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Aaliyah's pov

I cried myself to sleep that night.
I hate him! He is a beast. Not a brother.

Next day **

I thought yesterday was a bad day but how could i expect such a day as crap when the actual crappy day was today.


I stopped my alarm clock.

Its 5:30 of early morning and i am lying on bed making my beautiful (note the sarcasm) life's decisions. Honestly i hate early mornings but its just my music that forces me to wake up. Otherwise i am lazy as fuck. But today was different.

Ughh!! I ve got so many problems .....

I have my music practice at 6:30 am and i am in this dilemma to go or not as i am grounded and plus i don't have my guitar.
Which, i am pretty sure i will not be getting it soon and my instructor.......umm let's just say that he is not very easy going person when it comes to irregularities and tardiness.
Uggh!! Why is my life filled with such people.

Mr kevin won't let me sit in his class because I didn't get my tests signed.

And C-
I don't have my phone to inform any of my friends about this so they can help me.

Ohh and D-
how can I forget my beast brother. He is also angry with me. That is another serious problem. I am in shit loads of trouble.

So basically i am doomed.
Ugghh!! Why is my life so fucked up?

Why lord?

Its not . You make it yourself. My subconscious mind spoke.

Ugghh! Thinking is too tiring.

You know what? I'll just not go anywhere today.
No practice ,no school.
Yes! And m sure Vladimir as usual will be so busy to notice that i am not going to school.
Yay! Let's just sleep.

I was peacefully sleeping .
Knock! Knock!
Ugghh!! I pulled my blanket upto my face to block the noise. But again knocking didn't stop. In fact, it became loud and firm.

"Ugghhh!! Just go away!" I shouted. This might be stephanie.
Then i heard my door being opened.
"Why are you not ready for school?" I heard a cold and authoritative voice.
Shit! Shit!
Immediately i peeked out from behind a blanket.

There he was standing at my door with his left hand on my door knob and right in his pocket,
all ready for his office wearing his as
usual millionaire black suit ,
with his luxurious watch on his wrist, perfectly polished shoes
and hair neatly swept back.
His face all calm ,void of any emotions  and Eyes as cold as ice that anyone could be freezed.
Though i was all warm and cozy under my blanket but i still got goosebumps when i peeked at him .

"I believe i asked you a question Aaliyah." He said with irritation in his voice.

"Huh?"i said while rushing to sit on my bed.
Shit! I never thought he would ever care if i go to school or not.

Shh!! My brother is here!!Where stories live. Discover now