-- Chapter One --

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"Maki, to your left!"

Byakuya shouted towards Maki. She turned around hastily, and her eyes widened. She yelped. Byakuya quickly elbowed his attacker in the stomach and kicked him out of the way with a grunt. He ran over to her and kicked the one attacking Maki in the head, falling to the floor.

The man crawled away, but Byakuya stepped on his leg, keeping him stationary. The man cried out, but he hushed him, applying more weight to the leg on the man. Byakuya crouched down, still holding the man pinned down underneath his foot, and whispered to him.

"Tell your commander to cut off the patrols." 

He hissed at him. The man frantically shook his head, tears welling in his eyes.


Togami grabbed a handful of the man's hair, and pulled him up slightly off of the ground. He gave him a dull stare, and looked directly into his eyes.

Maki, how about we shoot this one---" He got cut off by the man crying out.


The man pleaded. Byakuya released his hair, and let his head fall to the ground, forcefully slamming against the floor.

 "Next time, don't interrupt a Togami when they speak. Relay the message back."

He spoke to the man. The man whimpered and thrashed around. He released the man, and watched as he crawled away, mumbling insults.

Maki stepped forward with a scorn written all over her face. She held up her gun and cocked it, aiming it towards the man. Byakuya held up his hand to her.

There's no use. Besides, he might be useless, but he is relaying a message."

He looked thoughtfully at the man, who was limping out of range quickly. A sly smile was quickly replaced with any remorse he might've felt for the guy. Byakuya turned back to Maki and began to walk away from the scene, carefully stepping over fallen attackers.

"Let's go now. We don't have much time."

He said quickly to her. Maki took one last look at the attackers on the floor, and closed her eyes tight.
"...Sorry..." She murmured to the men on the floor, before trailing behind Togami.

 She suddenly felt a rush of dizziness reclaim her eye-sight, and she squealed, collapsing to the ground.

Byakuya kept walking.

"Maki? Was there another attacker?" He spoke, while still facing forward.


  "Harukawa, answer me." He ordered her again, a curious glare appearing onto his face. He scoffed and straightened his glasses. He turned back and went to speak again to her.

 "You better have a good reason for not answering me, Haru----"

  He immediately froze and looked around, panicking a little.

He pulled out his walkie-talkie from the belt wrapped around his waist. Byakuya's fingers fumbled over several buttons before he hit one. It immediately got rung in.

  "Communication center number 169, for your service----" It was a middle aged woman speaking, but she got cut off by Togami's panic-striken voice.

 "Comms 906, Calling in now!" He barked into the walkie-talkie, before the line clicked off, momentarily clicking back on afterwards.

Static rang out from the device, and he held it up to his mouth, running back in the direction he came with Maki.

 "Maki----" He yelled into the device, before pausing right where he was. He heard a distant echo of his voice... A perplexed look appeared onto his face.

He clicked a button, and the line cut off. He put the walkie-talkie back into his belt, and began searching around.
Wait... I've seen that scrunchie before...

He quickly kneeled down towards Maki. She was breathing heavily, and sweat was dripping down her neck. Byakuya set the back of his hand against her forehead. It was burning hot. He hissed and retracted his hand.

Maki's eyes slowly opened, squinting at him. She looked paler than usual. She huffed out, and tried to sit up, but immediately recoiled in pain. She groaned and laid back down, giving up.

 "...where..am...i?" She managed to say.

 "You have a fever, I assume. You passed out back here." He replied smoothly, before standing up. "Are you able to walk on your own? We have a helicopter waiting for us at the top floor."

 "I should be fine." She said. Maki then attempted to sit up again. She finally did it, and laid a hand on the floor, before standing up. She felt strong again... like she could do anything.

 She took a confident step forward.
"Hey, look! I'm doing i---woah!" Her legs suddenly felt numb from beneath her, she felt herself go dizzy again, and she began to lose her balance, falling.

She reached a hand out to Byakuya, and he grabbed her hand before she fell. He pulled her back onto her feet with an annoyed sigh. He pulled her behind himself, and kneeled over.

  "Uhh...? What are you doing?" Maki questioned him, wondering why he crouched down in front of her.

 "What does it look like I'm doing?" His anger rose. "Get on my back." He replied.

 "What? No. I'm fine I said!" She rebutted but Byakuya had already ran out of patience. He backed up into her knees, and sent her tumbling forward.

Maki instinctively wrapped her arms around his neck.
"Hey! What are y---" He didn't listen, and slowly stood up. She yelped and wrapped her legs around him so she wouldn't fall.

 "Be quiet now. There's a limit to how much annoyances I can take in one day." He replied. Maki only sighed in response, and laid her head on his shoulder.

She was secretly very appreciative he did this. They both knew she was in no condition to walk.
Byakuya casted a curious glance back at her when she rested her head against his shoulder, and bit back a smile.

Maki only gazed back at him, a bit confused at what he was obviously smiling at.

"What's so funny, Togami?" She finally spoke up. He only cleared his throat and kept walking, approaching an elevator.

 "I haven't the slightest clue what you are saying." He gave her a short answer, and the elevator doors slowly opened.

He walked inside, with her still on his back and pressed the highest floor's button. The elevator escalated higher up in the building, and they sat there in silence.

The door finally opened, in what seemed like forever. The deafening silence was then greeted by the sound of shouting.

There were approaching helicopters from all sides, with one sitting stationary in the middle. Byakuya ran towards it, and handed Maki to one of the people piloting the helicopter.

 "She might have a fever, get her set up in a sea---"

He heard a gunshot ring out, and felt a slight tang of pain in his right arm. He howled in pain, and held his arm, crimson replacing the color of his cardigan.

He took off his cardigan and handed it to one of his allies, who were setting Maki up in one of the seats. More attackers have lined up in the elevator.

Byakuya pulled out his gun and took a few blind shots, already blinded by the pain in his arm as it is.

He heard shouting and the helicopter suddenly lifted in the air. He gasped and just watched it rise higher into the air.

 Togami gulped as he looked back down at the attacker's closing in. He heard a clatter from up above, and saw pigtails fly in the air, looking down at him.

 A ladder emerged from the helicopter and lowered down right to him, but it quickly began lifting off of the ground. Byakuya quickly got onto the ladder, and it rose into the air. He shakily climbed up the ladder.

 He spotted Maki at the helicopter's door, her pigtails thrashing wildly in the wind. He finally got close to the door, and he sighed in relief, the helicopter in mid-air. It would be at least a 1700 feet drop from here....--

He then felt his foot slip on the ladder, he screamed out, and felt himself begin to fall. He felt a sudden tug on his arm. He shook violently, terrified, while staring down at the height he would now fall down to his death.

...But for some reason, he didn't fall down any further.

 He looked back up, to see Maki, holding his arm, keeping him up. She was clearly struggling.

 He quickly used her arm to grasp onto the helicopter's door, and climbed inside with a grunt. He closed the door fast, and laid down onto the floor in pure exhaustion. Maki joined him. They both were breathing heavily.

 "Oh... my gosh.... Thank you... so... much..." He shook, still slightly terrified of his close to death experience almost 10 seconds ago.

Maki remained silent.


He suddenly felt something warm against his body. He looked up to see Maki embracing him tightly.

He gave her a confused look.


 "Shut up..." She replied.

He went to speak back, but he stopped himself.

He nodded with understanding, and pulled her close to him, running his fingers through her hair.

  "Fine... just this once..."

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