(We start off in the Stupona region, a region seen by no other. In the northern section of the region, in Allvet City, two expert dragon masters were planning to coach a young dragon master named Bina. The expert dragon masters were Zinnia and Aliana. They walked through the city streets, in search of Bina.)
Ali: ...... *looks at all the wonderful people and their pokemon in hidden admiration*
Zin: *notices Aliana* You okay there? You look a bit stunned.
Ali: Hmm? Oh, of course....Its just that I've never been to any of the Stupona Region before....however, all the pokemon here are just so intriguing...
Zin: Ah...Yeah you could say that. ^^
Zin: *looks at her watch* Where's Bina btw, I thought she'd meet us in the middle of town-
(Suddenly, a young girl holding shopping bags and unhealthy snacks bumped into the two girls, sending Aliana into the city fountain (if there is one) and Zinnia onto the ground. This bumbling trainer was Bina, the dragon trainer in training.)
Bina: Oops! Hehe, sorry about tha- WAIT ARE YOU TWO MY DRAGON COACHES?!?! :0
Aliana: *gets up and shakes herself dry, like a wet dog* Unfortunately...
Zin: *gets up and nods* I'm Zinnia, from Hoenn, and this is Aliana, from Fulcre. She's an elite four member!
Bina: Oh wowie zowie oopie powie! I'm the champion in this region!
Aliana: Ah....I see. Well then, shall we get started?
Bina: Yes sirrie!
Ali: Bina, a simple yes would suffice.
Bina: *pouts* Party pooper....Yes.
Zin: Alright, I know a few places around the region where we can train! ^^
Bina: Lets goooo!
(We then cut to a training montage of Bina and Aliana, the one aspect in this montage being that Bina would easily get tired, bored, or flat out fail the training in a comedic fashion. With each failed training lesson, Aliana got more and more annoyed at Binas carelessness. Aliana was also acutely persistent and passionate about how well her and her Pokemon battled. She was believed that battling with full focus and power was key, however seeing Bina, it pushed a few buttons with her. Bina wasn't too fond of Aliana either. Bina believed that Ali was too stuck up and got annoyed too easily. This was mainly due to how disappointed Ali would feel each time Bina would fail a lesson, despite in some cases, giving it her all. It was all thick tension between the two, with the shifty Zinnia, observing it all.)
(Soon, the girls made it back to Allvet City, where Bina decided to start an argument with Ali.)
Zin: So Bina, what did you learn during your training?
Bina: That Ali is a big sack of boring topped with a side of stuck up.
Ali: *glares at Bina* Well excuse me if I feel you aren't AT ALL trying to be a great trainer!
Bina: *glares at Ali* WHAT DID YOU SAY?!
Ali: You have a more careless attitide than Raihan for Arceus' sake, and you screwed up every single lesson thus far! Its people like you that give the dragon type a horrid name.
Bina: IM the one giving the dragon type a bad name?!?! Look at yourself!! You've been so unencouraging and mean to me ever since we met! And yknow what?!? I BET YOUR WINGS AND TAIL AREN'T EVEN REAL!!
Bina: ARE NOT!!
Ali: ARE TOO!!
(Suddenly, both girls felt picks in their backs. They were tranquilizer darts! Before they could tell Zinnia, both Aliana and Bina fell to the ground unconscious.)
(When the two woke up, they woke up inside of a dark lavatory sort of room, tied to chairs. This metallic sort of room was underground, in the Hoenn region. In front of them, was Zinnia, but not the Zinnia they knew a few moments ago. Zinnia was wearing a mask that resembled the face of Rayquaza. She was also wearing a cape, wrist bands, shoes, that resembled Rayquaza. Both Bina and Aliana looked up at Zinnia, in confusion.)
Aliana: Zinnia, what is the meaning of this!?
Bina: Yeah, this isn't cool!
Zin: *evily laughs* You two don't get it....Ive arranged these "coaching sessions" in order to capture you both as recruits for my team...."Team Delta". *smirks* My team's goal is to hunt down the legendary pokemon known as Rayquaza, in order to swarm the earth of storms. Not even team aqua and magma can stop me, nor their legendaries! *laughs evily* So what would you say? Join me?
Ali and Bina: *struggling in their restraints* NEVER!!
Zin: .....Thats fine. Guess I'll just use you two as a ransom for recruits. *gets onto the computer to record a video*
Ali: *pants as she tries to escape* B-Bina....knock yourself next to my chair....
Bina: What?! Why?!
Ali: Just do it! You have to trust me.
Bina: Why should I?!
Ali: Please.....just do....Im sorry for what I said earlier....You are a good trainer, just not good enough in the way I expected....
Bina:.....alrighty..... *knocks over her chair*
Ali: *uses her foot to send out Bina Stuponian Lucario before knocking over her own chair* Now due the same to me!
Bina: *uses her face to send out Aliana's Dragoyle*
(Both pokemon use their moves, resulting in the whole place exploding, and opening an exit outside. Both Lucario and Dragoyle untie their trainers and return. Zinnia had escaped however, and now was plotting revenge elsewhere.)
Ali: Woah...that was, some quick thinking there, Bina....
Bina: And you and Dragoyle were epic!!! I'm sorry I doubted you....youre actually really awesome! ^^
Ali: *loosen up a bit and smiles, shaking Binas hand* Anytime~ *flies back to Fulcre*
-------------(One flight later.....)-----------
Ali: *lands on the plateau of the northern Assaniki Mountains next to Sarah*
Sarah: *looking down at her pokeball*
Ali: So...
Sarah: *notices Ali* Hmm?
Ali: How was fighting camp?~
Sarah: Oho, it vas great! Ve- *goes off about fighting camp*
(Feeling loose as a goose and for once relaxed, Aliana scoots closer to Sarah, and kisses her on the lips while Sarah was rambling.)
Sarah: 0///m///0
Aliana: Why don't we discuss it at Linweich bakery, over some tea and cookies?~ *smiles*
Sarah: *nods, flustered and steaming*
(The two girls put their arms around one another and head down the plateau.)
Aliana: Wanna get Austin and Dallas to join us?~
Sarah: Y-Yeah...
((Stupona isn't a real place ;) ))
Pokemon Blessed and Fallen (OPEN!)
FantasyWelcome to the Fulcre region! A wonderful place bursting of excellent pokemon, amazing trainers, and even better pokemon battles! Become a pokemon trainer and travel through this immersive land, while encountering challenges as far as the eye could...