Stand Up (chapter two)

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CHAPTER TWO: (what time is it? summer time!)

♫ I would walk through the desert, i would walk down the aisle. i would swim on the oceans just to see you smile. Whatever it takes its fine! 


"ALISON!!" my mother shouted trying to wake me up.

"Oh... *moan*" I tried to open my eyes even though I'm still sleepy.

"Wake up! And take a shower!"

"Yeah. Coming mom!!!"

I hurriedly ran to the bathroom to take a shower for 10 minutes (as usual) then I comb my hair, wore my clothes and shoes. I wore a simple red shirt, and a white cardigan with a matching white skinny jeans and a pair of red flats. 

I went to the kitchen and ate my breakfast.

"Hurry! Your car will be here any minute!" my mom said.

"Okay! I'm done. I'm not hungry anyway." I kissed both my parents goodbye and went insisde the car.

My driver drove me to school where I am taking my guitar lessons and when I steped out of the car, I saw some of my schoolmates, I think their taking guitar lessons too. 

I entered the room and our class immediately started and after an hour we took a short 30 minutes break. Then we started our class again. XD LOL

The class was fun because our teacher shared us some funny stories and jokes while teaching us some chords.

"Class dismissed!"

"Goodbye and thank you Mr. Jugar! See you around sir!"

FINALLY... Class is over!


So Kent and I are in the mall right now. He's helped me in finding some clothes for me to wear for the roadtrip. Korina invited Kent to the trip too but he can't come because he and his family are going to spend their whole summer in Manila (capital city of the philippines) with his sisters who are studying there and also his aunts and uncles.

"This or this... hmm... What about this?" I asked.

"I prefer this one!" He answered.


I went to the counter and paid the shirts and the 'not too short'  shorts that I bought. We are in the GUESS botique by the way. (char baki)

"You hungry?" he asked.

"Yes. Super!" I said.

"So what do you want to eat?"


"Okay wait for me here"

While I am waiting for him. Someone poked me. It's.................Danica.

"Owwww... It's you! What are you doing here?" I asked curiously.

"waiting for my mom and dad. They are at the supermarket right now, buying some goods. And you? Are you alone? Or are you with someone?"

"Uhm no. I just went here to buy some clothes for the you know....the trip. I'm with Ke---"

Before I can finish my sentence Kent came while giving me a "here's your food" look. 

"So what are you guys talking about?" He asked.

"Nothing important"

"O-Kay!! so i'm gonna leave you both now. Bye!" Danica said while waving her hand.

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