The Sixteenth

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It was now mid-February, and Orange was having a panic attack in the school library. Why, you might ask? Obviously it was because a huge meteor was about to strike the earth and completely blow it up into a million pieces.

Jk, it was because Orange just had to run to her class and accidentally bump into a certain Strawberry on the way, and the Strawberry finally spoke to her.

It was in the morning of another dreadful Monday, Orange had completely forgot to set her alarm clock and there was no one to wake her up because she lived with her aunt, and her aunt had work early. So Orange woke up 5 minutes before the bell was supposed to ring.

Hurriedly, Orange got ready and ran to school, skipping breakfast. Miraculously, she wasn't late. So then the time came for lunch and Orange was walking to the cafeteria, but then, she suddenly realized that she had forgotten her book in the classroom. So she quickly ran back but then bumped into somebody.

When Orange looked up, she saw a certain pink-haired girl. It was Strawberry. Orange started malfunctioning.

"Oh, sorry, are you okay?" Strawberry asked. Orange's eyes widened her heart quickened its pace.

"Uh-" Orange could not even form a complete sentence.

Strawberry then helped Orange up, and Orange was still in shock.

"Well then, I'll be off." Said Strawberry, waving to Orange.

Orange then walked like a robot to her classroom, grabbed her book, and started walking to the library. The library's was always Oranges' favourite place. When she was finally alone, she collapsed on the floor, her face as red as a tomato. Orange took deep breaths as she tried to steady her heartbeat.

Oh god, just what was Strawberry doing to Orange? Orange finally calmed herself down. She didn't know why she was getting so flustered. After all, all that happened was Orange bumping into Strawberry, and Strawberry apologizing, it was nothing that big. So then why was Orange's heart beating so fast? Then Orange thought...whenever Strawberry was around, her heart fluttered and there would be butterflies in her stomach. Then Orange figured this might be what love is. And so Orange thought she just might be in love with Strawberry...

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