twenty six

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{ Andrea's POV }

After I got out of the shower I just had a towel wrapped around me. To my surprise Nicolás was awake sitting at the edge of the bed.

"I didn't know you would be awake." I say

He looks me over and I see his eyes slightly darken.

"Here's your shirt." I say as I hand the shirt to him on my way to the closet.

He nods and says "I'll leave you to get dressed."

I give him a nod.

Just as he is about to go out the door I say "Thank you for looking over me last night."

He turns back around with a slight smirk.

"It was my honor, Angel."
He says then he walks out the door.


After Nicolás left I decided that today I wanted to spend sometime with two of my favorite people.
Bart and Isla.
Tomorrow I can handle whatever and be with everyone but today I want to relax and rest.


I go downstairs to the kitchen and when I enter I see Bart fixing lunch for everyone.
I missed breakfast of course.
Isla is helping him.

"Is everyone in the dinning room?" I ask

Both look up and give me smiles. Some of the other staff look at me with respect, curiosity, and as if I'm some kind of unknown being to walk the earth.

"Yes, lunch is almost ready." Bart answers

"Why don't you go and join them, Andrea?"
Isla suggests

"I'd rather be here." I tell her with a smile

"Well alright then."
Isla says with her own smile

"Staff why don't you go and serve...Ms. Isla and I will stay in here and serve Mrs. Andrea."
Bart says

I cringe at the 'Mrs.' because technically I'm still married to a bastard. Hopefully not for much longer. It's like I'm free but still chained down.

The staff leave to go serve the food.
I sit down at the small table in the kitchen while Isla brings me a plate over, and Bart brings me a soda and a water. I give them the look telling them to eat with me, or I won't eat... and eventually both of them go back to get themselves something.

The three of us sit at the small round table together, and eat enjoying each other's company.

"I heard Alastair showed up, I know that must've been hard for you." Isla says

"It was." I reply simply

"I would've been by your side, but Ander wouldn't allow anyone to enter." Bart says

"It was the right call for everyone's safety, and luckily I wasn't fully alone with him. Nicolás volunteered to stay behind." I tell them

"I knew he was a dependable gentleman."
Isla says

I give her a slight smile.

"Yeah, I think he is." I reply quietly

"How did it go? If I may ask." Bart asks

"I'm still not sure. I know Nicolás found out more than what I wanted anyone else to know... and that I met the monster who haunts my dreams in person."
I tell them

"How does that make you feel knowing that Nicolás knows your story?" Isla says

I think about it then answer.

"Lighter almost." I reply almost confused

Bart and Isla have smiles on their faces.

"What?" I ask

"It's just nice to let someone in every once and in awhile." Isla says vaguely

I just give a shrug.

"It wasn't on purpose." I tell her

"It almost never is. Some people just push their way through the walls we build up." Isla says


After lunch I ended up in the library/study where I found Artemis's favorite book... it's about a delicate girl trapped in a world in which she doesn't belong wanting to be freed out of her cage.

I read the whole book over, and I feel myself getting emotional so I shut the book. Just when Isla runs in the room out of breath.

"Isla, what's wrong?" I ask her

"It's..It's..Jason." She manages to get out

"What?" I ask out of shock and confusion

Poor thing seems panicked.
She grabs me by my arm and drags me back downstairs to the main entrance way.

Everyone is out on the fancy marble and stone porch. I walk out and guards are nearly dragging a handcuffed Jason who is sporting a black eye. I walk off the porch while everyone starts questioning me.

I keep my confidence in my walk and when I reach Jason I look at the guards and shortly ask "Why is he cuffed?"

"Boss said to be tight on security, and he was suspicious demanding to get through."
One of them answered

"Why does he have a black eye?"
I ask raising an eyebrow

"We don't know Mrs. Colombo."
The other one says

I cringe at the name.

"Never call me that again. I'm not and have never been a Colombo." I tell the guard and then I say "Leave him be."

"We can't do that. Not until we take him to the cells and boss sees him." The guard says

I know they have to follow orders it's how they are trained, but I wasn't going to let them take him to the cells. He was like a father and older brother to me until he left.

If anyone is taking him to the cells..

it'll be me.

He did leave me after all.

The Mafia's Affair ( #4 in the Mafia Series )Where stories live. Discover now