Heaven on Earth

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Beth's POV

As I stepped into the club, it felt like I had just stepped into a whole other world. 

Lights danced against the ceilings and walls with the shadows of the free souls in the building. The music pulsed through the ears of the revellers, drowning out any and all troubles and anxieties leaving them careless and free.

Even though I felt awkward, standing in the entrance of this paradise, no-one batted an eyelid to me. 

The atmosphere was addictive, it drew me into a warm hug and showed no signs of letting me go. I welcomed it and embraced it back lovingly.

I barely heard my own footsteps as I ventured deeper into this new world.

My friend, Cassidy, was by my side holding my hand as we walked further and further in. The further we got in, the less I felt like I was walking and the more it felt like I was floating. I loved the feeling. A small smile crept its way onto my lips as my eyes scanned the other smiling faces around me. It was then that I realised something... there was no face that wasn't smiling. Everyone was happy here, everyone was free.

This was a heaven on Earth.

I looked around once more. 

There were people from all walks of life. All coming together as one. Dancing in the same room, listening to the same song and yet not one person was the same as the other.

There were men kissing other men, no-one cared. 

There were women kissing other women, no-one gave it a second thought.

There were people with: blue hair, pink hair, green hair, yellow hair, black hair and brown hair. People had white skin and brown skin and people with a mix of the two. People were wearing black clothes, white clothes and even neon clothes and yet no-one cared.

In here there was no such thing as normal. Everyone had their own sense of identity and style.

I didn't know when, but soon Cass and I arrived at the bar and sat down. As we waited for a bartender we soaked in the atmosphere and relaxed into this alternate universe of equality.

As we chatted I started to think. 

Outside these walls people like the ones in here were oppressed and looked down upon. Backs were turned to them because they were different. They weren't accepted. Children in schools are taught to shunt these looks and behaviours. I started to think about all the people who didn't know about this place and were suffering silently because of it. 

My smile started to fade.

What had happened to the world? Why couldn't the rest of the world be like the one I was sat in?

I was drawn out of my thoughts by my friend touching my shoulder.

"Are you alright?" She asked.

"Yeah I'm fine" I replied "Just need a good drink". She smiled at me. It was then that a bartender finally approached us and she was gorgeous.

She had long glossy hair that was as black as coal and tattoos that covered every inch of her arms and shoulders. She had several piercings in her ears and a hoop in her nose. She smiled brightly at us. 

"How may I serve you lovely people?" her voice was as amazing as she looked. Silky and enticing.

Cass lifted my jaw, that I didn't even realise I had dropped, and laughed. Causing my cheeks to go a deep shade of scarlet. I looked away.

"Two shots of vodka for us please" my friend said to the angel behind the bar. "Coming right up" she said before turning around to fix our drinks. Cass turned to me and laughed again. 

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