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Gabriella's thoughts

° I'm sick of living my life in fear.





I don't open my eyes again, this time it's quite intentional. I don't open it so I can hear the voices around me.

"What going to happen now?" I heard my dad's voice.

"We have to wait. We can't go into surgery yet. All we can do is put her on chemotherapy protective drugs to reduce the side effect and also use radiation therapy." An unfamiliar voice said and I'm guessing that it's the doctor's voice.

"When can you go into surgery?" My dad asked.

"I can't be certain but we are doing best." The doctor said and leaves because I hear the sound of the door opening and closing but I'm not if my dad is still around.

When there's no movement for a while, I'm certain I'm alone. So I sleep.


"You can't do this to me right now. You can't leave me, not when I need you most." I heard Camry say beside me. "Things are starting to be difficult and I can't loose my only sister. I hope you can hear me. If you can, please come back. I don't care how long it takes. Cause right now I feel like I've lost my entire family and you're the only one I can hold onto. You're my only family, Gabby. You said you'll stay. You promised you won't go. So don't. Please, no matter how long it takes, even if it's a year or two, come back. Just don't go astray." Her head drops to my arm and I can feel her tears on my skin.

I open my eyes because my sister needs me. I place my hand on her head and she jerks up, staring at me with shock.

"I'll never go astray." I whisper letting my tears slip out.

The shock on her face is replaced with joy and she hugs me tightly.

"What's happening? Talk to me Camry." I gently push her away to see her face.

"It's mom." She said in a hushed voice but I heard her. "She...she ran away from the house and took me with her. We live in a small apartment a friend of hers found for us. She threatened me to never see you again or talk to you again. She took my phone away, that's why I hadn't been able to call you. She also doesn't reply to dad's calls or texts. She works twice just to cover the bills and I'm scared for her. She also made me give up on Ashton again, I'm sorry." She breaks down again.

"Don't be." I hold her.

I hate myself for this. For being sick, for separating my family, for causing my sister this, everything. I hate this.

"You shouldn't be sorry, Cam. I should."

"For what? It's not your fault." She wipes her tears away.

"I'll help you as soon as I get out of here." I hug her back. I wouldn't tell her it's my fault cause I know she will argue it out.

"Don't worry." She shakes her head. "You have too much on your plate."

"It's going to be okay." I hushed her.

"I should probably get home." Camry got up from the chair. "Take care of yourself."  She slipped a paper into my hand and walked out the door.

I unfold the paper to see what's written on it. It was the address where Camry stayed with her mom.

Kisses guys and lots of love for reading and voting and sharing

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Kisses guys and lots of love for reading and voting and sharing. I appreciate it!!!!

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