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Aaliyah's pov

"Aaliyah! For fuck's sake just don't worry. Stop playing with your bracelet and eat something." My friend Zola said.
"Yes Aal come on its not a big deal. Our sexy teacher just called you in his office to talk. It would be so amazing. He won't eat you! So Just chill darling." Sophia joked trying to ease my fear.

"Soph I cannot believe you are saying this. Your sexy teacher is the most strict teacher of our school .You know me and the most important thing is you know my brother and his opinion for good scores in academics. What if  Mr.Kevin gives me detention or worse calls my brother to talk about my latest test. I know and you also know my test was horrible. What am i gonna do? My life is soo fucked up!" I groaned burying my face in my hands.

Zola pulled my hands away from my face and said "Hey.. hey just listen to me honey! Everything's gonna be fine. Let's face it. Its almost time . Eat a bit and then we'll go. Okay?"

I had some fries . And then we headed to Mr kevin's office. My science teacher and the school's most dashing as well as rigid teacher.
"Here we come. Omg! He is so handsome. I wish i was you" joked sophia.
"Cut it soph. Go Aaliyah. All the best." Zola pushed me towards his office door.

I departed them and knocked on his door.

"Come in" a muffled voice was heard behind the door.I stepped in. Mr kevin seated behind his desk was busy grading some papers .He was wearing black shirt with sleeves pulled above. I must say he is mr sexy huh! Stop it aaliyah! My mind said.He looked up with a stern expression. And i gulped.

"Miss Russo please take a seat."
I trudged towards a big leather chair in front of him and settled on it. He stopped grading and placed one paper in front of me , keeping other papers aside. I glanced first at paper in front of me and then at him. I realised it was mine paper. I knew it. M screwed now.

"Miss Russo i want you to have a look on your paper. And tell me if this is even worthy to be graded." He pointed to my paper.
It was all red with his marker. And on top of it was written big F. I was terrified.
"I am sorry sir" i mumbled with my head down.
"If i am not wrong Miss Russo this is what you said last time. And i did cut you some slack. You promised to not to repeat it but i can see you are not good at keeping promises. This time I cannot let you off the hook so easily. I need you to get this as well as your previous paper signed by your guardian ." I stiffened when i heard the name "my guardian." I started fidgeting with my bracelet. Last time Vladimir didn't get to know and now i have to tell him not only about this but also about my previous test. Nevertheless to get his signature.
Oh mio Dio ! (oh my god!)
"I am really very sorry sir. I know i told you that i'll improve my grades and i really tried sir.."I apologised again panic visible in my voice
But he cut me off by raising his hand.
"Save it ! It looks like u didn't even try to study Miss Russo. Just get these signed by tomorrow along with a note from your guardian that this will not be repeated. I told you to come to me if you have any queries but it looks like you didn't even bother opening your books."
A what? A note . No no no!!
"But sir..."
"I have given remarks on your performance and i want signature just below that. Don't bother coming to my class if these are not signed. Am I understood Miss russo?"
"Sir plea..."
"Am I understood Miss Russo?"
"Yes sir." I sighed .
"Good! This is your pass for the next class .You can leave now" And he handed me my pass.
I took my pass while thanking him ,jumped off my chair and scurried off to my next class.
I showed my pass to Mrs. grumpy Franny and took my seat . Sophia tried to ask me but i just ignored.
classes got over. Now it was time to go home. Yay! (Note my sarcasm).
Sophia and zola headed towards me . Sophia was first to ask
"So .. how did it go with mr sexy?"
"Your mr sexy is a jerk. I fucking hate him." I cursed.
"What happened?" Questioned both of them together. I told them what happened. And what i ve been told to do.
"I am screwed. Ugghh!!! Vladimir is going to kill me." I groaned.
"You are just over reacting. He is your brother . He'll just scold you and maybe punish you. But he won't kill you. Don't be stupid. You'll survive it. Huh?" Zola cheered me up.

Okay i know i am overreacting but Seriously she has no idea how scary Vladimir is when he is angry or when he is scolding me . He is kind of cold nature just like his cold blue eyes. He always takes care of me And loves me but his love is hidden behind his coldness and I don't mind .Because i also love him. He was not this person ,back when we were younger but time changes everything. I was very young when our parents just vanished ,leaving me under his care. I don't know what happened to them but whenever i ask Him ,he either ignores me or tries to shoo me. Once i crossed my limits and was stubborn to get my answers. That was the worst day of my life . Vladimir got so angry and shouted on me. That was my first experience with him being soo mad. I cried a lot that day. He didn't even bothered to pamper me afterwards. No doubt i do get regular scoldings But the only thing that i fear is His anger and disappointment towards me. I just cannot bear it.

" Aaliyahhh!!  AALIYAHHhh! Geez where were u lost? I know he is tough And next time we'll help you with science. Now let's go." Sophia pulled me out of class.  My driver Marcus was waiting for me. "See you tomorrow guys. "I waved at Sophia and Zola and they went to their respective cars.

"Ciao Marcus." ( hello)
"Ciao Miss russo" (hello)
"Marcus  i've told you so many times to call me Aaliyah." I groaned to Marcus. And Marcus just gave me his best smile.
We reached at our mansion. I hurried inside hearing greetings on my way inside from our bodyguards.
Stephanie ,our housekeeper greeted me and started asking me for my lunch ,i just ignored her and went straight to my room. I plopped down on my bed and started using my instagram. After a while someone knocked at my door  "i am not hungry stephanie." I shouted assuming it was stephanie. But i guess i was wrong.
My door swung opened and someone cleared his throat. Wait i know who this is. I looked towards my door.
( hello fellow readers! This is my first attempt. I just hope you like it. Please do comment and like. Feel free to tell me my mistakes .)

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