Chapter 8

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It was finally time for the High Lords meeting, everyone was waiting in the entrance  to the Riverside Estate when Feyre, Rhys and Kaden finally came down. 'Everyone ready?' Rhys asked when they were on the last step.
'Yes Rhys, lets go.' Mor said.
'What are you so exited about?' Cassian asked.
'I get to see Vivian.' They all joined hands then and Rhys winnowed them to the Summer Court. Tarquin was waiting for them, his eyes widened as he saw Lillian, then a look of confusion.
'What's a human woman doing here?' Tarquin asked.
'Lillian and her daughter are here for the meeting.' Rhys said as if it was obvious.
'Her daughter?' Tarquin asked.
'Yes, the six year old over here,' Lillian said pointing to Nehemiah 'is my daughter.'
'She's high fae.' Tarquin said though it came out as more of a question.
'She's a Demi-fae.' Lillian corrected.
'Shall we then?' Rhys asked like everything was normal.
Tarquin led them to the meeting room where all the other courts already sat in their seats. The Night Court went to theirs, Lillian sat next to Feyre who was sitting in the middle with Rhys, Nehemiah sat between her mother and Kaden.
'What do you think Rhysand, bringing a human girl to a High Lords meeting?' Baron demanded.
'Actually Nehemiah is a Demi-fae, but I guess your tiny brain is too small to process this. Am Lillian Gordaina by the way. The mother of the set Demi-fae.' Lillian said before Rhys had the chance to. 'And we are here because all of you babies here can't make simple decisions.'
Baron looked like he was about to explode and opened his mouth to no doubt insult Lillian but Tarquin interjected.
'How about we get the meeting started?'
'I think,' Baron said standing up and taking a few steps towards the centre 'that we could take a few hundred humans as slaves, I have coal mines that very few even lesser fairies want to work in.'
Lillian got up and walked to Baron back straight and chin high, there was the kind of fire in her eyes that made everyone silent including Baron, he did however give her a taunting smile.
'You do that, you make anyone a slave,' she started when she was a few centimetres away from him, Baron swallowed and started to walk back, his sent drenched in fear 'and I will personally skin you alive, and I will do it nice and slow. So how about you take your head out of your ass' Baron was back in his seat at this point and Lillian had her hands on either side of his arm rests and was leaning down 'and act like a leader.' She straightened then, giving him one last look of disgust 'pathetic.' She laughed turning and walking back to her seat.
'Bitch.' Baron muttered under his breath. Lillian took a dagger out from where it was strapped to her leg covered by her dress and threw it at Baron without turning before any of them had the chance to react or even notice what she was doing. The dagger made its home a hear breaths away form his ear.
'That was your first and last warning.' She said calmly and looked every single one of them in the eye as she sat down in her seat. The room filled with a light sent of fear coming from almost everyone.  Silence.
Lillian, Feyre though was much more dangerous than she let on and if she didn't know her full story she probably would have been scared, she was scared to nights ago when Lillian was screaming and then again when she told her she was an assassin. The way she handled Baron and sat down the Queen that she was had shown.
'Now that that is out of the way why don't we discuss what will happen with the humans and how you can coexist.' Lillian said smiling, though everyone in the room knew that the smile was a threat and a challenge.
'We could all take a portion of them and take the lands on which they reside now to extend our own in return.' Tarquin offered, Lillian smiled at him, though he wasn't sure whether that was approval or dismissal.
'And what about jobs?' She asked.
'When we extend our lands and take the humans we will need more agricultural workers and builders.' Rhys said. 'They could fill in those jobs but some humans are already successful merchants or emissaries they would most likely stay in their jobs.'
'See that wasn't that hard now was it.' She said in a too calm voice. 'Now let's talk about policies on equal treatment, procedures and against all forms of slavery.'

By the end of the meeting most was agreed on and they were to meet the next morning to finish anything they haven't done today. The Night Court decided to meet in Feyre and Rhysand's room.
'How the cauldron did you do that?' Cassian asked amazed. 'They are all terrified of you.' Lillian shrugged, smiling slightly.
'I talked to Helion, he said he will be willing to do some research on how to get you home.' Rhys told Lillian. She nodded her thanks. They talked a little while longer, before they all eventually went to bed. Nehemiah and Lillian sleeping together to prevent further nightmares, Rhys and Feyre still haven't told the rest of their inner circle about who Lillian really is.

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