Chapter 1: Go Dragons, Go!

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(WARNING: If you've read the info pages before July 31, 2020, I have made some changes to (Y/n)'s profile so I request you go back and look over it again.

Also, I had to do some "creative" renaming for the college's town name. And a reminder, this universe is separate from both our own and Beast Tamer's.)

(Y/n) Pov

I groggily open my eyes to see a dimly lit ceiling, half the room being covered in complete darkness due to my "condition". However, I quickly come to the realization of what was happening as I noticed that my body was still in a state of paralysis, caused by my mind drifting between the land of the living and the realm of sleep. This is only reinforced as a shadowy mass begins appearing above me, my fear along with it.

As it begins to take form, the shadows look more and more like a creature created from the depths of a nightmare, with many glowing eyes shifting and convulsing under a thick sludge of what must be its skin. And yet, this "skin" moves as if it were a liquid under the control of some other being, attempting to resist control but ultimately failing as it is forced into a tentacle form, allowing the monstrosity to rip itself out of the ceiling and begin lowing itself down to me.

As the monster creeps closer and closer to me, I feel a burning sensation grace my skin, albeit very slightly. But, it stops its descent, instead deciding to reach out to my body and trace one of my largest scars running along my chest, as if reminding me of the pain I was put through when I had received the wound.

I writhe in pain from the creature's touch, my paralysis most likely slipping away as panic starts to sober my mind. Yet, the creature seems to enjoy this, letting out a deep and guttural sounding laugh that can be heard from inside my mind itself as well as from every perceivable direction.

Suddenly, the creature retreats back up and into the ceiling of my room as I finally feel my strength returning to me, just enough to allow me to sit upright in my bed, the covers falling off my body and chilling me to the bone. I shudder, looking around the room for what was causing the extreme cold, my eyes landing on the sleeping figure of my roommate in the bed on the other side of the room, right under an AC unit on full blast. I groan as I swing my legs off the bed, using the momentum to hop off and onto the cold wooden floor, and as I'm making my way across the room, I snag my eye patch from my empty dresser, lazily slipping it on to cover the large gash on my right eye, catching a glance of myself in the mirror.

 I groan as I swing my legs off the bed, using the momentum to hop off and onto the cold wooden floor, and as I'm making my way across the room, I snag my eye patch from my empty dresser, lazily slipping it on to cover the large gash on my right e...

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When I finally get to the source of the freezing temperatures in the room, I reach over the sleeping figure and turn off the evil machine, hopefully halting its attempt to freeze us alive. I decide to grab the blanket below me as I turn to leave, roughly yanking it off of my roommate, exposing him to the ice-cold air, the discomfort waking him up in a matter of seconds.

"Wake up, Double. You left the fucking AC on again!" I grumbled, not bothering to wait for a response before continuing, "How many times do I have to remind you to keep that shit off, or at least down? And no, 'I'm sorry, the room just gets so hot when I'm in here!' is not a good reason!" I said, turning on the coffee machine and looking back at him as he chuckles, rummaging around his backpack. He grins, "Sorry, but I did have a pretty good reason. I mean, yesterday was 90 after all!" He said, going from grin to full smile after pulling out what he had been looking for, a Mutant Energy.

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