What Have I Done?

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After what felt like hours, you finally arrived at the Happy Hotel. You still feel angry at Angel for being selfish. You knocked on the door and Charlie opened the door. "There you are. Where have you been?" Charlie asked. You just ignored her and walked inside. "N/N?" Charlie asked.

"Well, well, well. The prodigal son returns. What a surprise." Vaggie said. She then noticed you ignoring her. "Hey! I'm talking to you! Charlie, what is wrong with him?" Vaggie asked. "I don't know. I wish he could tell us." Charlie said. You sat down on the couch and sighed. "N/N, talk to us. What's wrong?" Charlie asked. "I don't want to talk about it." You grumbled. "Bullshit. Where's Angel Dust?" Vaggie asked. You snapped. "Don't ever bring up that bastard's name!" You snapped. Charlie and Vaggie stared at you in surprise.

You growled in anger and looked at yourself in the mirror

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You growled in anger and looked at yourself in the mirror. You then saw Angel and growled and destroyed the mirror, which costed you your left eye. "Ah!" You yelled in pain. Charlie and Vaggie rushed to you and helped you up.

"N/N, what has gotten into you to be like this?" Charlie asked. "Fucking Angel Dust and his selfish bullshit." You said. "I knew it! I goddamn fucking knew it!" Vaggie said. "Not helping. What did he do?" Charlie asked. "He wanted me to move out with him." You said. "What?" Charlie asked. You stood up and walked away while holding your bleeding eye. "N/N, listen. I know you don't wanna hear this, but do you ever wonder why he loves you? It's not just because he's gay." Charlie said. "Well, I'm not. And I don't care." You said.

"Look, your not gonna believe this, but me and Vaggie are together." Charlie said. Your eye perked after hearing that. "What?" You asked. "Yeah, I know. It's surprising. But, I submitted my feelings for Vaggie and realized that she was perfect." Charlie said. "But, don't either of you think it's weird?" You asked. "No. Not even a little. Look, Angel loves you. Why can't you?" Charlie asked. "Because I can't. I have a family to get to." You said. "Oh. Well, I see your point. But, what about Angel?" Charlie asked. Your heart sank when she mentioned Angel.

 Your heart sank when she mentioned Angel

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"I don't know. What about him?" You asked. "I want you to think about it." Charlie said. You then felt tears shed from your eyes. "He's been through so much. His parents never cared about him. His boss tortures him." You said, crying. "N/N, are you crying?" Vaggie asked. "What have I done? What have I done?!" You asked. You then ran out of the hotel ran off to find Angel Dust. "Wait!" Charlie said. You then stopped. "Are you finally admitting that you love him?" Charlie asked. "Angel wasn't the selfish one. I was. This is all my fault. Yes. I admit it. I'm in love with the pornstar." You said. You then ran off to find Angel Dust, hoping he was still there where you left him.

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