8 - Help me!

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It has been a week since Lisa proposed to me and our relationship is getting stronger every day. She never failed to accompany me for my appointments until Dr Yeri thought that she is my wife, but I don't mind if someone thinks like that. I am going to be her wife in 2 months' time, and I can't wait for it. We have got Eun-woo's tuxedo for be created for him to suite our wedding attire. I will be wearing a gown and Lisa prefer to have normal ladies' tuxedo. I was sad at first because I looked fat due to my pregnancy, but Lisa got me the best wedding gown showing how beautiful I am even though I'm carrying a child. Lisa paid a lot, but she said she wants this ceremony to be memorable for me and I really appreciate it.

I woke as per normal and bring Eun-woo down to the flower shop as per normal. As usual, Irene will entertain Eun-woo to go reading and colouring and I will help Chaeng with the flowers. We are laughing as usual playing around and gossiping about our love life when suddenly the bell that we put on the door shakes indicating someone comes in to the shop.

I turned my body to greet the person and showed my gummy smile but the moment I saw the person, my face became pale. This is not real, this is a dream. Why is my father here? What does he wants from me? I start to shiver and Chaeng saw me and widened her eyes when she realized it is my father. The one who hated her befriending Jennie.

"So you are here ungrateful child! I have been looking for you for months! Look at your tummy pregnant with someone's child without a father. What a disgrace to Kim's family!" My tears dropped hearing her rage on me. How can he find me here.

"I've been searching for you for a long time! Come home with me now or else you know what is going to happen to your mom. She is very weak right now because you know, when I cannot find you, she will be the source of my anger release. If you don't want your mom to die, you better follow me back! I am marrying you with a guy I know and he is very rich! That kid in your tummy, we'll let that kid go to orphanage once the baby is delivered." My father is like a monster without any feelings wanting to throw out the child in me.

"No dad! This is my kid and I will have him with me and don't you dare hurting mom! You throw me out remember! I got my own life right now and I will not come with you!" I am currently angry with his statement making me shout. I never shouted at him as I respect him as my father but right now he is not my father! He is a monster. He walked towards suddenly and as fast as lightning, he slapped me hard and I can feel a hard sting on my left cheek. I fell down on the floor due to the impact but luckily I manage to hold properly to avoid my baby being hurt by the fall down impact.

"Uncle Kim, please stop that! Jennie is innocent here. Please go out from the shop and leave us alone please!" Chaeng was already crying when she saw me fell down after the slap.

"Shut the fuck up woman! I told you to stay away from my kid but you brought her here and taught her nonsense believe! She should be marrying a guy and should be married first before getting pregnant! Now she will follow me, don't you dare block my way or else I will destroy your shop!" My father is currently shouting making Irene and Eun-woo came out from the working room. Eun-woo shouted seeing me crying and is currently on the floor.

"Eooommaaa!! What happened to you?!! Are you ok Eommaa.. Mister please do not hurt my Eomma.. pleashhh..." Eun-woo is crying while holding my cheeks lovingly. Eun-woo cannot see me cry because he will be sad too.

"Shhh baby... don't cry.. I am okay..." Eun-woo starts to cry harder when he heard how low my voice is.

"Who the hell is this kid! Hey Kid! She is not your mom and don't ever imagine she will be your mother. She will be marrying someone else in 2 weeks time!" My dad shouts at Eun-woo like he is an adult.

"Eommaaa marrying someone else?! Nooo Mistherrr... Eomma is marrying my mommy soon... Eooma is my mom.. Right Eomma?" Eun-woo is still crying and I nod.

"Yes Eomma love your mommy and I will always choose her ok.." I caress Eun-woo's face to soothe him down but it is no point when my father suddenly dragged me out of the shop.

"Dad please stop! Ouch... dad, it's painful please stop..." I felt a little pain at my stomach because he forced me to stand up by dragging my arm.

"You damn homosexual child. I don't teach you to be like that! You are not going to marry her! You need to marry a guy not a woman! Now you better follow me or else I will hurt that boy!" My

"Eoooommmaa!!!! Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.........." I can hear Eun-woo cried harder while trying to run for me but I asked Chaeng to stop him because I don't want dad to hurt him. He is not my dad anymore. I followed him to make sure everyone is safe in the shop. I signalled Chaeng and Irene to call Lisa in order to help me or else my dad is going to marry me with someone I don't know.

I cried the whole way going back home. I can't believe my dad found me and dragged me home just to marry me to someone else. I cannot even digest that I will be giving away the baby growing in me. I and Lisa already love the baby and want to rename her Ella. I felt a kick on my tummy and I know my baby is also sad with the situation.

Once I reached home, I saw my mom cried hugging me.

"Jennie... I miss you child.. Are you okay? Is the baby okay?" I saw my mom with lots of bruises around her body and I know how badly my dad beats her. I cried seeing her.

"I am okay mom, sorry I did not come back home to you. I am okay right now because someone really special took care of me and love me unconditionally mom" I whisper to her not wanting my dad to hear. My dad just went in and continues drinking in the morning and then sleeps the whole day. He even warned me not to run or he will make sure my mom will be miserable. When my father is out of the picture, I took my mom and sit in the kitchen with her.

"Mom, are you ok? What that beast has done to you Mom? He is not my dad the moment he thrown me out Mom!" I was still angry on how he treated my mom and Eun-woo just now.

"He is also not the same husband I knew Jennie. The moment you were thrown out, I've tried to search for you but he blocked me. Every time he knew about my searches, he will beat me until I cannot wake up the next day. Now he found a man who wants you because he is in debt and needs to pay it or else he will be in trouble. I am so sorry for all this trouble Jennie..." My mom shed her tears and I felt sad knowing she is being hurt while searching for me.

"Don't worry about me mom. I know Lisa will find me and make sure dad pays for it. She will protect us Mom, she never broke her promise and I love her so much.." I smile when I remember how Lisa touched my hand and face, kissing me with full of love. No one else can gives me much happiness in my life.

"Who is this Lisa? She seemed very nice woman. I am glad she can make you happy when I am not there throughout your pregnancy. I hope I can meet her soon Jennie." My mom smile at me approves my relationship with her.

"Are you okay mom with me loving another woman?" I re-asked her again just to make sure.

"Jennie, I am not going to hate someone who makes my daughter happy. I am not a homophobic person like your dad. I am accepting with whoever that makes you happy." She touched my cheeks that have been slapped by dad earlier while rubbing it slowly.

"Thank you Mom. Lisa is a wonderful woman mom. When I was thrown out of the house, I was laid out from my company because my work colleague sabotages me at the same time. I only have some bank cards and a phone that time. I tried to call Chaeng for help but I got robbed that time leaving me with nothing and no one to contact. I was crying at the back of a bakery shop not sure what to do when suddenly a boy came to me wiping my tears away and asked her mommy to help me. His mommy is Lisa mom. She is a single mother because her father sold her to a guy and she was drugged to sleep so that that guy can take advantage of her hence why she is pregnant with Eun-woo but she is a nice woman Mom. She never missed to accompany me to my pregnancy appointment and I got weird cravings which she fulfilled every time. I really don't know how to unlove her mom. She is the best for me" I was smiling while telling the stories about Lisa because I already missed her. My mom smiled while nodding at me.

Lisa, please come here soon. I already missed you. Please take me and my mom away from this monster please.. I missed Eun-woo and our big family. My tears drop a little bit missing Lisa but I hide it well from my mom.

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