Chapter- 4

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Medical staff were moving across the room in the swift motion, with an expressionless face examining all the people lying unconscious in the bed.

There were around 10 of them and  seemed to be sleeping peacefully at first sight but the bondage t wrapped tightly around them says another story.

One of them opened their eyes and tried to regain his sight to see whatever was happening around him. He tried to move his legs but soon realised the restriction around himself. In panic he quickly moved around with full force but with his weak body it only can be limited.

He started screaming but there was no use against the gag in his mouth. Watching him create a ruckus a man came inside and immediately went beside him.

"Sir please calm down" he said "you will only hurt yourself if you keep moving around"

The poor boy just looked around in tears in his eyes not understanding whatever the man was saying as he was not  conscious enough to understand him.

Soon he started to lose his vision again as he was going panicking so much but suddenly the gag around his face was removed and he was lifted up from the bed.

"Breathe dear breathe it's ok!! " The doctor said as he made the man sit upright patting his back. "Here have some water"

The other person grabbed it with both hands and drank in big gulps checking lightly in between.

"Can you breathe now " the doctor said patting his back soothingly . A nod was the only answer as the man tried to look around trying to observe wherever was happening around him.

It was a big room full of machines and a lot of curtains around the room to make separation around the beds. He was certain that there were people there too.

"What - what happened!? Where am I ? " The man asked.

"You were involved in an accident at the organisation and immediately you guys were transferred here. " The doctor smiled gently and patted his head gently.

"But why was I tied to the bed. "

"Because you were in your headspace when it happened and all of you were panicking at the point of hurting yourselves so we have to restrain you to keep you guys safe"  The doctor smiled kindly. " Now well you are awake can we have some tests to see. If you are alright hmm. "

" What's your name" The doctor asked looking at his notes .




Soooooo I did something after so long. I hope you will bear it with me.
And I'm very sorry for a very short update..

Love Loveena

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06 ⏰

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