Chapter 10

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We check in at the hotel and have the remaining day off. Tomorrow we will have two interviews and the day after we will produce a new RUN episode. After that we will fly back to Seoul again.

I fall onto the bed and close my eyes for a short time.

Yoongi probably is already asleep, Tae is at the gym with Hobi, Namjoon probably reads and Jin streams a new EatJin episode on VLive.

I love the band members, but to be honest I do not really care what they do right now. The only one I am interested in is Jimin.

I do not know what he does right now. Not a single clue. I do not think that he does a workout because he did not eat anything today, and so he should not have any energy left. But what is he doing instead?

I stand up and walk from one side to the other side in my room. I do not know why, but the thought not to know where he is and what he does makes me crazy. He is alone with his own thoughts. I cannot protect him when he is not with me.

I sigh and sit down on the bed again. I feel like I am acting like a stalker.

Anyway, Jimin does not feel well. He is unstable and in all possible ways he needs someone to protect him.

Again, I stand up and walk through my room. God! This boy kills me one day.

Before I totally get crazy, I hear a knock on the door. I stand still.


"It is me. Can I come in, Kookie?", I hear Jimin's soft voice behind the closed door.

I nearly sprint to the door and pull it open. Jimin looks at me with big eyes.

"Uhm...hi?", he says confused.

I just pull him into the room, close the door with my foot before I pull him in my arms.

"Kookie, you are acting like you would not have see me for weeks.", he laughs.

I do not answer him. My heart pounds against my chest again and even my breath is too fast and too irregular. What is wrong with him?

"Jungkookie, is everything okay with you? You can let me go again."

He pats my arm and although he smiles, I can hear his worry in his voice. I pull away from him and look into his beautiful eyes.

"Hmm...everything is fine."

I drag him to the bed and as soon as we lay down on the warm pillows, I cuddle close to his body.

"We cannot sleep now. I wanted to make some workout.", the silver-haired boy giggles against my chest.

"Are you crazy?", I whisper in his ear before I kiss him there.

He gets goosebumps which makes me smirk.

"Stop it."

"What do you mean?", I ask, still smiling satisfied.

"My body reacts to your doing and you are making fun of it."


Meanwhile my smirk turned into a big smile.

"You should stop it.", he whispers.

He turns to change the positions and now he lays on my body. His darkened pupils catch my view and I must swallow.

Then he bends downand starts to kiss my neck.

Strawberry kisses (EN) | JiKook [completed]Where stories live. Discover now