The Razor's Edge

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(Y/N)'s POV

I was swinging away from the building where Kraven and I fought.

I was absolutely certain the Grimm Goblin had payed Kraven to hunt me, and I was pissed.

'Okay!' I thought. 'No more distractions! I have to find that Grimm Goblin creep and stop whatever it is he's cooking up!'

Suddenly, right on cue, I heard the Grimm Goblin calling to me.

"Congratulations, Spider-Man!" he called. "Dealing with you has moved to the top of my to-do list!"

Suddenly, he tossed some kind of round, orange object at me.

It split into dozens of small, round, orange object with sharp wings.

A whole bunch of them came flying at me, tearing my suit, and slicing against my skin. Blood began dripping from my wounds.

One of the flying object sliced against my web line, causing me to fall from the sky. I shot another web line and began to swing back up.

The flying objects continued to fly at me.

I did my best to dodge them, but the blades continued to fly by and add one bloody scar after another.

'Ruby is going to be pissed.'

I swung to a nearby building, and landed on the roof.

I tried to get a moment to breath, but the object came right after me.

"I see you've got some new toys," I said.

"You like my razor bats?" the Goblin asked. "I thought you might."

I quickly ran to the edge and leapt off, free falling, with a dozen razor bats following me.

I shot a web to a nearby flag pole, and swung away from them. It seemed to catch them off guard, but they immediately came straight back at me.

I released my web line, and began soaring in the air. My speed before shooting the web had caused me to go high above the buildings, meaning I had nothing to shoot my webs on, meaning I had no way of avoiding the coming razor bats.

I searched for a target to swing from, but there was nothing.

'Crap crap crap cra-- ow!'

The razor bats came straight back up to me, giving me even more scars.

At this point, my suit was starting to become a bloody mess.

'These things just keep coming,' I thought. 'I'd better find some cover before they land a lucky shot and things turn ugly. I think I saw a construction site around here. There's gotta be somewhere there I can hide.'

I began to swing away from the razor bats as fast as my webs could carry, looking for the construction site.

"Running away?!" the Goblin called. "I'm not done with you yet!"

"That's what I'm afraid of!" I called back.

Finally, I found the construction site.

'Yes! There is is!'

I swung to the construction site.

I landed, and looked for a place to hide.

My Spider Sense tingled.

One razor bat had managed to catch up.

I turned around and destroyed it, leaving just a piece of its wing on the floor.

I started to reached for it, until I heard the Goblin and the rest of his razor bats start to show up.


I ran to the closest hiding spot I could find.

The Goblin flew past it, looking for me.

"All right, boy!" I could hear him call. "I'll leave you to lick your wounds for now! I have other matters to attend to! We'll finish this next time!"

I heard the sound of his glider and razor bats start to fade away.

I peaked from my hiding spot. They were gone.

I turned to the wing from the razor bat I broke.

'What the heck was this thing?' I picked it up. 'I need to get home and study it. Maybe it'll give me a clue about Goblin.'

Spider-Man: RWBY (Male! Spider-Man! Reader x Ruby Rose)Where stories live. Discover now