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The best feeling in the world is being with someone
who wants you as much as you want them!


I was in my room. Yesterday he was scaring me saying he would punish me and It's night time now there is no sign of him present beside me. I miss him so much. I pouted thinking that.

Shut up Aadya don't think about him. You are angry on him. Just don't talk to him even if he reaches you. I nodded at my thoughts and lay down on my bed. I ate too much today. I patted my stomach. My tummy was happy but I was not. I will gain weight like this. But I love high calories food. I don't really care though. I will do exercise to loose weight later.

I hid my face with my pillow thinking about it.

Easy saying then doing I hate exercising.

I covered myself with the comforter as I heard footsteps towards my room.

"Aadya get up. We are going home", I heard my dear Rana Sa's voice. Sleep Aadya you need it. You are day dreaming at night time. Not at all good.

"I know you are not sleeping. Get up", He again said. God what is wrong with me? Sleep Aadya you are imagining too much. I covered my face with the comforter blocking any voice. Suddenly I felt my comforter being snatched away from me and the next moment I was flaoting.

Did Rana Sa's ancestors spirits came here as well. No It is not possible. I opened my eyes to find Rana sa taking me out of my room. Wait a second what is he doing here?

"Rana Sa put me down", I started wiggling in his arms.

"Do you want me to throw you down", He asked giving me a glare. I shook my head in no looking at him with wide eyes.

"Good girl Now we are going home and you are not going to interrupt", He told me.

"I won't go with you. I told ma before coming and go enjoy your time with Kashish I would find someone as well. Let's have an open relationship. You with someone else and me with someone else", I told him.

"Do you really want me to throw you from first floor", He asked maintaining his calm posture.

"NO!!! How can you even think of that? I am your only wife you need to consider this fact as well. I am having the birth right to irritate and you can't say anything to me", I told him.

"But you want to roam around with other boys right?", He asked raising his left eyebrow giving me a daring look to agree to it and be ready to face the consequences.

"Where this boy thing came from? I was talking about........I was talking about.......", I stopped.

"Whom was I talking about", I mumbled to myself.

"Bhabhi yes I was talking about Roshni bhabhi and Shraddha bhabhi. We will go for shopping and roam around in the shopping mall", I told him.

"Okay you were talking about me roaming around with Kashish and you roaming around with your bhabhi. Alright I trust you but I heard you clearly saying on the phone that you will roam around with boys what about it", He asked.

"My brothers and papa they are also boys", I said while giving him a big smile.

"And there is stupid written on my face right?", He asked

"I don't know. Did somebody wrote it. I can't see it maybe you cleaned it properly before hand only", I told him.

"Shut up Aadya. You should be ready for your punishment", He said.

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