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Hello there! Sorry for the recent inactivity, I've been feeling a bit burned out lately. But here's another chapter for you, hope you enjoy!

Michael happily moved his arm around, feeling like he was a whole person again.

"How's your arm?" Miho asked smiling.

"Good. I only took the cast off this morning and I'm great." Michael answered proudly. He thought he'd healed up very well, and he was proud of himself for that. He felt awesome that day.

"Great then! I need to talk to my sister, so I'll see you when the match starts!" Miho said, waving and walking off. Michael waved back and started looking for his friends: he needed some company at the moment, and he fortunately found somebody almost immediately. He was wandering around near the stalls that were organized by Pravda, when he noticed Koume was standing all by herself, leaning against a wall. He quickly approached her and waved at her. As the two met, they exchanged a strong hug and smiled warmly at each other.

"Hey Michael! How's your arm?"

"Good, good. I'm ready to destroy that horde of tin cans that Pravda calls "tanks". How are you?" He answered, full of energy and determination.

"Great! I'm ready for the battle!" Koume replied,  infected by Michael's upbeat behavior. As the boy was about to say something else, he felt a presence behind him. As he turned around briskly, he saw a girl standing in front of him. He hadn't seen her in over 7 years, but he recognized her in the blink of an eye. He took a deep breath and kept a poker face as he stared intensely into Greta's eyes. Greta was a tall girl, with beautiful facial features and piercing light blue eyes. Her hair was blonde and long, and her physique was perfect. She was wearing a Russian tanker's hat, with Pravda's logo on the front, and Pravda's tankery uniform. She crossed her arms with an arrogant grin and raised an eyebrow.

"Hey there, Michael. Long time no see." She started, pronouncing Michael's name the English way.

"What do you want?" Michael hissed, spitting on the ground in front of her.

"I'd have expected you to be much shorter and uglier...oh well, I guess you do have some of my genes."

Koume was standing behind Michael, confused as to what was happening. As soon as she heard the word "genes" she had a suspicion that the girl was no other than Michael's sister.

"Shut the fuck up and get lost." Michael growled.

"Or what? You're gonna start crying? Ха, жалкий."

"Ah ja, sehr gut, du sprichst Russisch. Willst du eine verdammte Medaille?" Michael said sarcastically, Greta's attitude starting to get on his nerves.

"No, I don't want a medal. I already have plenty. How many do you have? Like zero? Or was that too much? Maybe-"

"GEH WEG, DU SCHLAMPE!" Michael yelled, with a look of disgust stuck in his eyes.

"I'll go only when I want to go, asshole. You're so childish and pathetic it makes me nauseous. You're a failure, and a disgrace to the family, like that idiot you call dad." 

Greta finished her sentence with a satisfied grin as she noticed Michael was on the verge of crying, and she was about to walk away when she saw Koume stepping in.

"Hey! You have no right to say that about Michael, you hear me?" She snapped, pointing at Greta.

"Uh-huh? And why?" Greta asked, with a look of superiority.

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