Better than me

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I have not really edited it till now. So please spare me for the errors.

Next day was no good either. It was raining. Though I love rain but when I need to go to school I just hate it. I look at the mirror after making my plait. There was a bruise on my left cheek and a small wound on the corner of my lips. I so wanted to skin school today but I already took 1 week off. I need to cover up. Also being in 12th is helping neither. I wanted to apply something on my cheek so that this ugly bruise fade but I don't have anything for it. I sighed and took my bag before making my way downstairs. I was hungry but was not having the appetite. I just wanted to get out of this place as soon as possible.

"Shona!", I heard mumma and turned to her. She was standing in the dinning room while others were sitting on their chairs.

"Have your breakfast sweetheart", she said and I have no mood of arguing in this. I just nodded before keeping my bag on the floor and sat away from Adhi bhai. Near papa and dadu.

"What do you want to eat?", Mumma asked and I looked at her.

"Milk", I said in a small voice. I am surprised I didn't fall ill this time after crying for so long. But my head was hurting like hell and also was feeling weak.

"Only milk", papa asked and I nodded looking at the table silently.

"Princess have something", Papa said. I shook my head slowly and my head started hurting more badly making me hiss lightly.

Papa touched my forehead checking the temperature.

"Change you are not going anywhere", papa said. I am having fever again. Why I am this weak?

I just nodded before standing up from my seat and made my way upstairs. After changing I lied down on my bed. I was feeling this vomiting any moment. And I was not able to do that as well. I am so useless.

"Doll", I saw Anav bhai standing near the door.

"Hmm", I hummed looking at him. He made his way towards me and touched my forehead. He sighed before pulling my head near his chest.

"That's why I was asking you to open the door yesterday", he said.

"I wanted to stay alone", I said in a weak voice.

"You were angry with Adhi na then why didn't open the door for me", he asked.

"Bhai?", I called him pulling my head back looking at his face.

"Would you also slap me for your would be wife", I asked him. And I can only see hurt in his eyes.

"I can never hurt you. Just remember one thing the person I love the most is my doll", he said.

"What if you start loving someone more than me?", I asked.

"Not possible", he said pulling me towards him. 

"You need to eat something", he stated before bringing the plate filled with my favorite food. I don't remember him bringing that with him when he came inside.


Rehan Khurana

"I am worried for her Rehan ji", Aayat said and I sighed looking at Adhi who was silently having his breakfast looking lost as always.

"Anav has gone with her breakfast. Don't worry he would take care of her", I told her.

"My Shona was ill last week only and again this fever. I am so scared for her. Adhi I never expected this from you", She said before making her way towards our room. I know she is going to cry now.

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