Chapter 7: Double time part two

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(The first half of the cast went to tribal where Tasha was voted out.)(The next half of Woo, Stephen, Aubrey, Spencer, Jaclyn and Carolyn will attend tribal.)(This is taking place at the same time as the other tribe was scrambling.)
(Matsong day 20.)
Spencer: What are you thinking Stephen?
Stephen : I was thinking Carolyn.
Spencer: Then what do we tell her.
Stephen: Woo?
Spencer: Ok sounds fine.
(Stephen to Camera.)
Stephen: I am just telling Spencer what he wants to hear. In reality I want me, Aubrey, Carolyn and Woo to vote Spencer. I won't be able to tell Jaclyn because they are really close. It's gonna be a really good tribal tonight.
(At camp.)
Carolyn: What are we doing tonight.
Stephen: I was thinking Spencer. He thinks it's you tonight.
Carolyn: Ok we are gonna vote Spencer. Who is the we.
Stephen: Us 2, Woo and Aubrey.
Carolyn: Alright.
(On the beach.)
Stephen: Us 3 and Carolyn are gonna vote Spencer.
Aubrey: That's great he needs to go.
(Aubrey to Camera.)
Aubrey: Spencer is a huge threat. He can win immunities. He is very strategic the guy needs to go.
(On the beach.)
Woo: Yeah he is a big threat.
Stephen: Don't waver from this.
Aubrey: Of course.
Stephen: He thinks it's Carolyn.
(While the conversation is happening.)
Spencer: It's really odd to me that their is so much conversation going on for what is supposed to be an easy night.
Jaclyn: Yeah it's weird. You don't think he is gonna try and blindside you.
Spencer: Well it's a good thing I have an idol.
Jaclyn: Great!!
Spencer: I have an idea.
Jaclyn: What is it?
Spencer: There are 6 of us voting right?
Jaclyn: Yes.
Spencer: The votes are supposed to be 5-1 Carolyn. If those 3 try to blindside me. If you vote for Fishbach and I vote for Woo the votes would be 3-2-1 with me gone. If I play my idol then it's woo gone if he plays one Stephen is gone. It's a win win.
Jaclyn: Why wouldn't we both just vote woo it would force a tie?
Spencer: If they have an idol we need to make sure that one of them is still leaving. We also can't guarantee that Carolyn doesn't know about the plan.
Jaclyn: Fine it's your head on the chopping block. I'll let you pick how we go about this.
(Spencer to camera.)
Spencer: I am so worried about tonight. If 3 votes come out Carolyn tonight then I will have alienated two of my allies by putting votes on them tonight. This is one of the most stressful time things I have been through on survivor.
(At tribal.)
(Everyone sits down.)
Jeff: I have to ask why their are no surprise looks at seeing Tasha on the jury. Spencer fill me in.
Spencer: I knew once Dean had immunity it pretty much sealed her fate as soon as we saw how the 2 groups were divided. It sucks because I would've rather seen anyone else their than Tasha.
Jeff: Stephen what does Spencer mean by how the tribes were split up?
Stephen : Well the 4 people on the outside of last tribals votes were put on the same tribe with two people from our alliance. In a sense we are going from 8-4 to 6-4 after tonight.
Jeff: Aubrey if what Stephen said is true you are basically cannabalizing one of your own tonight. What is the criteria for tonight's vote.
Aubrey: I think trust has to play into it. We know since tomorrow it is gonna be 6-4 we can't split the votes. We have to basically pick someone and hope they don't have an idol.
Jeff: Carolyn how do you fit in on all of this.
Carolyn: I feel kind of weird I don't know no where I stand for sure in the group, so this vote will tell me a lot on what is going to happen. I don't feel safe that's for sure.
Jeff: Does anyone  feel safe tonight?
Jaclyn: I do.
Jeff: That's because you have the necklace on.
Jaclyn: I don't think I would be in danger if I was.
Jeff: Stephen that's a huge statement.
Stephen: You are right that is a big statement but she can make all of the statements she wants she is safe.
Spencer: Actually Stephen I am too.
(Spencer pulls out an idol.)
(Everyone looks at each other.)
(Woo whispers To Aubrey.)
Woo: Carolyn?
Aubrey: Keep it the the same:
(Stephen to Carolyn.)
Stephen: Keep it the same he is bluffing.
Carolyn: Ok.
(Spencer to Jaclyn.)
Spencer: Same plan?
Jaclyn: Yes.
Jeff: You just dropped a huge bomb Spencer.
Spencer: Yes and judging by their reaction I am assuming I was right that I was the one leaving but I am not tonight. Here is what going to happen. Me and Jaclyn are each voting for one you 4 tonight. It will be either vote for someone who isn't me or take a 50/50 chance that you are going home tonight.
Jeff: With that being said it is time to vote. Spencer you are up.
(Spencer goes to vote.)
Spencer: I actually wanted to work with you in the game this time. You did this to yourself. Sorry Duuuuude!

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