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Your eyes flutter open with the sun was warming your face. You stretch and walk over to get some breakfast. Looking around for a place to sit, you spot an empty seat next to Thomas. Thomas is the person you've gotten closest to since you came to the glade. He's your best friend, basically a brother to you. You walk up to Thomas and tap him on the shoulder, "excuse me. Is this seat taken?" "Well I was planning on resting my feet here but I guess you can sit there," Thomas says sarcastically. You laugh and play along, "well you're not the only one who's tired! You may be a runner, but at least you don't have to work with Gally all day!" Thomas responds, "that's very true. Come on and sit next to me." Sitting down, you sigh, thinking to yourself, "If only Thomas would talk to Minho about letting me be a runner, then I wouldn't have to deal with Gally everyday." You begin to speak "Thomas can't you jus-" "no, (y/n). I know what you're gonna say, and we've been over this. I don't want you to be a runner. Just because I'm stupid enough to go in the maze everyday doesn't mean you should too. You're like a sister to me. If anything were to happen to you..." "But you don't know what it's like to work with him! You know how much he hates me, and I swear he pushes me the hardest." "But at least you're not risking your life!" "Thomas, you're so annoying! I can take care of myself. You don't need to baby me!" "(Y/n), I'm done talking about this." "UGH!" you shout and storm away, leaving your food and Thomas. You walk away until you're out of sight of everyone. Sitting on the ground, you try to calm yourself down. You're really mad at Thomas. Why won't he do this for you? You hear footsteps behind you. "Thomas, I'm not in the mood." "It's not Thomas..." You turn around and stare into the eyes of the last person you wanted to see. "What do you want, Gally?" "Well, I saw you storm off after your fight with Thomas. You seemed pretty upset, and I thought you might... I don't know...wanna talk about it or something..." You were in shock. Gally never says stuff like this, especially to you. "Do my ears deceive me or is Gally actually being caring for once?" Gally sits down next you, "Hey! I'm caring! I care about myself," he retorts, smiling. Even though you were still mad about the Runner thing, you couldn't help but laugh. "I don't think that counts," you respond. You never knew Gally could be funny...or anything besides a jerk. "Well...I do care about one other person..." This piqued your interest yet confused you. You really wanted to know, but why was he telling you this? Why is he showing you this fun, caring and almost cute side of him? "Who?" you finally ask. "They're really kind, funny, upbeat, and just overall amazing. They're perfect in every way," he says. You can't figure who he is referring to, so you decide to take it a step further. "Who exactly is it?" He turns and looks at you, "it's you, (y/n)." You're speechless. You always thought Gally hated you. "I know it's hard to believe, but I really do care about you, (y/n). I care about you a lot. I'm always mean to you because Ive never known how to deal with my feelings towards you. How do I show the most perfect girl that I love her? I didn't know how...that was my problem. I became so frustrated with myself for not being able to show you that I started to become a jerk towards you. Then, as you became friends with Thomas, jealousy started to kick in, which made things worse. I was such a klunkhead. I finally realized the meaner I was to you, the closer you became with Thomas..." he sighed. He looked so sad. "I've probably ruined any hope for us because I'm such a shuckface. Is there anyway you could forgive me?" He looks over at you with hope in his eyes. Never in a million years would have ever thought this would happen. Gally is being so sweet and is pouring his heart out to you. " don't know what to say..." "then don't speak" Gally says. He starts to lean in slowly, watching you closely. Your heart starts to beat faster. His lips get closer and closer as your heart beats even faster. Unsure of himself, he stops inches away from you lips. He stares into your eyes, looking for the "ok." You decide to close the gap between you two. Fireworks go off. This kiss just seems right. Every mean thing that he's ever done or said to you slips your mind as you're caught in the moment. You both pull away. His gaze never leaving yours. "That was perfect" he says, a smile forming on his lips. "I agree" you respond. "So does that mean you'll really give me a chance despite everything I've done to you?" You think for a second and then answer with a definite "yes." His face lights up in the biggest smile you've ever seen, his eyes are filled with joy. He looks like the happiest guy alive. You couldn't help but return that same smile. You both lean in and share another sweet kiss.

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