we are one in everlasting peace || sfw

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a/n - oh yes, sappy and sad story here we go!! recommend you listen to the song while reading. thank you and enjoy!

     the trip to australia was rough. flights were delayed, you almost missed your flight, you couldn't catch a hotel room, etc. the misfits offered you and lunch club an all-expenses-paid trip to australia to hang out. it wouldn't be polite to decline the offer, they really wanted to see you. you arrived in the airport in australia with no sense of direction. fitz was in charge of picking you up and taking you to the misfits manor. as you frantically look around for him, you feel your phone vibrate.

   behind you!

     you quickly turn around to see cam walking towards you. you run to him and almost jump on him. you both share a hug before the usual small talk after a flight begins. "hey! how was the trip?" he smiled. you groaned in response, "other than the delay, it was tolerable." you and cam continue to talk as he walks you out to his car.
     "oh! i forgot to tell you. lunch club is already there, and they're pumped to see you." cam says before entering the driver side of the car. you enter the passenger side after putting your luggage in the back. you smiled at cam's words, thinking of all the friendly faces of lunch club. especially schlatt. about a week before the trip, you would call him every night to just chat about the usual thing, whether that'd be your excitement or just shitposts. you had to admit, you've fallen head over heels for him. i mean, who wouldn't fall for a tall and handsome man? you didn't know if your feelings were the same with him, though. you take out your phone and decide to text him.

                       jmoney 🐏
                               i'm with cam, omw soon. :)

     before you could even lock your phone, he quickly replies.

            alright. can't wait to see ya. :)

     his text made you blush a little bit. does he really care about me? your thoughts begin to circle around you for the rest of the trip.
     "alright, we're here!" cam snaps you out of your trance. "oh fuck, let's go!" you almost jump out of your seat and run to grab your belongings before running up to the door. "it's unlocked. you can go in!" cam shouts from the car. you give him a nod before opening the door and stepping inside. almost everyone in misfits and lunch club was on a large couch, watching tv. but all of their heads turn towards who opened the door. schlatt was the first to stand up. he gets up and runs over to you, almost slipping on the hardwood floor from his socks. he opens his arms and hugs you tight.
     "holy shit, y/n!" he yells at you. "jesus fucking christ, schlatt, let me through the door first!" you hug back. "yea, let me in, man!" cam rolls his eyes behind you. schlatt eventually let's go of you, and let's you and cam inside before closing the door. cam makes his way toward the kitchen while you and schlatt walk towards the couch. "how's it goin, hot shot?" schlatt cringes at his stupid little nickname he suddenly gave you. you laugh at him. "man, i can't even begin to tell you how shitty my flight was." some of the other people in the room look and decide to join the conversation. you, misfits, and lunch club chat for about an hour and a half before swagger looks at the time on his phone.
     "oh fuck! the party starts in 10 minutes!" he gets up from the couch and runs towards the stairs. "the party? i wasn't informed about this." you tilt your head. "yea, i'm sure they forgot to tell you, but we put it in the groupchat before you left. didn't you see it?" ted crosses his arms and scrunches his nose to move his glasses up. "oh, guess i didn't see that." you nervously chuckle and put your hand behind your neck.
     for the next 10 minutes, you helped everyone clean up the huge house, making sure there was no speck of dirt anywhere. as time went by, people would come in. most of them were unfamiliar to you.

      (now would be the time to start the song! :3c)

     it was about late evening now, and there's a loud boom of the bass in speakers around the house. people are buzzed on alcohol and are swaying clumsily to the loud music. you hung out with people from lunch club most of the time. you were sitting on the couch in the living room, just having casual conversations with people like travis and cooper, and your phone suddenly vibrates. you take it out to look at the notification. it was a text message. from your dad. oh fuck.

  where in the hell are you? i swear, if you went on some trip without telling me or your mother, you'll be in big trouble when you come back.

     the message left a crushed feeling in your stomach. you forgot to tell your parents about your departure. you didn't want them to say no to your plans even though you weren't the one buying the flight tickets. "oh geez, excuse me guys, i need a minute." you excuse yourself and stand up. "alright, take your time." cooper gives you a peace sign before you open the sliding glass door to the back yard, and leave. when you close the door behind you, your throat began to hurt. the feeling when you want to cry but you're trying your hardest not to. i don't want to get kicked out again. i don't want them to get mad. you stood out on the concrete where the patio didn't give you shelter. you took a deep breath before responding to the text.

            i'm in australia. i'm here to visit friends.

AUSTRALIA? are you out of your goddamn mind? i can't trust you anymore. pack your things when you get home. i'm sick of you not telling me things.

     you couldn't cry. for some reason, you couldn't cry despite how horrible the situation was. you won't be living in their house anymore. you hear the glass door open a few feet behind you, and you can hear the music get significantly louder then quieter.
      "y/n?" the voice behind you stammered. the accent gave you a telltale sign who it was. "schlatt?" you guess without turning towards him. he walks up beside you and looks at you. his eyes were almost comforting. you felt a sense of safety when you looked at him. "what in the world are you doin' out here? do you see the sky? is 'bout to rain." he sighs and takes a second to analyze your features. from his words, you begin to tear up and sniffle. "woah woah woah woah!! what happened?" schlatt's tone of voice changes drastically. "my- my dad kicked me out.... for not telling him i came here..." you sniffle, eventually turning into full-on sobbing. schlatt immediately pulls you in to his arms, you hug him back.  he puts one of his hands on the back of your head, and you put your head onto his chest.
     "let it all out. i know this shit sucks. we've got all the time in the world. then we can talk if you want." he slowly moves his fingers across your scalp, and you continue to sob into his shirt. the clouds decide that now's the time to cry too, and it begins to rain. schlatt leans over you to keep you dry for the most part, and he moves you into the sheltered part of the patio. you two stay in the same spot, you bawl into his chest and he's there to help you. after a while, you're able to take deep breaths. "ok- i think i'm able to talk now." you sniffle, and schlatt let's you go. you look at the large wet spot on his shirt made from your tears, and your face turns red. "hm?" schlatt hums before looking down, "ah, forget about it." he exaggerates his accent, making you chuckle a little. he sits down onto the concrete floor, and you soon follow suit.
     "so, your dad kicked you out? for not tellin' 'em you're here with us?" he fidgets with his hands. you nod in response. "do you have any place to go?" he asks right after, in which you shake your head and sniffle. a thick silence fills the air for a moment before schlatt speaks up. "i mean. if you wanna come t' new york, with me, i have an extra room....." he trails off his words as his ears turn red. he quickly looks away from you, hoping to not receive rejection.
     "yes? how could i say no to that?" you beam at his offer. he looks back at you before returning the same smile. "holy shit. can't wait." he stands up. "cmon, we've got some partyin' to do." he holds out his hand to you. you gladly take his hand and stand up. you two make your way towards the bright lights and loud music, hand in hand.

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