18 - Don't ever take my son away!

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It has been a week since our last sexual activity and all I can say is I'm always craving for my sexy Lisa. I can never get enough of her. Every night what we do is having the quietest sexual intercourse to avoid others to hear it. She was so soft on me making me sleep tight at night. At times, I will make sure she felt satisfied and I can her smiling in her sleep. We are busy with our work and sometimes Lisa is not around at night but when we had the chance, in the shower, while changing clothes, we are like just this horny teenagers longing for each other and I am not sorry for that. I love it! So does Lisa. She usually will be the one initiate it but I will be the one finishing it. We both are complete for each other and our kids are the proof of our love. Even though the kids were not created based on our love life but we really love them as one.

Ella and Elli are very close to Lisa and Eun-woo is my baby boy but never the less, all of them were treated fairly. Eun-woo is growing up to be really good looking. He got very close features to Lisa and Ella and Elli is mine. Whenever we go out for grocery shopping, people always thought that the kids are from our choosing. We are lucky our kids don't look very much like the men who took our privileges as woman. Today Lisa will go out with Eun-woo to do grocery shopping. I stayed at home with the twins because our moms went out to see their friend. Yes, they now have friends and they both get along very good. I am happy to see how happy they are right now.

"Nini.. I'm going now with Eun-woo.. Take good care of Ella and Elli ok?" I went towards her and kiss her softly.

"Okay Lili.. Eun-woo be a good boy. Do not take this away from your shirt okay?" I put a tracking device for him as we always do that for our kid's safety. It's a small tracking under his shirt with recordings that we can hear from an app. Tzuyu made that for our kids with the help of her girlfriend Sana which is a very talented programmer and application developer.

"Okey Eomma! I will take care of Mommy too .. don't worry okay.. let me kish you..." He gave me kisses everywhere and giggles making him look like Lisa when she giggles. I smile and kiss his forehead.

"Bye Nini, see you in an hour ok?" They went away and I kept myself busy with the twins making bread together. Both of them on the baby chair was laughing and giggling looking at me full with flour all over my face.

"E....oomm..a" I was shocked looking at Ella. That is her first word and I quickly took my phone and try to record again to show Lisa later.

"Ella said it again baby... you can do it..." Ella giggle and open her mouth once again.

"E...oo..mmm...a" she clapped after and laugh looking really cute. I managed to record it and will show Lisa. Then I recorded Elli to see if she can say anything. I don't mind if she can't though. I just wanted to record them.

"Elli... come say something for Eomma" I saw how Elli crook her eye brows and then open her mouth.

".....m....om.....m.....y" I put my hands on my mouth surprised to see she is calling Lisa. I recorded it and Elli laughs after she said that. They are just one year plus and it is a great achievement for them.

"Oh my babies!! You both are so cute... Eomma loves you too okay?" They clapped their hands and we continue with the bread. After it is done, both of them are tired and I lay them to sleep in our room for a change. Once done, I went out to clean the table and the kitchen when both of my moms returned from their outing.

"Jennie, where's Lisa?" Lisa's mom asked me and I looked at the clock. It's already one and half hours and they are still out.

"She and Eun-woo are grocery shopping. They should be back about 30 minutes ago. Maybe they are stuck deciding what to buy" I already felt worried but calm myself to avoid panic attack. Lisa's mom just nods and went to sit with my mom at the living room. I was cleaning the table worried about Lisa when my phone rings. Mino was on the caller ID and I got worried. Mino don't usually call unless it's emergency.

"Jennie, we have a big problem. Please don't be panic. I somehow got it covered and again don't be panic." I got panic the moment Mino told me not to be panic.

"What is it Mino, tell me what happen. Please don't let anything bad happen to Eun-woo or Lisa" Mino sigh on the other phone making me more anxious.

"We got two involvements today. One is Jungkook and another one is your dad. We don't expect your dad will do such thing.." Mino is reluctant to tell me the story but I want to know it really bad.

"Tell me Mino! What happen? Please!" I begged Mino and he sigh again.

"I'll pick you up right now. I am currently at the lobby of your apartment. Come down and I'll tell you everything."

"Ok, coming down now" I quickly took my purse and goes to my mom directly.

"Moms! Lisa and Eun-woo is in trouble right now. I'm going to meet Mino downstairs now! Please take care of the twins"

"What happened Jen? Tell us?" Both my mom's asked me at the same time.

"Not sure but don't worry, Mino got it covered. I'll update soon okay" I kissed them on the cheeks and made my way downstairs. Once there, I went in into Mino's car and he proceed to drive.

"What happened Mino? Is my Lisa and Eun-woo in trouble?" Mino nod slowly.

"Don't panic Jen but when Lisa was with Eun-woo, Jungkook followed her her. Luckily we are there to meet Lisa about Jungkook's whereabout. When nobody is looking, Jungkook grabbed Eun-woo and run to his designated car to run away. Lisa saw that and I saw that from far, I quickly turned on the tracker for Eun-woo and found where Jungkook is going. I asked Hanbin and Somi to go and catch that man but Lisa also at the same time was catching up in her car trying to chase Jungkook as I can see Eun-woo shouted like a mad kid being so scared at that particular time. Without me knowing, your dad has been eyeing Lisa for quite some time. He wants his revenge so when I was looking at her car trying to cross the road, your dad was already in another car hitting her. Her car was tumbling down and I went directly at her. Your dad tried to run but we manage to catch him in time. Right now he is will small bruises in the police station but Lisa, she was hit badly. She is currently in the emergency room. Don't worry about Eun-woo because Hanbin managed to catch Jungkook and now he is hold hostage there. Eun-woo is with Somi right now and he is okay despite his crying for you but now we need to go to the hospital first to check on Lisa" My tears dropped listening to Mino's explanation. I can't believe my dad is involved too at the same time.

"OMG my babies... Lisa.. please be safe... isk isk..." My cries getting harder because I am so sad of what happen to both of them. If they did not go out, this will not happen.

"Don't cry Jen, Lisa is a strong woman. You just need to be there for her a little while and we will go to Jungkook and your dad later ok?" My tears are still dropping but I nod agreeing to it.

Once I reached the hospital, Mino brought me directly to the doctor incharge.

"Doctor, may I know what is my wife's condition?" I asked Dr Bobby directly once I reached there.

"Don't worry about Lisa, she's a strong woman. Her thigh bones are a little fractured but it should be okay after a week but we gave her a high dosage of medicine because of her condition. She will only wake up tomorrow morning. Right now, she needs ample rest time" I smiled hearing at that despite my worries.

"Thank God she is still okay. Do I need to do anything Doctor?" He shakes his head and then smile

"Just be here tomorrow morning when she wakes up. She should be happy" I nod and told him that I will sleep in the hospital today with her son and he said he will arrange that.

Now I'm going to deal with Jungkook and my dad! Both of them don't deserve to be outside the prison bar and I will make sure both of them will go in and be just like Lisa's dad. Never mess with my kids and wife. I am Jennie, I might look really weak but never touch my family.

"Let's go Mino. I got to deal with Jungkook and then my dad." Mino nods and we proceed to our next destination.

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