turned back to the house where he had been just a few minutes before. Nola was there. Waiting for him. Alive. Slowly, hesitantly, he sauntered over to the house. He stared at the brown polished door, half thinking that he had only imagined Nola standing there smiling at him.

Heart beating wildly in his chest, Jumu opened the door and peered in. His heart leaped. The room was empty. Nola was nowhere to be seen. The place was untouched as it was before. He stomped into the house now, urgency in his movements, and worry etched on his face. The door swung shut behind him, plunging the house into semi-darkness.

Then Nola stepped in from an adjoining room. She looked at him with her lips slightly curled up at the corners. Her cloak was off, and she had changed into a simple white flowing dress that fell to her feet, the sleeves reaching her wrists. It was now that he saw her hair plaited in rows around her head and combed out in a puff at the top. She looked beautiful.

Jumu sighed in relief before immediately striding to her and pulling her into a hug. He shut his eyes tight and crushed her to him, wrapping his arms around her, unwilling to let go ever again. He felt her arms circle him, and hugged her tighter, taking in her scent.

They parted after a few minutes and stared at each other in silence. Nola looked at his baby blues and realized that nothing came close to those eyes so full of warmth and love for her. At one point she had thought that she would never see those eyes again. Thankfully that was not to be her fate.

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