The Emerald Forest

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Ruby's POV

I was coming back to Weiss after dashing away from her for a second. I saw her standing absolutely still with a group of Grimm surrounding her.

'What is she doing?! Why isn't she attacking?!'

I readied Crescent Rose, and dashed at a Grimm, taking it down, not realizing Weiss was dashing towards me with Myrtenaster. She turned her attack away from me, creating a line of fire down the forest, destroying a nearby tree.

I stood up, looking in shock at the burned tree. My gaze gave a Grimm the opportunity to knock me into Weiss, Crescent Rose protecting me from the claws.

"Hey, watch it!" I yelled to Weiss.

"Excuse me," she argued, "you attacked out of turn! I could have killed you!"

"You'll have to try a lot harder than that," I muttered.

We rose our weapons as the biggest Grimm howled to the others.

We stood back to back, waiting for the coming attack. I loaded Crescent Rose, and held it ready for any attack.

A flaming tree fell onto the ground nearby.

Weiss grabbed Crescent Rose.

"We have to go!" she yelled.

We ran off as the fire from the tree spread across the grass, burning Grimm alive.

We managed to escape the burning section of the forest, which was now covered in smoke.

"What was that?!" I yelled. "That should've been easy!"

"Well perhaps if you had exercised even the slightest amount of caution with the placement of your strikes," Weiss shouted, "I wouldn't have set the forest on fire!"

I scoffed. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"I'm just surprised that someone who talked so much would communicate too little during an encounter!"

"Well, I'm sorry that you need my help to win a fight! I'm just fine on my own!"

"Well, congratulations on being the strongest child to sneak your way into Beacon, bravo!" She walked away.

I screamed, pulled out Crescent Rose, and chopped a tree off it's stump. I stormed off behind Weiss, Crescent Rose over my shoulder.

Neither Weiss or I noticed the giant feather slowly floating down behind us.

(Y/N)'s POV

I slowly regained my consciousness.

'What happened?' I thought. That's when I remembered the old man.

I sighed. 'Well, there goes--'

I saw (W/N) on the floor next to me.

'(W/N)?' I thought. I picked it up.

I stood up and began looking for the old man.

"Hello!" I called for the old man. "You forgot (W/N)!!!"

No response.

I sighed and put (W/N) away.

I began to walk through the forest.

That was when I realized how lost I was.

'Crap!' I thought, looking around for anything to tell me where to go.

Panicking, I began calling for help.

"HELLO! BEN?! CARDIN?!... RUBY?!" I sighed in disappointment. "Oh it's no use."

I walked off. I suddenly began to feel some kind of tingling feeling in the back of my neck.

It felt like the world slowed down around me. I wasn't sure what was going on, but something inside me said to jump.

I jumped, pulling off a massive backflip.

I landed behind a large Death Stalker. It turned around and glared at me.

'Well,' I thought. 'I'm gonna die.'

The Grimm came close to me.

'But if I'm going to die, I can at least try to live. Remember what Ben taught you.'

The giant scorpion pinched at me with one of its claws. I moved aside.

The Death Stalker once again tried to pinch me, but I easily dodged again. It raised a claw, and quickly swung it down at me. I leapt out of the way, somersaulting, and turning around with knees bent, toes from both feet on the ground, fingers on one hand on the ground, and one arm raised behind my back.

'Wait a minute,' I thought. 'How am I doing this?'

The Death Stalker seemed much more ticked off now, swinging relentlessly at me. I dodged all of its attacks. I grabbed its claw. It tried to pull away, put my grip was too strong.

'Okay, there's no way I'm this strong!'

It continued trying to pull away, unsuccessfully.

'Holy crap! This is amazing! Now, what would happen if I...'

I jerked my arms back, pulling the claw off of the creature.

It screeched in pain, and swung the other claw at me. I leapt onto it, ran to the tail, grabbed the stinger, pulled it off, and smashed the tip into the creature's head.

The Death Stalker collapsed. I got off of its head, and looked at the body.

'How did I--'

I heard clapping behind me. I turned around, and saw him! The old man!

"Well done!" he said.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"I come from a distant world," he said. "It is my duty to chose one to be this world's Spider-Man."

My mind was completely blank.

"WHAT?!" I said.

"Allow me to explain," he said. He sat down on a rock.

I stared for a moment.

"Come," he said.

I sat next to him.

"This world, the one you live in, is one of many different timelines," he explained. "Each timeline is made as a test."

"A test for what?" I asked. I had no idea what was happening. This was happening so fast.

"There used to be only one timeline," the old man continued. "In this world, a man had gained the abilities of a spider. He used them to become a Spider-Man."

"A what?" I asked. What on Remnant was this guy talking about?

"God grew intrigued," he continued. "The Spider-Man became his main fascination. Interested in what would happen if other people became Spider-Man, he created alternate timelines, each one containing different Spider-Men. It became known as the Spider-Verse."

"And why should I believe this?" I asked.

"I just gave you the gift of the Spider-Man," he said.

I laughed. "Me? So I'm some sort of 'chosen one', right?"

"No. It doesn't matter who becomes the Spider-Man. Anybody can. All God cares about is what that Spider-Man does."

"So, why me?" This was so much to take in.

"You showed all that is required to be a Spider-Man."

"And that is...?"

"That is for you to find out."

The old man got up and began to leave.

"Wait! What do I do now?"

"That's up to you to decide!" the man called. "All that matters is what you decide to do with these abilities!"

"Wait! Can't you give me some kind of tip?!"

There was no response.

So.... now what?

Spider-Man: RWBY (Male! Spider-Man! Reader x Ruby Rose)Where stories live. Discover now