rammy || castle crashers au (sfw)

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A/N- schlatt's old yt icon was rammy from castle crashers, so i decided to make an au based on it. youre the princess in captivity and he is an ice knight. enjoy!
tw- k*lling of a fictional boss

you are woken up to a dark and quiet room. the floor was cold, and from what you remember, it's definitely not your room back at the home castle. you try to stretch, but can't. your body is bound to a long wooden pole by rope. "where am i...?" you mumble to yourself. suddenly, there's a burst of light in front of you. two huge doors swing open, and you are greeted to three barbarians, and one really large one. "wakey wakey, princess." the large barbarian growls. you grunt from trying to pull on your restraints. the tight feeling made your legs feel restless, they wanted to move. the barbarians laugh at your attempt. "good luck, you won't be getting out any time soon." one of the rather smaller barbarians chuckles, making you fill up with anger.
"you wretched fucking idiots!" you hissed and thrash around, "get me out of here!"
"get her. she's got a show to watch." the large barbarian snaps his fingers, and the smaller ones run up to the pole where you're at. they pick up the pole, startling you a little bit. 'they're gonna carry me? where to?' you thought. "oh, princess. you're gonna love this show. a beloved little knight of yours is on his way, and i'll be ready to crush his skull." the now-assumed-boss barbarian bellows, almost like he read your thoughts, "let's go. onward." he walks out the door. the small henchmen begin walking out the door, carrying you. once you're outside of the doors, you're in a colosseum. you squint at the sun in response to the sudden light. in the seats around this large pit, many more barbarians are seen yelling and cheering.
"cmon, take her to the stands, she'll watch the knight crumble to pieces." the boss orders the henchmen. they walk you over to the seats, where the other barbarians are, cheering, eating, you name it; and they stand you up on this pole. some others helped hold it up, since it was a rather large pole, and they really wanted you to see what was about to happen. you can hear sudden screams come from outside the colosseum entrance doors, the ones on the opposite side from the ones you came out of. they were the screams of other barbarians. "oh, looks like he's here." the boss smiles.
there are banging noises coming from the entrance doors. the doors are then broken in by a wave of ice. from the ice, emerges a knight. he wears blue and white armor, and a slim blue helmet covers his whole head. floating by his shoulder, was what looked to be his ram companion. he was rather small and circular, but the size shouldn't determine the power.
"well, you're here mighty early. you want to die now?" the boss holds his arms out, and the crowd cheers.
"unhand the princess! for she belongs to the king's castle!" the knight shouts. you could almost hear an accent come from him, but his helmet muffled his speech. he grips his sword a little tighter, and you can tell he was lightly shaking.
the large barbarian laughs at his rather stupid attempt at intimidation. "heh, this'll be easy." he stomps his way towards the blue knight, prepping his fist for a crushing punch. as he shoots his fist towards the knight, the knight jumps out of the way. he runs his sword along the side of the boss' body, causing a groan of pain to come out of him. "my people! on em'!" he yells, signaling many barbarians from the crowd to jump in and draw their swords. the small enemies trap the knight, cornering him, making the knight slowly backs up. the barbarians all jump towards him with their mallets and maces, but the knight holds out his open hand and ice shoots out of it. the barbarians are now frozen in place, and the knight breaks the ice with his sword, shattering the many henchmen into pieces.
out of nowhere, the boss hits the knight, and it throws him across the ring. he surely forgot he was there, he was so focused on dealing with the smaller enemies. the boss' throw makes him hit a wall, and his helmet splits in two. the two pieces fall beside him, and he covers his forehead with his forearm to block the sun. his hair was a dark color, and his face was covered in dirt and sweat. the blunt blow to his back from hitting the wall knocked the wind out of him. he struggles to stand up.
"rammy!" he shouts at his companion, "full speed, on em'!" his ram companion gives him a blank look before turning towards the boss. the ram flies with incredible speed towards the large barbarian, and knocks him right in the head, causing him to fall over. this bought the knight time to stand up, grab his sword, and get near the boss. the knight takes his sword and stabs him in his neck, getting a choke out of the large barbarian, and he falls limp.
"scatter!" one of the henchmen yells, and all of the barbarians in the stands ran out of the colosseum. they didn't want to die like their boss just did. the knight takes his sword out of the large barbarians neck, and throws it to the side. he looks at his ram companion and rubs its head. "good job, buddy." he quietly says to the ram. the knight then looks over at you. "oh, right, let's get you out of here." he says a little louder. he grabs his sword, jumps up, and cuts the rope that has had you bound for who knows how long. you fall to the floor of the colosseum pit, a very sandy area. he sheathes his sword.
you look up at the knight, and you feel almost speechless. you are taken aback by his looks, now that you're up close to him. he was quite handsome. he pushes his hair to the side with his gloved hand, then holds it out to you.
"sir schlatt. at your service." the knight smiles. his accent is more clear. you look at his hand, and then his face. "princess y/n. oh sir, how could i ever repay you for such-" as you held out your hand mid-sentence, he grabs your hand, and pulls you close to him. he immediately puts his lips onto yours. he tasted like pure warfare. the dryness and sweat upon his lips felt right. you kiss back, and he moves his hand up to hold your cheek. he then pulls away and puts his hand back to his side. he left you speechless yet again, so you just stare at him. his cheeks and ears turn a bright red.
"p-pardon me miss, that was a very inappro-" you now interrupt him this time, pecking him on his lips to make him shut up.
"cmon, let's get out of here." you smile at him and take his hand. the knight leads you out of the colosseum, and you two make your way back to the castle.

A/N-waaah ty for reading!! sorry if the grammar is weird, i'm not that good at putting things into words ^^;;

(i didn't reread so sorry if there's any errors!)

here's a picture of rammy if you guys didn't know what it looked like lol
ok ty bye!!

here's a picture of rammy if you guys didn't know what it looked like lol ok ty bye!!

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