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(Blue's POV:)
It's been about a week since I told Ink and Dream the truth, and by now, they've told everyone else, much to mine, Geno, and Fresh's relief. Ink is currently working on something up in his room, and I swear to all that's holy if it's another AU, I will smack him with my hammer, the stupid Inkblot. He peaks his head out of his room a bit. "Blue? I need you for a second." I nod, and go into his room, my eyes widening as I see a peace treaty on his desk, and he smiles sheepishly. "I... I wanted to start over with Error. Do you think you could look it over and make sure it's alright? I'm not good with legal stuff, heh..." he asks sheepishly, rubbing the back of his skull as I smile happily, practically bouncing up and down.
"YESYESYESYESYES!! I ABSOLUTELY WILL!!" I shout, and he smiles as I dart over to the desk, sitting down and reading it over. Once I'm sure it's good enough, I look up at him and nod. "It's perfect Ink! So no worries there!" He beams at me, and I smile right back. "So anyways, how's your SOUL doing?" I ask, and he hums softly, summoning it. "Well, I learned to summon it on my own... and as you can see, it's a bit less transparent now." He responds, and I nod, going up and looking at it. "I still can't believe you have a SOUL! I never thought you would get one, but I guess I was wrong." He hums softly, putting it away again. I smile at him, happy. "Well, I should be getting back to the Mansion now. I've got a picnic to attend! Bye!" I say cheerily, and open a portal to the Mansion, leaving as Ink looks at where I was, shocked.

(Author's Note: Getting close to the end now! I hope you all have enjoyed, and I apologize for it being so short. Once it's complete, I'll take out all of the announcements in it, since none of them are relevant anymore. They'll be staying in my Announcements book, and any story that I have right now that ISNT complete. I'll delete the ones in Hidden soon.)

Word Count: 311

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2020 ⏰

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