Let's Kill Hitler

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  • Dedicated to Bethany! As we both miss Amy and Rory

A/N: I know I'm not the only whovian that is depressed with the Pond's departure. So I decided to write a couple of my favorite Doctor Who scenes involving Amy and her Rory. R.I.P Amy and Rory Pond


Mel sat on the bench in the temporary jail cell, waiting for either Amy or Rory to come and bail her out. It was later then Mel would have liked, so she'd taken a bus. Suddenly the door slammed open, Mel stood up and walked out of the room with Amy trailing not far behind her. It had been like this for a while, Mel would get in trouble and Amy would come and get her out of it.

"It was late, so I took a bus" Mel stated watching as Amy paced around the room.

"You stole the bus" Rory corrected "Then you drove it through the botanical gardens!"

"It was a short cut" Mel retorted.

"Why can't you act like a normal person?" Amy asked annoyed, she then walked over and took the paper-mache police box off Mel.

"I have to go I have a morning shift at the hospital" Rory said to no-one in particular, as for the two girls were talking about something else.

"It's alright for you, you have Mr Perfect, keeping you in check" Mel exclaimed, picking up the little blue police box.

"He's not even real, just a stupid dream I had when I was a kid" Amy retorted, Mel shook her head and nodded to Rory who was half way out the door.

"Rory? How do I have Rory?" Amy asked a little confused. Rory froze praying to god that Mel wouldn't do what he thought she was going to do.

"Yeah, How has she got me?" Rory stammered.

"I mean I'd love to, He's my Favorite guy, but he's..." Amy paused, wondering If she was going to say it.


"A friend" Amy and Rory spoke at the same time.

"I'm not gay!" Rory exclaimed, looking horrified.

"Yes, you are"

"No, I'm not"

"Yes, you are! I've known you ten years, and I've seen you every day, name one girl you've payed the slightest attention to?" Amy exclaimed, Rory stared at Amy, a horrified look on his face.

"Penny in the air" Mel mumbled. Rory ran from the room, to embarrassed to face Amy . Amy stood still as the cogs spun around her head. Suddenly her widened and she started pointing to the door and then to herself.

"Oh my god, RORY" Amy yelled the last part and sprinted after the boy who had just left. Mel laughed, stood up

"And the penny drops" she throw the little police box onto Amy's bed "See ya later, Time-Boy" and walked out of the room after her friends.


'Ello lovey,

So I may or may not turn this into a River (Mel)/ Doctor fan-fic. Depends on how many reads this gets, and if you guys want me to write more.

Till next time, This is Rosin Over and Out


In memory of Amy and Rory Pond (Williams)Where stories live. Discover now