Back to school

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"It's good to be back, I gotta say." 
Michael put his stuff away in his apartment, even if he still had only one functional arm, and headed to the training grounds. It was the first day of school after the holidays, and he was thrilled to get back into it, to say the least. He actually liked going to school, unlike the majority of the boys his age. As he was walking to the training grounds, he ran into no other than Erika, who wasn't as excited as him to start school again. Upon seeing the cast on his arm, she stopped and gave him a confused look.
"Shigure? What the hell happened to you?" She asked, a teeny bit worried. 
"Car accident...I'm lucky to be alive, honestly. And, good afternoon." He answered smiling casually. 
"Ah, I see...well, I'm glad to see you' one piece." Erika muttered, sounding quite absent. Michael started walking again, as the Tiger II's commander adjusted her pace to his. 
"Did you spend some good holidays?" Michael asked at some point, to keep the conversation alive. 
"Mhm. You?" Erika answered, again with an absent tone of voice. Thinking back to what had happened during his holidays, Michael blushed and smirked imperceptibly. 
"Sure did." 
After the evening between the 31st and the 1st, Koume and Michael hadn't seen each other until the day when they had their train to come back to Kumamoto. Even then, they hadn't talked about what they'd done that night. Michael had lost sight of her as soon as they'd boarded the Graf Zeppelin, too. He wasn't worrying about her at the moment though. What bugged him the most was his injury: he didn't exactly want to do tankery with one arm. After realizing they had nothing else to tell each other, the two stayed in silence until they reached the training grounds, and at that point Michael saw his crew and Miho were there. Erika banked away to get to her tank, and he was left alone. 
"Here we go..." He muttered, sighing to himself. He approached his crew members, who were all casually and happily chatting together. Ren was the first to notice Michael coming, and also to notice something was wrong. 
"Dude, what happened to you?!" He said shocked, catching everybody's attention. Michael yelled an unimaginable amount of curse words in his head and took a deep breath. 
"Car accident." He muttered. 
The twins and Sakura walked up to him, all raising their eyebrows. 
"You have a knack for being in the spotlight, don't you Commander?" Sakura joked, yawning. 
"Guess I do." 
"Are you okay?" Noriko and Noriyo asked in sync. 
"Now, yes." Michael answered. 
"Well, there's no way you'll be able to do your job as a commander with that arm. How long till you take it off?" 
Michael turned around and immediately saluted upon seeing Maho in front of her. 
"About two weeks, Kommandant." He answered sternly. 
"Then you'll be relieved of your duty until then. I want you at 100%, and that doesn't certainly mean with a broken arm." Maho decided. 
"Jawohl. But what about my crew?" Michael continued, looking back at his 4 friends. 
"We'll dispatch them to a Hetzer while you're out." Maho explained, looking at her usual clipboard. 
"Oh, we're getting a Hetzer!" 
Maho gave Ren, Sakura and the twins some instructions and walked off. The 4 said goodbye to Michael for the time being and stepped over to their temporary tank. Michael then noticed his Panzer IV was outside, parked along with the other tanks. 
"Why is it there..." He muttered, bringing a hand to his chin. As his mind was getting lost in a lot of thoughts, Miho walked by. She saw Michael and gasped as soon as she noticed he wasn't okay. 
The boy jumped, letting out a small scream, and immediately regained his composure. He had realized Miho was in front of him, and had also realized that he didn't really want to have another conversation about his car accident.
"Ah...hey's it going?" He said with a wink. 
"B-but...what happened to you?!" Miho shouted, hugging Michael really tightly. 
"A car accident...but I'm fine now..." Michael muttered, breaking Miho's hug and trying to give her the most reassuring look in his repertoire.
"Are you sure?" Miho asked, even more worried.
"Yeah yeah, I'm fine. We'll talk about it more thoroughly later at dinner, how's that sound?" Michael proposed, a warm smile on his lips. At that, Miho's face heated up a little and she whispered a "yes" under her breath. She gave Michael a wave and walked to her Tiger. Michael, on his part, climbed on his Panzer IV and slowly watched all the other tanks drive off without him. 
"Oh well, I guess I get some time off..." He mused to himself, starting to whistle and scratching his head. Michael's hand hadn't been broken in the accident. He could still move it without any problems. It was his arm that was stuck in place. Suddenly, he felt his phone vibrating, so he took it out. As he looked at the Line notification that he'd just received, his face went pale and he felt his heart skip a beat.
"Again..." He whispered, as he opened the chat with the person from Aomori. 

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