The Warning

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I couldn't get this idea out of my head ever since stumbling upon the 2018 Watership Down Netflix miniseries and then reading the book.

I fell in love with the story and hope you all bare with me and maybe even enjoy this little adventure.

For those who have both seen the miniseries and read the books, I will be combining the two. So Pipkin will be there, but Bluebell will be there, too, and so on.

Bigwig is gonna be a challenge to write with a little sister, but I shall do my best to combine the miniseries and book versions to make something I think will work out.

Anyway, enough stalling. I hope you enjoy!

God Bless and Good Day!

~The Lupine Sojourner

"You really think you can do this?"

I halt, the excitement in me aching to be released in a good run. "Yes, Bigwig, now come on! We'll be here all day at this rate!"

We'd been through this discussion so many times the last few days, I was growing irritated that he didn't trust me.

"It's're hardly a yearling yet, Rose. You've still got growing to do."

"I know that, but I can't keep watching you prance off to patrols or farm raids forever. You've been showing me how to fight and patrol and other things. I want to see what I can do!" I reply, hopping a pace or two eagerly toward the path I'd always seen but never been down til now.

"I promised Frith and our parents I'd keep you safe." Bigwig counters, taking a softer tone than normal. "I just don't want to break that promise."

"You're not breaking any promise. You're not forcing me down that path. I'm choosing to go down."

Bigwig finally lets out a long sigh and hops over to me.

"Fine. Just stick close to me and what I say goes, right?" His tone was cross, but not angry yet.

I didn't want to upset him just as we're getting started on our adventure.

"Right." I agree meekly like I had numerous times before. "So let's get going before Frith-down!"

Bigwig laughs. "Calm down, Rose! It's hardly past morning silflay yet. But you're right; we should go. Plenty to be done today."

Ordinarily, Bigwig was a tough, no-nonsense rabbit who barked orders and enjoyed life in the Owsla. But when we were alone, it was almost like it was before he became an Owsla member, when we were outskirters hoping for more in life.

So I smile and enjoy the change as I hop beside my brother.

We wander down toward the river we normally get water at. I hadn't been to this area before and take a moment to sniff the air, clear and clean with the scents of the various vegetation in the area, not to mention the smell of Bigwig and myself, and a few other spots with day-or-more old rabbit scent.

Bigwig's head nudges my side and I begin hopping again. "Can't stop here, Rose. We swim across and skirt the field. C'mon!" He leads the way without another word and we end up looking out across a large open field, swaying in a small breeze.

Nature was so beautiful in springtime!

"If you're done enjoying the view like we're out for a casual hop, we can keep moving." Bigwig grumbles, nudging me again. "We need to be at the farm by ni-Frith, and it's a long way to get there."

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