Chapter 29

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Tina and I are silent for a good portion of the ride. She chose not to start a conversation, which is fine by me since I'm really not in the mood to talk. Instead, I keep thinking of Cat. What is she doing? How is she doing? Should I try to contact her while I'm back on campus? I just didn't know what is best.

There is so much to do to prepare for my father's funeral. "Tina, did my Father mention anything about paperwork regarding what he would want done should something happen to him?"

Tina glances over at me. "No, but I don't doubt that something like that would exist. Your father believed in being prepared. He just never mentioned it to me."

"Hmm." I stare out the passenger window. "My mother mentioned he has a safe deposit box in the bank. Do you know what it may contain?"

She hesitated for a moment. "I know he has the box, but no, he never gave me that information. The Will, however, should afford you some insight. I would suggest you work on that first."

"Why is that?"

"Well, his will would breakdown what he expected would be done with his belongings. It would most likely contain what he desired as far as burial, even if it does not recommend a place. The business lawyers have mentioned probate, which would mean that he filed the will with the State. They won't be able to get a hold of it without a death certificate, but you could as I'm pretty sure you're the Executor."

"Me?! No, I doubt that."

"If not you, his personal lawyer then but knowing your Father I would have expected him to put you in charge."

"Why? We haven't even spoken in years?"

"I don't think your Father saw your relationship the same way as you saw it," Tina offers as an explanation.

"What do you mean?"

Tina shifts in her seat, perhaps feeling uncomfortable about this conversation, but she's piqued my interest.

"I mean, you seem to believe you and your Dad were on the outs with one another. He however had me send you the reports about the company every month to your school. He talked about when you were going to graduate. How you were going to run this company. He was excited that he would finally get to step down into an advisory role. He was looking forward to spending more time with you. He never acted like there was anything wrong between the two of you, so you'd be the logical choice for an executor."

"He was in denial then," is all I could add to her statement. I did receive the reports. He had them sent to my PO box, as I was undecided on where I was going to live before I got the apartment with Aiden. I never changed it over because I was just too lazy to change it. I never read them, which is why I asked for a copy of the financials. I wasn't even sure if I kept the copies that he sent.

I can feel Tina's eyes on me as I stare out the window again. The idea of being in charge or having to be responsible for so many bothered me. I barely seem capable of handling my own life, I thought sourly, thinking of how messed up things are right now.

"What?" I look over at Tina and she fidgets in her seat. I can tell she wants to ask something but is holding back. "Just spit it out!" I shake my head at my outburst. I don't know why I'm so hard on her. She has done nothing to deserve it.

"Are you going to take over for your Dad?"

"It's not my intention, no," I admit honestly.

"Oh?" Her expression turns sad, but her eyes remain on the road. 

"Does it matter?" I question.

Tina shrugs. "Depends? Are you planning on selling off the business?"

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