Day 10-12 Annihilate Them

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(Night 9 coming back from tribal.)
(Monica to Camera.)
Monica: I have no idea what the F*ck Jaclyn and Dean were thinking taking out Dawn. I guess it's time to annihilate them. I will do anything to stay here. The Monica of the past is gone.
(At camp.)
Monica: Dean can I speak to you.
Dean: Sure.
(The walk off on the beach.)
Dean: What's up?
Monica: So you where never voting for Steph.
Dean: No Dawn was pitting  us all against each other. We wanted her gone.
Monica: Why didn't you just tell me and Troy.
Dean: I was afraid  you would tell Dawn.
Monica: Are we still gonna try for the 4 of us?
Dean: Of course.
Monica: Ok
(Monica to Camera.)
Monica: I swear I am gonna do everything in my power to throw Dean under the bus and send him home.
(Day 10 Ulong.)
Monica: Troy lets go for a walk.
(On the beach.)
Troyzan: What's up?
Monica: I have an idea to turn things around.
Troyzan: What is it?
Monica: We tell Stephanie that it was Dean's idea to vote for her but he waffled at the last second. We also need to convince her that he told us he had an idol.
Troyzan: That is Smart. When do you want to inact this plan.
Monica: Tomorrow.
(Troy to Camera.)
Troyzan: This plan is so crazy it may work. It just has to be done the right way.
(Matsing day 10.)
(Carolyn to Camera.)
Carolyn: Ever since the tribe swap happened I have felt a bit out of place. It could just be paranoia, but I think I should just kind of get a feel from everyone. I think a good person to talk to would be Tasha.
(At camp)
Carolyn: Can I talk to you.
Tasha: Sure let's go.
(On the beach.)
Carolyn: Hey so what is going?
Tasha: What do you mean?
Carolyn: I just feel like I am out of the loop.
Tasha: No way you are fine. You have nothing to worry about. The four original Matsing and you are the majority.
Carolyn: Who are we targeting then?
Tasha: Aubrey.
Carolyn: Thanks for reassuring me Tasha.
Tasha: Of course.
(Tasha to Camera.)
Tasha: I am telling Carolyn what she wants to hear. I'm reality she is on the chopping block if we go to tribal. I do want to keep her close though. You never know when you may need an extra number.
(Day 11 Ulong.)
Monica: Hey Steph can we take a walk.
Stephanie: Sure.
(On the beach.)
Monica: I first wanted to say that I am sorry for writing your name down.
Stephanie: It's fine it's a game.
Monica: I want to say it wasn't my idea to write your name down.
Stephanie: Whose was it?
Monica: Deans.
Stephanie: What really?
Monica: Yes. He also showed me and Troy that he has an idol.
(Monica to Camera.)
Monica: I hope Stephanie is buying what I am selling because I really have no other option at this point.
(On the beach.)
Stephanie: Oh my God.
Monica: Yeah I know.
Stephanie: What do you wanna to do about it.
Monica: I think me and Troy could vote for Jaclyn. Then you Colby and Spencer vote for Dean.
Stephanie: Sounds good.
(Stephanie to camera.)
Stephanie: I do think Monica could've been lying to me. I am Not completely sure if she is telling the truth. With that being said I do think Dean does need to go sooner rather then later. He is a big physical threat and probably could find an idol if he tried. Not to mention he is more strategic then he lets on.
( Day 11 Matsing.)
(Tasha to Camera.)
Tasha: After my conversation with Carolyn yesterday I do think I can use her in this game. I have been thinking that I cannot let Ozzy get to the merge because he could go on an immunity run. While I do have Carolyn I would like to use her
(At camp.)
Tasha: Stephen Woo can we talk.
Woo and Stephen: Sure.
(On the beach.)
Stephen: What's up Tasha?
Tasha: I think we need to make a move on Ozzy before the merge.
Woo: Do we have the numbers.
Tasha: Me, you two and Carolyn. Stephen can you talk to Aubrey about this.
Stephen: I am sure she will be down with it.
(Stephen to Camera.)
Stephen: This idea to take out Ozzy is awesome. It just has to be done the right way.
(Day 12 Challenge.)
Jeff : Come on in guys!
(Matsing enters.)
(Then Ulong.)
Jeff: Matsing getting your first look at the new Ulong tribe. Dawn voted out at the last tribal council. Ready to get to today's immunity challenge.
Everyone: Yes.
Jeff: First things first Matsing got to take immunity back.
(Tasha hands immunity back to Jeff.)
Jeff: Once again Immunity is back up for grabs. One member from each tribe will face off in survivor bowling. In addition to immunity the winning tribe will also win reward in the form of piping hot pizza.
Worth playing for?
Everyone: Yes!
Jeff: Matsing you must sit one person out.
(Matsing talks for a second.)
Russell: Carolyn will sit out.
Jeff: Carolyn take a spot on the bench. Everyone else get into position. Lets get it on.
(Everyone gets into position.)
Jeff: First round its Stephen from Matsing and Spencer from Ulong. Playing to 4. Spencer you are first.
(Spencer takes his first roll and hits 5 pins.)
Spencer: Yes!
Jeff: First role for Spencer lands 5 pins. Fishbach your up.
(Fishbach rolls and goes into the gutter.)
Jeff: Nothing for Fishbach. Spencer you are up again.
(Spencer rolls again and drop 3 more.)
Jeff: Spencer knocks over 3 more. Fishbach you must knock over 9 pins to win this round.
(Fishbach roles and knocks down 2 pins.)
Jeff: Two pins won't cut it. Spencer wins. Ulong wins it's first point.
(Next round.)
Jeff: Russell from Matsing will be taking on Colby from Ulong. Russell take your first roll.
(Russell rolls and lands a strike.)
Russell: Yes!!!
Jeff: Russell lands a strike. Colby in order for you to stay in the round you must also get a strike. Take your role.
(Colby roles and takes 6 pins out.)
Jeff: Good roll but not good enough Russell scores. We are tied one-one.
(Round 3)
Jeff: Troyzan from Ulong and Ozzy from Matsing. Troyzan you are first.
(Troyzan roles and hits 6 pins.)
Jeff: Good roll. Ozzy you are up.
(Ozzy roles a strike.)
Ozzy: Yes!
Jeff: With a strike Ozzy ends the round with a strike.
Matsing up 2-1.
(Round 4.)
Jeff: Stephanie from Ulong taking on Amanda from Matsing. Amanda you are first.
(Amanda takes her first roll and lands 5 pins.)
Jeff: Good roll Amanda. Steph you are up.
(Stephanie rolls and also gets 5 pins.)
Jeff: Good roll Steph. You tied Amanda. Amanda take your last role.
(Amanda lands 2 two more pins.)
Jeff: Amanda took down two more pins. Steph you must knock over 3 pins to win a point for your tribe.
(Steph only knocks over 1 pin.)
Jeff: That won't do it. Amanda wins a point for her tribe extending Matsing's lead 3-1.
(Round 5.)
Jeff: Matsing can end it right here. It's Dean from Ulong taking on Woo from Matsing. Woo you are up.
(Woo rolls and knocks down 9 pins.)
Woo: Yes!
Jeff: Woo scored 9 pins. Dean you are up.
(Dean gets a strike.)
Jeff: Dean scores a point for Ulong. Matsing is up 3-2.
(Round 6.)
Jeff: Bowling for Ulong Jaclyn and for Matsing Tasha. A win for Tasha will seal the deal for matsing. Jaclyn needs to win for Ulong to stay alive. Jaclyn you are first.
(Jaclyn roles first and knocks 4 pins down.)
Jeff: Tasha you are up.
(Tasha rolls and knocks down 5 pins.)
Jeff: Tasha leads 5-4. Jaclyn you need to at least knock down 2 pins to keep your tribe alive.
(Jaclyn hits 3 more pins.)
Jaclyn: Yes!
Jeff: Tasha in order to win this challenge for your tribe you need to knock down at least 3 pins.
(Tasha rolls and knocks down 4 pins.)
Tasha: Yes!
Jeff: Matsing wins Immunity. Matsing come get your reward and immunity. Head out.
(Matsing leaves.)
Jeff: Ulong nothing for you but a date with me at tribal council. Head out.
(Day 12 Ulong.)
Stephanie: Colby, Spencer can I talk to you.
Colby and Spencer: Sure.
(On the beach.)
Stephanie: I had the weirdest conversation with Monica yesterday.
Spencer:Whar about?
Stephanie: She said that it was Deans plan to vote for me and that he has an idol.
Colby: Wait Dean has an Idol?
Stephanie: According to Monica yes.
Colby: Well what do you suppose we do. We can't just let him keep that.
Stephanie: Monica told me that her and Troy are willing to vote for Jaclyn. If us 3 vote for Dean it sends him home if he doesn't play the idol. If he does we revote and send Jaclyn home.
Colby: Sounds good.
Spencer: Who are we gonna tell them?
Colby: Monica I guess.
Stephanie: I will let Monica know the plan is on.
(Spencer to the Camera.)
Spencer: I am not a hundred percent sold on voting Dean out. It also scares me that Steph is willing to just vote out the guy that saved her last tribal council. I also don't see why she is putting so much trust in Monica. Does she not realize 3 days ago Monica voted for her to leave.
(Back at camp.)
Stephanie: Monica the plan is a go.
Monica: Ok.
(Dean overheard this.)
(Dean to Camera.)
Dean: I just over heard that Monica and Steph have a plan. A plan I don't know about. Any time you don't know about a plan it typical means you are the ones on the outs. I have to get down to the bottom of this.
(At camp.)
Spencer: Dean can I speak to you.
Dean: I was about to ask you the same thing.
(On the beach.)
Dean: I heard Steph tell Monica the plan is on. If they have a plan it's to take me or you out dude. Yeah I know.
Spencer: From what I understand they are splitting the votes between you and Jacklyn. If me you and Jaclyn vote for say Monica she goes home.
(Dean sees Jaclyn on the beach.)
Dean: Jaclyn come here.
(Jaclyn walks up to them.)
Jaclyn: What's up?
Dean: Apparently those 4 have a plan to split the votes between me and you. They think I have an idol.
Jaclyn: Why would they vote you out right now? We literally just saved them last tribal.
Spencer: Bottom line if they split the votes are 3 votes are enough to send Monica home.
Dean: Ok we are all solid.
Jaclyn: Yes!
Spencer: Yep.
(Spencer to Camera.)
Spencer: I am stuck between a rock and a hard place. On one hand I could go with my original alliance and split the votes between Jaclyn and Dean or I could blindside that alliance and vote Monica off.
(Spencer leaves the discussion on the beach. Leaving Jaclyn and Dean.)
Dean: Jaclyn I have an idol.
Jaclyn: What? Shut up! No way!
(Dean shows Jaclyn the idol.)
Dean: Yeah.
Jaclyn: I can't believe this. What are you gonna do with it?
Dean: I am gonna let you hold on to it. If I leave tonight at least you have it. If not I hope you would give it back to me.
Jaclyn: I definitely would.
Dean: Ok here you go.
(Dean gives Jaclyn to hold onto.)
Jaclyn: I swear as soon as we get back I will give it right back to you.
Dean: Ok.
(Jaclyn to Camera.)
Jaclyn: Dean giving me his idol solidified my trust with him. I trust him completely now.
(Dean to Camera.)
Dean: I hope that the trust I put in Spencer and Jaclyn is sincere on both sides if not I am gonna get a not so happy surprise at tribal.
(Day 12 tribal council.)
(Everyone walk in to tribal.)
Jeff: Monica after last tribal council with the votes being split. Is it safe to say more than just Dawn was blindsided last tribal council.
Monica: Yeah in fact I was one of the ones blindsided.
Jeff: So what do you do to deflect the attention to someone else because the girl you voted for is still here?
Monica: Well Jeff it wasn't my idea to vote for Steph someone came to me with that plan.
Jeff: Who was it?
Monica: Dean.
Dean: What are you talking about? Dawn came up to all of us and wanted to target. The reason why Steph is still here is because me and Jaclyn didn't go along with your plan Monica.
Monica: That's not true. It was your idea to vote Steph but you flipped. You also told us you have a hidden immunity idol.
Dean: No I don't
(Dean dumbs our his bag.)
Troy: Come on dude stop lying it was your idea 100% to vote Stephanie out.
Dean: No it wasn't. I don't have an idol.
Jaclyn: Troy Monica why don't you guys stop lying. In reality if Dean wanted Steph out she would not be here tonight point blank. All of this he said she said Is ludicrous. Actions speak louder then words in this game. Deans actions haven't shown that he wants Steph out. Monica and Troy's actions have shown point blank that they want to send Steph home today.
Jeff: Stephanie where do you stand on this because you are indirectly involved in this disagreement.
Stephanie: I don't know exactly who to believe. They both have points on there side.
Jeff: Colby, Dean dumped his bag out to show that he doesn't have an idol. What is your take on him doing that?
Colby: I think Dean is doing anything within his power to communicate to me Steph and Spencer that he is honest.
Dean: Jeff all I am saying is that if I wanted any of those 3 out. They would've been gone last tribal council.
Jeff: Spencer what do you hope happens at the end of this vote?
Spencer: Hopefully after this vote trust is restored.
Jeff: Alright once again it's time to vote. Jaclyn you are up.
(Jaclyn leaves. Spencer the last one to vote sits back down.)
Jeff: I'll go tally the votes.
(Jeff comes back with the voting urn.)
Jeff: If anybody has a hidden immunity and would like to play it. Now would be the time to do so. Once the votes are read the decision is final person voted out will be asked to leave the tribal council area immediately. I will read the votes.
Jeff: First vote Dean

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