Writing Prompt 1: Version 2

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((Hey Demons, its ya boi...SIlver:)

Smacking my lips in satisfaction, the liquid slid down my throat, leaving a refreshing after taste. It was early morning, the sky decorated with contempt clouds and joyous birds. The suns rays warming my skin. The cafes door slowly nudged open before retreating back into its frame. A young girl, no more than 8 stood there. She seemed nervous, as she swayed back and forth in her grey dress. 'Adorable...' I thought. Kids had such an innocent look on the world. It was enough to melt anyone's heart. Last night's job proven itself tough, so I was here to unwind a bit. A natural thing for someone to do in my line of work.

"Excuse me, sir?" I looked around for the source of the voice. A slight shuffling next to me caught my eyes. It was the young girl. Her arms were behind her back and something about the way she acted felt so wrong to me. Like she wasn't ordinary. Without a word she pulled out a small collection of pennies and cash. The coins barely fit within her shaking frail hands.

"I'm s-sorry for bothering you....but I know what you do at night, and I wanted to ask you if you could...hurt someone I know!" She cried out. Stuttering over words as she hid her face nervously. The shock was undeniable as it stuck itself onto my face. She was a child...how did she know who I was? Moreover who did she want me to hurt? As possibilities raced through my mind she spoke again.

"Its my daddy. He's not a good man. He likes to hit us...me and my mommy. We're scared, and I really need your help Mr.Assassin!" She whisper yelled once more, careful not to alert any waiters about our business. My eyes suddenly met the sorrowful eyes of the girl as she looked at me. The horrors of her brief life were clear as day. These were the eyes that scared 20 year olds should have in the face of war...not a small child who hasn't even begun middle school! My eyes flickered over to the small collection of money once more. A fire lit inside my heart.

"I k-know you probably won't...those people said it takes a lot of money to hire you. I wanted to try though, for Mommy! Please!" I set down my cup of fresh coffee with a sigh.

"I'll do it, but only if you do one thing first." Her face lit up in pure joy, no...in hope. It took every ounce of my will to not go and hug this stranger. A smile bigger than a house now shined like the morning sun on her face. Tears begun forming at the edge of her eyes. She finally looked like a child again. I reached out for a napkin careful not to startle her with sudden movements.

"What is it? Please I'll do anything sir!" She begged, such a heartbreaking sight. "You put away that money, and live a happy life after this. Sound fair?" Without a single alarming motion, I used the napkin to soak up the tears. Money wasn't a part of it anymore. I'd free this girl's family from the hands of a scumbag. Children never deserve what was done to her. I mean...it was my job to take out the trash for some money.

"Oh and...tell your Mom to take a day off and enjoy a lovely outing tonight. Everything will be alright by tomorrow..."

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