He has feelings?!

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(F/n) POV

'Today's the last day of middle school' I said to myself as I woke up rubbing the sleep out my eyes.

I walked to the bathroom so I could brush my teeth and wash my face I could smell my mom cooking breakfast in the kitchen 'she never makes breakfast on a work day' I said to myself while drying my face off on a towel. As I walked into my room to get changed into my school uniform I heard my mom ask what I wanted to drink I responded with <what ever your favorite drink is> and a thank you.

I walked into the kitchen to sit down where my plate was on the table I asked my mom "why did you make breakfast today?" while shoving food into my mouth "you're going to choke (f/n)" she said while staring me dead in the eyes.

"And because it's you're last day of middle school and I wanted it to be special" she said with a cheerful tone. I went to go put my dishes in the sink then to the front door to slide my shoes on and leave for school I said my goodbyes to my mom then left for the bus stop.

Time skip

I made my way into home room and sat down at my desk pulling out a book from my bag to pass the time. As the bell rung I went to my 1st class of the day math, and I had it with none other then bakugou. 'It's not that bad it's the last day of school it's not like I have to go to high school with him' I thought to myself walking to math.

I sat down in my seat then I see "the thing" come to sit next to me 'I forgot he sat next to me' I thought while shaking my head.

Then I see him turn towards me and say "hey dumbass let me borrow a pencil would ya" I glared at him then looking back and my paper he stared at me for a second saying "I know you heard m-" I cut him off by saying "here just take it and leave me alone". He took it and turned back around to do his work.

Another time skip

It was almost the end of class so the teacher asked the class what high schools we wanted to go to.

Everyone said there high school they wanted to go to then bakugou jumps up on his desk and says "I wanna go to U.A. and be the number 1 hero" pointing to his chest. "Yea ok prove it" I said muttering he turned around and started yelling at me saying "YOU PROBABLY DON'T EVN HAVE A QUIRK LOSER" I stand up quickly and say "YES I DO AND IT'S BETTER THEN YOURS" snapping back at him.

His quirk began to show in his hands "YEAH PROVE IT" he yelled. I begin to use my quirk which is <what ever you're quirk is>.

Before we could even do anything the teacher stops us by saying "how would this look on you're record if they saw this" we both freeze in our tracks. "Now sit down both of you" the teacher shouts then looks at me saying "didn't you wanna go to U.A. too  (l/n)" "yea I want to become a hero to help people" I said in a cheerful voice.

Then the teacher looks and midorya and says "didn't you also wanted to get in?" Everyone looked at him in shock "y-yea" he says in a scared voice.

Bakugou's POV

We all looked at deku in shock that a he wanted to go to a hero school to become a hero.

"Deku you dumbass you don't have a quirk you can't become a hero" he looked at me in fear as he said "I just have to train hard" I laughed at his response then the bell rung to go to the next class.

(F/n)'s POV

'It was finally time to go home' I said to myself walking out the doors I felt a tap on my shoulder I jumped a little then turned around 'it was bakugou?' I said to myself confused.

He said "here's the pencil you let me borrow" I looked at him in shock
then said "thanks" as I was taking it out of his hands and into mine.

I was about to turn around then he said "you really wanna get into U.A.?" I tilted my head in confusion then saying "yea doesn't everyone" "I guess" he replied. After a long silence I said goodbye as I walked away he said "yea I hope to see you at the exams" "same to you" I said without thinking.

As I was walking down my street to go home I thought about how bakugou may have a brain and that he uses it as well then I walked into my house and I said "hey I'm home" no one responded so I said to myself 'looks like a soundless night'.

I had a quick dinner then headed to my room and put my comfy clothes on and to brush my teeth, after that I laid on my bed going throw social media to fall asleep.

Word count:899
Date this was made: July 17


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