Chapter 10: 30 Pieces of Silver

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Chapter 10: 30 Pieces of Silver

Minkon Blees, the Global Secretariat of Triugha, continued to stare blankly past Wintean Chiroid. After an uncomfortable period of time, Chiroid finally broke the awkward silence.

"Sir?" he asked.

Blees snapped out of his deep thought and returned his gaze on Chiroid. Before speaking, he slowly walked to a position directly behind the seated Trader.

As Chiroid attempted to turn around to meet his gaze, Blees blurted out, "Do not move!"

After the outburst, Blees went silent again.

After another pregnant pause, and without invitation, Chiroid decided to speak. "Sir, I think there may be a misunderstanding. If this is about the quantity of seed I was able to secure or capacity of the drives, I think I can-"

"Silence!" he shouted.

"You have done far too much as it stands! You may have simultaneously signed the death warrant for not one, but two sentient species with your foolish actions. Are you that naïve that you cannot see the irreversible mess you have created?

"I do not believe I have done anything of the kind," he uttered defensively. "My only intent was to bring much-needed hope in the form of high yield seed and propulsion drives that exceed anything we have on Triugha. I also hope that my actions have begun the process that allows our people to begin reaping the fruits of our labor on Rigel," he added.

After a few seconds, he nervously looked up at Blees and cautiously added, "I have done this for the betterment of our people."

Chiroid noticed that Blees' external temperament had shifted. He was now sporting a smile, albeit one that was unlikely to be genuine. Chiroid sat still, realizing that he had no idea what was coming next.

"Did you for one lonely second think about the possible repercussions before you moved to action?"

Chiroid sat still and didn't answer what he expected was a rhetorical question. He was correct.

"No, of course you didn't. There are reasons we have not traded with these beings for generations. Have you forgotten that we...your fellow Alpha Centaurians...hide a species that they wish to completely exterminate?"

Another rhetorical query... Just sit tight, Chiroid thought to himself.

"Yes, Mr. Chiroid, please sit tight. It may be the last time you do so in relative comfort."

"Relax, breathe deep, this will pass..." Chiroid told himself and only himself this time.

"You are a simple Trader. What made you believe for an instant that you should act as our Global Representative to a hostile species? The irrevocable mindless decisions you have made now put our very existence in question.

Because of your thoughtless actions, the Zetas are now set to retaliate on our homeworld for our people's 'insolence'...for our willingness to help and hide the Humans they avidly seek to destroy.

We do not have the means to protect ourselves against such a vitriolic species. But you are a mere Trader could you know all this?" he said with a look of disgust.

Blees's contempt and anger were no longer hidden by the thin veneer of a false smile.

"The trinkets you bring before me as your 'spoils' are meaningless. Your actions instead will bring war, death, and suffering for countless souls."

Blees motioned towards the glass entranceway of the room. Within seconds, two guards joined them and waited for instruction. With a nearly imperceptible nod, Wintean Chiroid, along with the grain and drive samples, were summarily removed.

For several moments, Minkon Blees sat quietly, alone in his dimly lit office. As he absorbed the enormity of what he had just learned, he contemplated his next move.

Blees knew he had to bring back his officials from Rigel immediately. But should he also warn the Human leaders? What about the Sektor V Council and Nokus Rikulii? They could potentially help, but they also could make the situation even more volatile than it already was. His biggest fear, however, was Triugha. He knew that a retaliatory strike from Zeta Reticulon was coming to his homeworld. He hoped that this would not be the case. He also knew that banking on hope was no way to govern, especially when the fate of his people hung in the balance. He would somehow have to find a way to brace for an attack while making sure not to incite widespread panic.

With all the uncertainty suddenly surrounding him, the only thing Blees could say without hesitation was that Wintean Chiroid's days of processing oxygen would soon be coming to an end.


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