chapter seite

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i stand infront of caisy and i watch how she sits there shaking, hugging her legs, in the corner of her room. i have no idea what is going on. is this something that comes with depression? "caisy?" i whisper. no response.

i bend my knees so i can look her in the eyes. they are dull and filled with tears. "cais, what's going on?" my voice is louder than it was before. she keeps shaking her head while staring blankly infront of her, and murmurs things impossible to understand.

i start holding her and shaking her shoulder. "caisy i'm really freaking out right now, please say something. it's me liam." she immediately looks up and starts crying. "liam i'm so sorry." she says. "i just feel so alone, i don't deserve your love." my mouth agape. "n-no cais please, don't say that." her arm is filled with cuts. big ones and small ones. the big ones are really deep.

"caisy w-why, what the hell were you thinking?" i scream and look around. there is an empty bottle of her anti-depressants next to her. did she take all of these too?!

she is starting to get really pale and her hands are freezing.

"we need to call 911!" i start to freak out. calm down liam, this is not the right time to freak out, now is it? i reach for my phone which is in my right pocket of my jacket.

i see how caisy's eyes are closing. i try to lift her up while i'm on the phone with 911.

"911, what's your emergency?" i hear a female voice say.

"i-" i look down at caisy while my eyes are starting to fill with tears, and i remain silent.

"sir?" the voice says after a few seconds. i start crying and hug caisy.

"i think my girlfriend just killed herself."

oh shï you guys, shit's going downnnnnn.

i know this story is going really fast, but as I said before it's a short story so yeah.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2020 ⏰

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