Chapter 3

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'Nyx, do you want to come with me, to meet a new friend?' Feyre asked her 7 year old. He hoped off of his fathers lap nodding vigorously and almost banging his head on the table in the process, and went up to his mother putting his tiny hand into her waiting one.
'Be careful.' Rhys said plainly.
'It's just a human woman and her young child.' Mor said dismissing her cousins worry for his mate and child.
'But we don't know who she is or what she's doing here or how they even came here.' Rhys responded. 'She might be a spy from the Winter court.'

Feyre nocked before opening the door to the room that the two girls were in. As she took a closer look at the woman who was now sitting on the bed facing the little girl she saw that the woman was beautiful with her golden hair and most unusual turquoise eyes ringed with gold, the same eyes that the little girl, her daughter, had. Now that Feyre looked at them they were almost identical given that the little girl was a child, high fae and had silver hair not gold like her mother.
'Hello, am Feyre Archeron and this is my son Nyx.' Feyre paused searching for any kind of reaction or recognition of her name, if the father of her child was a high fea from the Winter court then they should know who she is or at least have heard of her but the only reaction from woman and her child was that the little girl moved closer to her mother. So Feyre continued 'You are in the Night court. May I know who you are.'


Aelin took in the information that Feyre gave her and decided that the best course of action was to pretend to be as harmless as possible, she sensed that the female in front of her, Feyre, was powerful and she needed to get home. Also she couldn't very well with her and based on the voices from down stairs there are at least four other people in this house, two males and other two females. Pretending to be harmless and helpless shouldn't be that hard after all she was in her human body, gods she wasn't in her human body for years, she was pregnant and with a small child. She quickly decided which identity to use and made sure her and her daughter's mental shields were up, just in case the female had similar powers to Maeve.
'I am Lillian Gordaina and this is my daughter Nehemia.' Aelin said nodding towards Nehemia as she introduced her. 'May I know what the 'night court' is and what we are doing here?' She asked, she had no clue where were or for that matter what the night court was. Feyre frowned at her question, so apparently Aelin should have known what the night court is. Aelin swallowed making herself look nervous and hugging Nehemia closer to herself. Feyre seemed to notice that Aelin was scared and gave her a reassuring smile.
'The Night court is one of the seven courts of Prythian. You and your daughter have nothing to fear here, I promise you are safe.' Feyre said and Aelin didn't miss Feyre looking at Nehemia when she said they are safe, not at Nehemia but at her ears they were pointed and Aelin was in her human body. This most likely meant that fae and humans didn't mix in this world. 'Where are you from I can take you back home if you wish.' Feyre said and quickly added 'but you can stay here as long as you want. Like I said you are safe here.' Aelin didn't miss that Feyre seemed to emphasise the word safe. Pretending to not be a threat would be easier that she thought.
'We are from Terrasen it's in Erilea.' Aelin said and like she suspected Feyre looked at her blankly.
'Do you know what was that thing you and your daughter came out of?' Feyre asked. Aelin contemplated her answer very carefully if she told them that she knows what it was they could assume that she opened the wyrdgate or that she knew how to get home, which she didn't, well not with the wyrdkeys being gone. It would also go against the helpless human girl she was trying to present herself as. No she would not tell that that she knew what the portal was.
'I don't, am sorry.' She let her voice quiver, oh this was too easy. Feyre looked worried and sad, Aelin thought she saw a flash of pain go through Feyre's eyes.
'No, no it's okay don't worry, you and your daughter can stay here until we figure out how to get you home. No one except my husband and I are able to come here, so you two will have the house to yourselves. We will make sure you have food, do you know how to cook?'
'Yes, I was a scullery maid so I can cook a few basic meals.' Again Aelin let her voice quiver as she answered Feyre's question.
'Okay so you will be fine cooking for yourself and your daughter?' Feyre asked pointedly looking at Aelin's swollen stomach.
'Yes thank you so much.' This time Aelin didn't make her voice quiver.
'If you would ever feel like going outside don't worry the people of Velaris are very friendly and will not hurt you. And if your daughter will feel like playing with someone her age my son will be happy to play with her. And if you will want to talk to some one I'll come to check up on you two twice a day. I used to be human too, so I know that Prythian can be scary.' Aelin tucked the little bits of information that Feyre offered to analyse later but still asked; 'you used to be human?' At that Feyre smiled softly.
'Yes, I was human until I was 19 then... I died while freeing Prythian from an evil female and was resurrected. But not as a human, as high fae.' What in the wyrd was high fae Aelin thought as far as she knew there were only fae and Demi-fae but she didn't question it. Instead she asked; 'Do you have any books here or a piano forte.' Feyre blinked and Aelin thought about whether her request was too much or too out of place for a scared human but then Feyre asked; 'You can read and play?'
'I loved to read ever since I was a small child, I made sure my daughter knows how to read too and I've been playing since I was ten.' She explained 'Am a performer.' Feyre nodded and instructed Aelin where to find the small library and the piano forte.
'Do you mind if my friend asks you a few questions about your world? To help us find a way to get you home.'
Aelin made herself swallow but nodded her head. And soon there was a small female next to Feyre, whom Feyre introduced as Amren. After a few questions that led to nowhere the two women and the little boy left. Aelin waited a few minutes before shifting into her fae form and listening to make sure that the house was empty save for herself and her daughter. It was. And it was time for her to make a plan.

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