33. Edward

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Mahi's POV

They assumed the one who raped me was Dad.

Woah... Sam must have felt awful.

Should I correct him?

No. I am not ready to tell them the truth now. I don't how they'll react and I am not ready to find that out. They'll most probably throw me out of their house. I'll decided play along for now. Now I know what Sammy guilty for last in the hospital. Ed didn't look me in the eyes since I have woken up and the constant sadness lingering in Alex is all because of this.

Two officers came to take my statement and I told them everything truthfully till the time, Sammy was with me, the rest was a made-up story where I shifted to a different city with my dad where he used to assault me both physically and sexually. Luckily, everyone including the officers bought my story.

Alex left as soon as the officers did. He was very busy with his business these days. Sam too left in the evening when I insisted a lot. Ed didn't left for a second since Sammy left but didn't say a word nor looked me in the eyes.

I initiated a conversation where the awkward silence became unbearable plus I can't let him blame himself for my miseries. "Looks like Alex is working late again." I said casually. He just hummed in response without taking his eyes off his phone while continuing scrolling through Instagram.

This isn't going to be as easy as I thought it would.

"I am getting a tingling sensation in my stomach." I said casually like before but grinning inside.

This seems to catch his attention in light's speed and walked over to me. "What happened? Does it hurt a lot? Is it near your statures? Are you in a lot of pain? Wait... I'll get you a painkiller." He said in a single breath and turned, probably to get me a painkiller.

"Stop. I meant I'm hungry." He sighed, shook his head slightly and went to make something for me.

I followed him to the kitchen and made myself comfortable on one of the chairs while continuously staring at Ed as he was making Pancakes, with the kind of piercing stare that can make anyone shy in less than a minute. "What?" he asked me a little annoyed.

"Nothing." I said with the fake innocent smile whit continuing staring at him.

"Stop looking at me that way." He said now a little more annoyed than before.

"Like what?" I said innocently while biting my life to hide the grin that wanted to escape. He sighed defeated and tried hard to concentrate on the pancakes.

He was getting very irritated and accidently poured a lot of water in the batter. This was his breaking point but I could see him trying hard not to yell at me.

"Ahhhhh..." he groaned.

He stomped on his foot like a little girl and left the kitchen.

I followed which seemed to irritate him more. "Why are you behaving like this?" He said annoyed while raising his voice a little.

"You tell me, why are you behaving like this? Why are you giving me this silent treatment? What did I do huh?" I said which cooled him down.

"You didn't do anything. It's all me. It's all my fault and now I am so ashamed that I don't have the courage to face you."

"And would you tell me, what were you ashamed of?"

"You know exactly what I'm talking about?"

"Okay fine. Now, I'm going to talk you some questions and you have to answer them truthfully in either yes or no, nothing else. Okay?" He gave a 'Are you serious?' look but didn't argue.

We got seated and I started with the first question, "You were almost same age as me when you guys moved out. I was totally unaware that Alex was planning something, and I assume you were too, yes or no?"


"Dad used to beat you when he used to treat me like a princess, yes or no?"

"Did you know Dad was abusing me all these years?"


"Did you think for a slight second that Dad would do something like this to me?"

"No but that doesn't change..." I cut him to it. "Do you think Dad would have let you guys leave, if you decided to take me along?"


"Do you think, you would have been able to protect me from him all these years, if you decided to stay back?"

He lowered his gaze to the floor and mumbled a low 'No.'

"With all these questions, I hope you understood what happened with me was bound to happen. You would not have been able to prevent so stop blaming yourself." I said in an assuring way rubbing the back of his hand.

"But I could have stayed with you, comfort you, love you." He had tears in his eyes while saying this.

"So my dear brother, now you have two options, either you sit here and cry over the things you failed to give me or you can forget all those things give me all the comfort and love you wanted to give me now. It's totally up to you which option you go with. Personally, I like option2, After all I want you to love me because I do a lot. But if you still want to go with option1..." My rambling stopped by the warmest hug.

"Be careful with the stitches." He loosened his grip but hugged me the tightest, now carefully.

He rested his head on my shoulder hugging me even tighter and whispered softly in my ear, "I love you, Mahi."


Author's note

About the cliffhanger in the last chapter, I want you guys to make some guesses.

But I am not too cruel so I'll give you hints.

1. There are 2 people from her past who are yet to make a appereance.

2. I mentioned both of them before.

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