Angel Dust Held Captive: Hurry, Y/N. Stop Valentino Once And For All Part 2

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Things are not looking good for you. You have to save Angel, but Valentino's blocking your way. "I can't attack while his guards up. What now?" You asked. Angel was then slipping and grunted in effort to hold on. "Tick tock, hero. He can't hold on much longer." Valentino said. "Val, stop it! Let me help him! Please!" You begged. "Nah, I'm good. I'm enjoying this a lot." Valentino said. "I said STOP IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" You yelled out. "Ooh. Temper." Valentino said. You charged at him and tried to hit him, but he hit you, but you didn't get knocked back. "What?" Valentino asked.

"YOUR DEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!" You yelled. You grabbed his arm and pulled him to you and jabbed him below the belt. As he was down, you rushed to Angel and pulled him up. "Go! Run! Get out of here!" You said. Angel ran for it and you tackled Valentino. "This is for all these years of what you did to Angel!" You said as you rapidly kept punching Valentino out of rage. "Let's see you come back from this!" You said. You then got up and kicked him to the edge of the building. You then panted and looked to see Angel. "I told you to leave." You said. "I'm not leaving you. Come on." Angel said.

He helped you up, but then, you both got tackled and thrown to the edge, you both moved and Valentino fell off the side of the building. But, it appears that he didn't hold on to you two long enough. You were holding on to the side of the building while holding Angel in your arm. "Huh?" Angel asked. You looked down and gasped. "Whoa, that is a big drop! Ok, Angel? I'm going to let go and grab another ledge and just work our way down. And don't look down!" You said. "Ok." Angel said. "I just hope this works. One screw up and we're dead." You said.

You then let go and grabbed another ledge. "It's working, but it's going to take a long time to get down." You said. Angel then looked at a window and tried to break it with his feet. "Wh-What are you doing?" You asked. "Making an easy route." Angel said as he managed to break the window. "Ok. I'm going to swing you to into the window. I can't hold on much longer so I'm counting on you to recover fast and catch me." You said. "Ya got it." Angel said. He then lowered down to your leg and you begin swinging him. Once enough momentum, you swing Angel into the window and he managed to recover. "Schnookums, I got ya. Let go." Angel said. You nodded and let go and Angel managed to grab your hands.

"Your lucky I'm here. Without me, where would you be, huh?" Angel asked. "I don't know. Dead as a doornail?" You asked. Angel chuckled. "Good one." Angel said. He managed to pull you up and you lied down on the ground and panted. "Wow. Now, that was dangerous." You said. "Yeah. Let's promise to never do that again." Angel said. "Yeah." You said. Angel then held out his arm and you noticed. "Come on. Let's head back to the hotel." Angel said. "What? But, what about the whole 'moving out' thing?" You asked.

"Nah. I'm thinking that we didn't give Vaggie and Charlie a chance. So, come on. We got friends waiting for us." Angel said. "Yeah." You said.

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