chapter 2

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its been almost a year since izuku ran away from home he doesn't go to school either since hes already learned all the stuff they teach. there's been no missing reports on him so no one has tried to find him. hes been training for the past year and decided he would go out on patrol again.

izuku pov.

its about 11pm when I decide its good to go out now, I live in one of the apartments in the abandoned apartment building. over the past year hes start not to like a lot of heros the heros he really likes are hawks, eraserhead, and presentmic. he doesn't like allmight as much anymore a few month ago they saw each other and izuku asked if he can be a hero even if he was quirkless he would of been ok with just a no put then said something quite rude. he hates the number 2 hero the most endeavor.

since its midnight he decides to get his gear and head out. his gear is a black hoodie with roses on the sleeves, his pants are just sweatpants that are fire prof and black combat boots. his mask is black with a grin that shows teeth painted on it. he has a belt on that holds his weapons he has smock bombs in one pocked and the other has knifes and the last ones hold his Bo staff the one has a gun to paralyze a person for a servant amount of time. once hes done he just jumps out the window hes able to jump from pretty high places now.

he climes to the roof and just does roof hooping. after awhile he heard a scream a went over to it when he got there he stayed on the roof a crouched so he wouldn't be seen. 'seems like about 4 guys ganging up on a girl that looks about my age, what is she even doing out at this time. it seems like rape that the are trying to do the have there backs turned to be so I can just hit there pressure points the done I guess' he the jumps down behind the guys making sure to be quite while so. he then proceeds to get as close as he can and then he goes for the closet guys pressure point. which meant he would straight away so before they could notice he goes for the second guy but just his luck someone saw him so he had to out of the way because knifes where coming his way.

"hey shorty go home and stop playing hero kid" one of the guys said. 'welp they saw me so I guess I gotta fight.' the only thing is that izuku didn't know was that pro hero hawks was there. he goes in a fighting stance his bo staff still on his back. a guy goes to punch him but doges it like childes play "aww is that all you got that's sad" when he said that he let his bloodlust in the air which scared the crap out of most of the guys same with hawks.

he goes and takes his bo staff and nocked the guy in front of him out. then a fire ball gets thrown at him, which he doges. he then senses some one above he goes to look up and sees hawks just flying above, but looking up he made a rookie mistake and got punch in the stomach and thrown into a wall. as soon as he hits the wall after a few seconds he just coughs but the hawks decided to help. izukus just hunched over and keeps coughing while hawks deal with them. hawks was done in a mater of seconds and the girl left when they where paying attention to him. hawks just walks over to him and crouches down. all izuku does is takes his mask off and coughs some blood. "well damn that hurt, dumb super strength quirk"

hawks just looks at the big scare on his chin to his neck. "well isn't ace the famous vigilante" hawks says "yeah, yeah what you want pro hero hawks arrest me or something" he says. hawks just sits there and thinks for it a bit. "maybe but where did you get that scar on your chin and neck" as soon as hawks said that he flinched, he just brings his hand to the scar and and looks down. "why do you even want to know" he says still looking down. "just wondering it seems almost more then a year old and you've been a vigilante for only a few months" hawks says with a shrug "fine im only tell you because your one of my favorite hero and probably can trust you" he says which makes hawks make a happy chicken sound. hes still looking at the ground and takes a deep breath. "I got this one from my father and m-mother" when he says that he lets tears down his face and just cleches his fist and leans up against the wall and looks at hawks. lets just say he was not expecting him to say that. "your parents did that to you!" hawks says looking into my eyes. I just nod and look down.

Hawks pov.

'this kid just told me the his parents gave him the big scar' I just give him a sad look while tears go down his face I can tell hes holding back tho. 'this kid is lucky I for some reason care about him' he just pulls the kid into a hug "you can cry ill be here you don't have to be alone" I say when I do the kid starts balling. 'how long has he bent up his emotions like this' im still hugging the kid when I look up and see eraserhead. he just looks me in the eyes then to the kid so I make hand signals to him "the kid just told me he got that scar on his chin to his neck from his parents" when hes done sighing to him Aizawa just looks shocked and he comes done but stays in the shadows. after a while the kid stops crying and looks up at me "thanks I really need that. being alone alone for 10 years gets hard...." ace says which shocks me. 'hes been alone for 10 years' after a few minuets I give the kid my number and he leaves.

Aizawa pov

when hawks signs me that the kids parents gave him that scar shocks me to believe that his own parents gave him that makes me pissed off. I just hop off the roof and stays in the shadows and watch. 'this kid is balling his eyes out and hawks is just hugging him' after a while ace look up at hawks and says "thanks I really need the, being alone for ten years gets hard...." ok that shocked me he been alone for 10 years and hes abused at home. after awhile hawks gives the kid his number and makes his way home. then I just come out of the shadows and walk over to hawks "what you going to do with the kid seems like you like him somewhat" I say hawks just turns to me and think. "not sure but I want to make sure hes got some kind of parent that's better than the ones hes with now" hawks say "ill have to agree with you hes been through a lot. he seems to like you so why not be a father figure to him" I suggest.

hawks just looks at me then the allay where ace left. "I think we will see him again he has my number he will probably call me some time" hawks says then looks back at me "maybe he'll show up at U.A or we will just see him on patrol" hawks says "how old do you think he is even" i says "he looks around 15 if I have to guess hes also really mature so im not very sure" hawks says "well keep an eye on him he has your number after all" hawks just nods and we continue are patrol.

izuku pov.

when I was done with the encounter with hawks I continue with my patrol by the end I stop a mugging, 3 rape, and selling drugs. 'well that's it for the night' I just walk home which takes about an hour. I grab the paper that's in my pocket and look at it. '"should I text him? or not" I say with a sigh after. I ended up texting him still.

time skip a few months.

me and hawks have been calling or texting each other everyday at some point I started calling him dad. which seems like he didn't mind at all, he just freaked out and was happy I called him dad. hawks is so immature and I'm actually mature.

word count 1509. well that's a new recorded for me.

have a good day or night, Peace out. :3

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