run away

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izuku had just woken up for another day of hell. a few days ago he got a big 'cut' on his chin to his neck. izuku got up to do his morning routine. he goes to the closet and gets his uniform then takes a shower. izuku is still a in his first year at Aldera junior high hes 12 right now. for a while hes been planning on running away and is going to become a vigilante, he wont be even breaking the law he doesn't even have a quirk. when hes done his shower he gets changed and gets his bag. izuku is pretty much done school he knows stuff from a collage level.

izuku pov.

im about to open the door when I hear yelling. 'there properly having a fight again' he checks his wrist which was a watch 'damn it I'm late and I don't wanna get cought between them' he the looks at his window and walk over to it and opens is. 'well good thing its a one story house or that would hurt to jump down' he then climes through and starts running to school. 'one more day of this hell and im going to stick up for myself today' its the middle of the school year but hes had enough. hes been run now for about 5 minuets and starts to walk up to the school gates. while he walks in it he keeps getting weird glances but he doesn't care anymore. he walk through the hall then to his classroom, and opens the door. he just walk to his desk and sits down. the bell rings and students start to come in to the class room. he just ignore because as they walk by him they saw insults and puts letters on his desk which is telling how useless and a disgrace I am to the world and of course the suicide notes. he just goes through his like he normally does until the end of the day when they go to beat him. the bell rings and everyone starts to leave just not kacchan, and his gons. he just packs his stuff like normal and goes to stand up and dam the he is bakugo and his gons right in front of them. "hey deku where do you think you going" bakugo says while he puts a hand on my shoulder. im done with the innocent and stuttering mess deku, I just look him in the eye and say "just going home like a normal person does after school" when I said the he flinch don't think he was expecting that. I then just grab his hand and take it of my should. "ew don't touch me DEKU!" he says that as he ribs his hand from mine. when he does that I look him straight in the eye then give me innocent smile for about a few seconds and then to normal. when my face back to normal I the punch him in the nose, and start walking away. "WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT YOU USELESS DEKU!" bakugo says. when he says that I turn and around and smile "I punch you dumbass what do you think" I say which leaves bakugo eyes wide because I just swore when I never do. "oh and, have fun with me gone" after I said that I booked it out of the classroom to the school exit. 'oh crap I was not supposed to say that'

when I leave the school a far enough distance I just walk home. when I get there I take my key out and open the door. and theres my mom on the couch with a wine bottle on the floor. 'dad isn't going to be home since midnight so ill leave at 10pm then' I then just walk up to my room to pack my stuff which is only clothes and bathroom stuff. so I just need a backpack cuz I don't have that much stuff. when I finish I just put the bag in the closet and then go to the bath room to change my bandage on my chin to my neck. I walk in to the bath room and then take the band aid of when I do its scabed with blood to I just grab a cloth and wash it with water. its been like that for awhile so it shouldn't bleed. 'welp this is going to be one of my biger and more visible scars' he just continues clean the wound which is red when im done. its almost a scar right now its just a red scar. 'welp it sucks that I have scars all over my body' he has a a lot of scars on his chest,legs and mostly his arms and back. when hes done everything plus a shower its around 8pm.

he just sighs while walking back to his room, but apparently his mom was waiting for him and then pulls his hair 'oh ok god damn was not expecting that' she had chought him by surprise so he made a noise. his eyes go wide 'oh shit im done for' he think and inko just yanks his hair harder. when inko is done with dragging izuku to the living room she grabs a bottle "take of you shirt you brat" he does what is told or it will be worse, when hes done his mom I behind him. he just stands there and wait and then bam, she smashed the fucking bottle on his back. 'WHAT THE FUCKING HELL NOW I HAVE TO GET GLASS OUT OF MY BACK BEFORE I LEAVE' hes pretty mad at that but doesn't show he has emotions, hes pretty much emotionless. he also doesn't really feel the pain cuz hes used it. when his mom is done he goes back to the bathroom to bandage himself and get the glass out. he just sits on the sink so he can see where the glass is. 'well at least I can reach them this time' last time they weren't in his reach he had to use tweezer to get them out. when hes don't getting the glass out and bandaging himself he goes to his room and closes the door behind him.

he just looks up to see the time '9:49pm close enough, time to get out of this hell hole' he walks to his closet opens it and grabs his bag. 'what should my vigilante name be anyways' he was just standing there for a while before a name came up 'ah I got it how about the ace, that sounds good or just ace. I should get going I've been thinking go awhile. he just walk to his window and jumps out of it. its a good thing his window leads to an allay. 'I guess I can go to the abandon houses that are on the edge of town' on the edge of the city theres a whole place abandon like theres a whole apartment building and and a few houses. 'I guess I can go the apartment one and which will take about two hours to get there, so ill be there at midnight' he just sighs and starts walk in the allay ways. 'im probably going to run into trouble so ill try and avoid that stuff for now, I need to train to fight against people like them'

hey guys tell me what you think of it so far and im sorry my wrighting is crap I don't really write storys so im trying my best. im just doing this because its been boring lately. well have and good day or good night. :3

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