The Departure

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"Oh Frith above! Why did it have to be Bigwig?!" I grumble, spotting my brother on sentry duty at the entrance to the Threarah's burrow.

Fiver turns to look at me. "What's the matter? He's your brother, isn't he?" He asks, concerned. "Won't that mean he'll be more likely to let us in?"

"Yes and no." I reply nervously. " odd sometimes. It's hard to explain, really. He may let us in or he may not. Either way...he'll likely not be too happy." I honestly had no idea what he would do with our unusual request and the fact that I was with outskirters.

"About what? You hanging around with outskirters, asking to see the Threarah?" Hazel asks, a touch of sharpness in his voice I didn't like.

"I'm not ashamed to be seen with you!" I assure them both, since it looked like Fiver might be thinking the same as Hazel. "It's presence might complicate things or it might help. I don't know which."

"I think it might help, so let's go for it." Fiver interjects, saving me from having to continue to talk in circles with Hazel.

"Alright, Fiver. If you think she'll help, let's just go." It was clear that Hazel was not at all satisfied with this conclusion, but wasn't willing to argue any further. "If there is danger coming, we need to leave. We can't waste time arguing." He grumbles.

Swallowing hard, I hop over toward my brother with Hazel and Fiver.

"Oi! Rose, what're you doing with that lot?" Bigwig asks, just as I feared.

"There's no reason I shouldn't befriend them, Bigwig. Now...we need to talk to the Threarah. It's important, brother."

"No. He's busy. You should just go."

"We only need a few minutes with the Threarah, Bigwig. We wouldn't ask if it weren't important." Hazel presses, and Bigwig considers it painfully slowly.

"Please, Bigwig." I plead. "When have we ever asked before?"

After what feels like several more moments of silence, Bigwig softens and sighs. "Alright, go on." He says, nodding back toward the burrow. "But if I get my head bitten off, I'll come looking for all of you!"

Hazel and Fiver make for the burrow and I hesitate a second too long, and end up with Bigiwg's side in my face. He had moved to block the way into the burrow.

I stop. "Thlayli?" I was surprised. Why would he stop me?

"You don't need to be involved in their tomfoolery." He grumbles, pushing me back from the entrance.

"Bigwig, stop." I reply. "I want to go down with them."


"Why not?"

"Because they're outskirters, Rose. They're probably up to no good."

"Then why did you let them down?" I point out, then push past him to get into the burrow. Bigwig tries to call me back but I keep going, and soon enough he has to return to his post. I stay back out of sight, but close enough to hear what is said.

" were saying...your brother senses things?" The Threarah was saying.

"Uh...y-yes, sometimes...images in his head, and..." Hazel hesitates, sighing heavily, "I'm not sure how to say it, but he was right before. He knew the flood was coming last autumn."

For some reason, I doubt my input would be welcomed, so I remain where I was, silent and listening.

"Oh, I see." The Thearah replies, sounding unconcerned. "And what has he, um, sensed this time?" He asks.

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