Chapter 2

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Chapter 2
     By the time he got there both Link and Zelda were up and alert. "Princess," he said out of breath, "You and the champion are needed in the Zora's Domain right away, Ruta is acting up and Prince Sidon is injured," the royal guard huffed.
     "Prepare my horse and find an extra horse for Link," the princess said as the guard bowed and sped walked down the hill towards the castle. "Link, we have to head out as soon as possible, do you have your sword and shield with you?" Zelda questioned, because she didn't see either of those things with him at the moment.
     "Shit!" Link signed with an angered/surprised face. "Hold on, I'm going to teleport to my house, grab my things and teleport to the shrine outside the castle. Meet me there with the horses. Ok?" Link signed quickly, before taking out his sheika slate and clicking on the shrine. As he turned into blue light he could just barely see the princess running down the hill towards the castle.
     As soon as he got to the shrine that next to his house he bolted across the bridge and ran into his house. He grabbed his sword and shield. While he was there he packed some extra changes of clothes into a bag. He clicked onto the shrine closest to the castle and when he got there he could see Zelda just arriving. "Right on time! Let's go!" She said while Link was attaching his stuff onto the horses saddle and hopping on.
     They rode all night and only at noon the next day, they arrived at the domain. As their worn out horses' hooves clicked on the luminous stone bridge, Bazz came running up to them. "Come on, Sidon is in the infirmary. He is badly injured and says that he will only talk to you two about what happened," the soldier said with a hint of sorrow in his voice.
When they arrived at the infirmary Zelda and Link were worn out and tired to the point where as soon as they laid down, they would fall asleep. But when they entered the room Zelda gasped and Link's eyes went wide with shock. It certainly woke both of them up.
Sidon had a cast on one leg, his crest had multiple stitches on it and there was wrapping all around his chest. Not to mention, the neck brace on him. Sidon painfully turned his head in the direction of his two friends, and slowly smiled. "Sidon! What happened? Did Ruta do this to you?" The princess asked concerned for her friend.
     "I guess i swam a little too close to Ruta and she hit me with her trunk and i flew into a rock, heh..."Sidon mumbled out. Link was very concerned for his close friend. He sat in a chair across the room from Sidon. Letting his eyes linger across his perfect form. Until his sapphire blue eyes met with Sidon's golden ones. Link quickly looked away, blushing. "Yea i know, my injuries are pretty bad huh?" Sidon said sheepishly.
     "Oh no it wasn't that! They aren't too bad, I was just-" link stopped signing after realizing he couldn't say the real answer to why he was staring. Zelda started to laugh because she knew the reason and it was funny to see Link all flustered up like that.
     "It's quite alright that you couldn't finish! You'll find the right words eventually!" Sidon said enthusiastically.
"Haha, yeah eventually" Zelda said, nudging Link while smiling. A short indigo Zora came into the room.
     "Hi, my name is Dr. Z, I am Sidons doctor until he is well enough to get out of the infirmary," Dr. Z said in a nice tone.
"Hello Dr. Z, it is nice to meet you. We will be staying with Sidon until he gets out or even longer than that, so you will be seeing us around pretty often," Zelda said politely, motioning towards link. Link just waved because he didn't know if Dr.Z understood sign language or not.
     "Oh, I didn't realize that people would stay with him! I will make sure to see if there is a bigger room we can transfuse you guys to,"
"Why thank you very much that is very kind of you,"
     "You're very welcome, your highness," Dr.Z said while bowing. By the time the two finished their conversation, link had moved to the end of sidons bed and fell asleep. Sidon was also asleep.
     "Awww, look at them! So cuteeeee imma take a photo of this, hehe..." the princess said mischievously while grabbing the sheika slate off of links waist and snapping a quick photo of the two. Zelda sat down in an armchair and fell asleep soon after the other two.
                              -Time Skip-
     Link woke up to the sensation of movement underneath his rib cage. He jumped up, frightened and once he looked around, he calmed down. Zelda and Sidon were chuckling and Sidon said while holding back laughter "you should  have told me that toes scared you, link," link turned away pretending to be mad and went into the bathroom that was connected to the room. He grabbed his hair brush and took down his now loose and messy ponytail and brushed it out. 'Shitheads, ill show them who's scared' Link thought mischievously after brushing out his hair, deciding that he would ask Zelda to do his hair.
     "Zelda, can you braid my hair?" Link signed to his best friend.
     "Well of course! Come here with your brush and a hair tie and sit down," Zelda said while pointing to the ground  in front of her chair. Link sat down slowly and Sidon watched with interest as zelda parted his hair into three pieces and started to weave them together.
     "How do you do that?" Sidon asked with curiosity in his voice.
     "I'll have to tech you sometime! Maybe later today but we got to get our stuff ready so that we can move to another room,"Zelda said, excited that Sidon was interested in braiding.
     "Hello everybody! We found a bigger room that comes complete with a small kitchen, a larger bed for Sidon and a table and pull out couch for you two,"Dr.Z said in an enthusiastic tone.
     "That sounds really nice, but how am i gong to move there?" Sidon questioned. As soon as he asked that, a tall, light pink nurse came in with a rosie smile on her cheeks. She was rolling a large wheelchair into the room.
     "Some guards and doctors will come in shortly to help you into the chair but for now, Zelda and Link will gather all the stuff and get situated into the new room before you go into it. Does that sound good everyone?" Dr.Z stated out the plan with ease.
     "Ok, me and Link will start to pack up, which room will we be staying in?" Zelda asked while signaling to Link to start getting all of their stuff ready.
     "Room 313 i will be waiting for you there," Dr.Z said as 2 guards came in with a doctor. When Dr.Z left the room, Link had what little stuff they had ready.
     "Please be gentle, I'm still in some pain," Sidon said, aware of the neck race limiting his speech.
     "Don't you worry prince! You will be in the new room in no time!" The tall, light pink Zoran nurse said cheerfully.
     "Ok, thank you all very much," Sidon said gesturing towards the guards, nurse and doctor. The guards nodded and the dark green Zoran doctor just smiled.
     "Ok, we will be waiting for you at the new room, Sidon. See you there!" Zelda said in a cheerful tone.
     "Bye Sidon," Link signed before getting dragged out of the room by zelda.
An- word count, 1,308 words. Told you that it would be a longer chapter! I know I'm posting this the same day as the first chapter but once I finished this chapter, I just HAD to post it as soon as it was ready!

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