Chapter 2 : New Friends

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Lio walked into his art class and sat down in a random seat. The professor was explaining something while Lio doodled. He heard some chaos behind him and turned around to see 2 boys around his age goofing off. "Knock it off" Lio said, slightly annoyed

That got their attention

The two slithered over to Lio. "And who are you?" One of them said "My name is Lio" he responded "Who are you?"

"I am Gueira" the red haired one said

"I am Meis" the blue haired one said

Meanwhile, in firefighting class, Galo was trying to become friends with a group of his classmates. They all seemed to know each other and also seemed to already know a lot about firefighting.

There was Ignis. He was the leader of their little group. He seemed kinda quiet, but knew when to take charge of a situation.

There was Remi. He was smart and reserved. He seemed like a secondary leader. Like, if something were to happen to Ignis, he would be the one to replace him. He seemed especially annoyed by Galo.

There was Varys. He was definitely the strongest out of the group and he loved pizza. Galo was a little bit intimidated by him even though he was friendly.

Lucia was energetic. She was the brainiac type and seemed to know a lot about machines and stuff. She also had a little pet mouse named Vinny.

Finally, there was Aina. She seemed like the most normal of the group. She was playfully mean to Galo and had an older sister who worked for Kray.

Lio, Gueira, and Meis were getting along fairly well. Lio was a good addition to the group cause he could offset the chaos that seemed to radiate off of the other 2. They were walking through the dorm area when Gueira and Meis stopped at dorm room B.

"Well, this is our stop" Gueira announced to Lio. "Wanna hang out tomorrow?" Meis asked "Sure" Lio responded, putting out his hand for a handshake. Meis took it and they shook hands. Meis hand was abnormally hot.

Lio walked to dorm room P and sat at his desk, starting work on an assignment he had. A few minutes later, Galo walked in.

"How was class?" Lio asked, not breaking his eyes away from what he was working on

"It was great!" Galo announced "I met this group of students who seemed to know a lot about firefighting. I don't think Remi liked me but the others seemed nice" Lio just nodded in response, continuing to work on his project "How was your class, Lio?"

"It was cool. I made a few friends. Gueira and Meis were their names" Lio responded.

"Did they have burning firefighter souls?" Galo asked stupidly "It's art..." Lio responded "But burning might not be too out there." He continued "I shook hands with Meis and his hand was scorching"

"Maybe he was sick?" Galo said. "Maybe..." Lio said, going silent to focus on his work. He continued drawing for a few minutes until he heard a bunch of liquid pour everywhere. He turned around to see what the noise was about.

Galo was filling a bucket with a green gel of sorts. "What're you doing?" Lio asked "We have a firefighting test to see if we learned anything so I'm gonna bring this extinguishing gel"

"You plan on dumping a bucket of jello into a fire?" Lio asked, laughing "No." Galo responded matter-of-factly "I'm gonna dump it on myself and then run into the fire" Galo announced, proud of this plan

"You're an idiot" Lio responded

Galo chuckled, grabbed the bucket, and left the room. Lio continued working on his art.

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