chapter 3

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time skip a few months.

izuku pov.

me and hawks have been calling or texting each other everyday at some point I started calling him dad. which seems like he didn't mind at all, he just freaked out and was happy I called him dad. hawks is so immature and I'm actually mature.

im just about to text hawks that I'm going out on night patrol. I just tell him cuz he gets worried a lot for me and he sees me as a son and I see him as a dad. we some times see each other on patrol and hang out while taking out criminals.

izuku: I'm just heading out on night patrol.

hawks: ok thanks for telling me. please try not to get hurt.

Izuku: no promises, well text you later or see you soon.

hawks': yeah even if I find you. you just get harder to find now.

izuku: well cya dad text you later.

Hawks: okay kiddo be safe.

he just smiles at his phone after his texting to hawks. he finally he has someone he can trust and cares about him, he hasn't shown him his full look all hawks has seen is him without his mask. 'ok I got to get to work now' he just jumps out his window with all his gear on and just roof hops. its around 11pm so normal people should be asleep. after awhile of not finding any crimes or hear any screams he sits on top of a roof. while hes sitting there he can hear fighting in the house so he put his ear to the roof to hear better. "YOU USELESS BRAT OPEN THE DOOR DAMN IT!" it sounds like a women and shes banging on a door. then there's a sound of someone crying. 'abusive home I'm guessing, what should I do' he thinks "YOU VILLAINESS BRAT OPEN THE DOOR SO I CAN BEAT YOU!" the lady screams again. 'ok I've had enough listen to this' he jumps off the roof and looks through the windows to find the boys room. once he finds it the kid is in a ball leaning against the door. the window is open and the kid isn't looking up.

he pulls his self up to the window seal and climbs in. when hes in the room the boy looks up because he heard a sound and his eyes go wide. I just put my finger on my mask where my lips are to tell him to be quite. he just nods. I go back to the window and open it more. the lady is still screaming and banging on the door. I see his closet and walk over to the boy and ask in a whisper. "hey I have a place you can stay at with me to get away from here I can pack your stuff is you want just nod yes or no" when im finish his eyes are wide again and he just nods. 'great I get him out' I stand back up from my crouched position and walk to his closet.

all the boy really have are clothes and that's it. I see a bag and just grab and but his clothes in it. when im almost done I see a purple sweater that says 'not a morning person' I just smirk at that and put it in his bag. at this point this lady is trying to kick the door done. I put the bag on my back and walk over to the boy who is trembling. his face is wet from crying and looks like he wont be able to walk very far.

I just crouch to his level and whisper. "I'm going need you to hang on to me so we can get as soon as possible" he just looks up at me while I stand up and put my hand out, which he takes still leaning on the door so it wont open. I just grab him and he put his legs around my waist. 'ok I guess he under stood when I said he had to hang on' I put a hand on his back and the other on his end and let his head rest on my should. 'cute, no crap I have to get out of here' I think while I carry him towards the window I take my hand of his head so I can jump out without hurting us.

I grab the window seal and jump out and climb to the roof. and rest my and back on his head. he hasn't moved at all. I just proceed with my roof hoping at a fast but a safe pace. once I'm at my apartment and lay the kid down he seems to be asleep, but I also get a better look at him. he has purple hair and has bags under his eyes. he seems pretty fit as well. I just sigh and make my way to my room to change. I didn't do patrol today but at least I can help him.

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