twenty two

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  "guys! guys!" the girls yelled running down over to them freaking out and out of breath

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"guys! guys!" the girls yelled running down over to them freaking out and out of breath.

"woah, woah, whats going on?" Pope asked.

"Mrs. Crain! she's up there!" Sarah yelled.

"she tried to kill us with a fire poker guys we gotta her the fuck outta here." Kiara said.

"we locked her in the parlor, but we gotta go!" Ace said bending over to catch her breath.

"okay, that's code red. let's go. John B! get back on, man!" JJ yelled.

Ace looked at her leg grabbing JJ's bandana from his pocket wrapping it around tightly on her cut, she joined the others pulling the rope.

"three, two, one, pull!" Pope yelled as the five collapsed down.


"where the hell is he?" Pope asked.

the boys started to yell but Kiara quickly shushed them, John B on the other hand had found the gold.

"i found the gold!" he yelled.

"what's he saying?" JJ asked.

"JJ! Pope! Kie! Ace!" the boy yelled again.

"yo, he's drowning! we gotta pull him up!" Sarah yelled.

"John B!"

"hey, John B! get back on the rope. we're gonna pull you back up, okay, buddy?" Pope called out.

the five quickly got back up grabbing the rope pulling their friend back up, while Mrs. Crain walked downstairs with her shot gun. the group pulled John B as fast as they could groaning when the old woman shot her gun making the girls scream.

"shit!" Ace yelled.

"Jesus!" JJ yelled, "shit! hang on!"

"Pope! JJ! what the hell?" John B yelled.

"climb up! help me! hang on!" JJ yelled tying the rope for John B to climb up instead.

the girls ran hiding under a table while the boys hid in a corner seeing Mrs. Crain.

"she can't aim for shit." Kiara said.

"she can't see" Sarah breathed out.

"she's blind." Ace said as the woman shot at them making the three scream.

waves • jj maybankWhere stories live. Discover now