Chapter 26

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When Luk and Nola rode back into the village the next morning, the mood was somber. The people just ambled around in silence, looking as though the rug had been pulled from under their feet yet again. The damage was significant, but nobody was hurt, and that was a relief. The people's shoulders lifted when they saw return, and they slowly gathered to hear what she had to say.

Nola quickly dismounted the horse and looked around. All night she'd been thinking of how to proceed, and had come up with a few options. She only needed to discuss them with Taros and Bratan. She was desperate for a second and third opinion. But strangely, they were nowhere in sight. Instead, she saw her father walking to her, relieved that she was safe.

"I'm so glad you're alright," Lano sighed as he held her arms.

"Luk got here just in time," his daughter replied.

Lano turned to the warrior and nodded his thanks. The warrior nodded back.

"What happened?" Nola asked.

"They took Jumu, Taros, Bratan, and Don," Lano replied.

"What?" she gasped. She knew Jumu would be gone, but not the others. They were her help, her advisers. Now who would aid her in this? She was all alone.

Sweating, she placed a hand at her temple. "This can't be happening," she mumbled.

All around, the people looked at her expectantly and patiently, confident that she would offer a solution, a plan, anything.

"What do we do now, Princess?" a woman finally spoke up. "Kaana's raid has ruined our plans."

"Jumu and the others have been named traitors," a husky man put in. "You know what that means."

"If we don't do something now, they will all die," another spoke up. "But how do we make a move now when our allies all over the kingdom aren't aware? We can't take Flame on singlehandedly."

The villagers erupted in a heated discussion, leaving Nola frozen and speechless. How was she to do this? How was she to lead these people? It overwhelmed her so much that her head began to pound.


The entire village shut up in an instant and gaped at the former king in surprise. He stood next to Nola, his commanding presence returned in full force, looking twice as large as he actually was, owing to his arched back and puffed up chest. He stepped forward, eyes clear and in charge.

"Giving into fear never helped anybody. Believe me, I know," he declared. "Rest easy. Kaana will not kill them just yet. His pride will compel him to spend a considerable amount of time gloating, which will grant us enough leeway to do what we need to do."

He turned to his daughter and found her wide eyes staring back at him. Seeing her at the end of her rope and overwhelmed by the task before her filled him with so much compassion and regret. Here was a brave young woman who was doing her utmost best to carry out his duties for him while he stood by cowering. It was not right. The burden he had unfairly dumped on her shoulders, and the shoulders of others belonged to him. The torch was not hers to carry, but his. It was time he did this...for her. She needed help; he would not let her down a second time. Earnest filled his face.

"I know I have let you down more times than we can count." He turned to the crowd. "I've let all of you down. I offer my sincere apology. It was selfish and cowardly of me to abandon my responsibility. That time has ended. I am Lano, king of Gaina and I will fight for my people."

Hopeful murmurs rippled through the crowd.

"It takes only one person to shine a light; one...pariah." He briefly smiled at his daughter. "I will be that pariah. You can be that pariah. Let us all stand up and shine the light of Gaina's flame. For though we are few, we stand together, strong as an oak. And what can shake an oak?"

"Nothing?" a girl hesitantly responded.

"What can shake an oak?" Lano insisted louder, almost demanding.

"Nothing!" the people lifted their voices.

"So stand with me, my friends," the king appealed. "Stand with me as I take back Gaina from this tyrant and restore it to its worthy people. Have no fear, and we will succeed. Are you with me?"

The crowd erupted in cheers.

"We are with you, Your Majesty!"

"You lead, we follow!"

"Long live the king!"

Lano smiled and heaved a sigh of relief. He wasn't sure that they would receive him with open arms. Now that they did, he could only acknowledge that it had everything to do with his daughter. He was not unaware how much she had campaigned for him, insisting to the people that he would stand when the time was right. He hadn't believed her himself. Yet here he was, doing exactly what she said he would. Her belief in him coupled with her loyalty was astounding. She could have easily stepped into his position and grabbed the reins. After all, he had abdicated and she was next in line, not to mention how the people loved and were devoted to her. But instead of that, she kept away from the title and guarded it for him, giving him another chance to finish what he started, and finish well.

"Welcome back, Your Majesty," Luk laughed, unable to contain his joy at the king finally coming back to himself.

"It is good to be back," Lano replied. "Dismiss the people then go wait at my house. We have a lot to discuss."

"Gladly, Your Majesty," the warrior answered before turning to the people and carrying out his orders with renewed vigour.

Lano waited for the crowd to dissipate before fully turning to his daughter. The relief on her face was indescribable, proving just how much of a burden this had been. He understood her. Thanks to his pride, he had never bothered to give her any training on how to lead a kingdom. She was completely out of her depths. Though he had no doubt that if she had to, she could rule even now, he was aware that she lacked confidence in her own abilities. Thus he decided to start teaching her immediately. She had already accomplished much without training. The possibilities of what more she would accomplish with training were limitless. And he wanted her to soar; to be a better ruler than he.

Nola's eyes sparkled.

"There's the king I know," she smiled.

"And not a moment too soon." Lano was silent for a beat. "Thank you, Nola. I owe you a lot. I couldn't have arrived here without you. You were right: you will make a wonderful queen."

Nola lowered her gaze, remembering the context of that claim she made long ago. She shrugged.

"I didn't know what I was talking about then. And right now, I am still a far cry from queenly material. To be honest, I'm only just learning what it means to be a princess, or a royal for that matter."

"Then let me teach you," Lano smiled.

Nola's face beamed.

"Now, we have a lot of work to do," Lano said, his face serious. "Your training starts now."

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