Day24-26: This Game I'snt Over Yet

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(The tribe comes back from Tribal.)
Russell: That was quite possibly the scariest tribal I have ever been too.
Colby: What was the vote?
Amanda: 4-3-2-1 then 3 people played idols correctly so it's 1-0-0-0.
Stephen: Who was the one vote?
Jaclyn: Me.
Russell: What?
Jaclyn: I new that Dean and Spencer were playing them. So if you played one I wanted to make sure someone of our choosing would still go home.
(Russell to camera.)
Russell: I honestly thought Dean and Spencer were just dragging Jaclyn along. She thought two or three moves ahead. Damn. She is a threat in her own right.
(Jaclyn to camera.)
Jaclyn: I think people are realizing I am a threat now. I have won 2 immunities and I am the only one now to have voted every vote the right way. Spencer and Dean can't say that.
(Day 24.)
Jeff: Come on in guys.
(Everyone comes in.)
Jeff: Alright you all know as well as I do that the loved one visit is a tradition in survivor.
Everyone: Yes.
Jeff: As y'all are already aware due to current circumstances we couldn't bring them out here. What we asked you before coming out here is what previous survivor player would you like to come join you. They are here. Some of y'all are lucky that you all have family that have played survivor. Such as Jaclyn here is your husband now John.
(John comes out. Jaclyn starts crying.)
Jaclyn: Oh my God!!!
John: Hi babe.
(They hug and kiss.)
Jeff: John how is it knowing as a former survivor player to know what your wife is going through.
John:She is strong much stronger than me. She made it to the end last time and can do it again.
(Jaclyn and John stand to the side.)
Jeff: Amanda not many people have played this game with the same person 3 times. You have James come on out.
(James comes out and hugs Amanda.)
Amanda: Hey.
Jeff: How is it Amanda playing your first time without James.
Amanda: I always knew I could rely on him for anything. Weather it was to help win a challenge or being a number I need to make a move.
Jeff: James how is it seeing Amanda.
James: It's kind of weird seeing her and not actually being apart of the game.
(Jeff and Amanda step aside.)
Jeff: Russell you have never directly played with him before but I know y'all have an awesome relationship. Brandon come on out.
( Brandon comes on out.)
(Russell and Brandon hug.)
Jeff: Russell how is it seeing family after so long.
Russell: Amazing you play this game know not to trust anyone but having someone you can see that you trust completely is amazing.
(Brandon and Russell step to the side.)
Jeff: Colby your up. You and this guy played heroes vs villains together and made it all the way to the final 6 together. Rupert come on out.
Colby: Sup Rup
(They hand shake.)
Jeff: Aubrey your next. Joe come on out.
Aubrey: Oh my god!
(Aubrey hugs Joe.)
Jeff: Aubrey your really excited to see Joe.
Aubrey: My first time coming out here Joe was a father figure to me. He helped me out here a lot.
(Joe and Aubrey stand aside.)
Jeff: Carolyn let's see who you picked for your fellow survivor player. Joaquin come on out.
(Joaquin and Carolyn.)
Jeff: Joaquin if I recall you and Carolyn on the show were at odds with each other the entire time.
Joaquin: Yes you are right.
Jeff: I'm assuming after y'all got along well.
Joaquin: Yep.
(Joaquin and Carolyn stand aside.)
Jeff: Dean you are one of only a couple people out here who picked the person who won their to come.
Dean: Yep.
Jeff: Tommy come on out.
Dean: Sup man.
(They hug and step to the side.)
Jeff:Stephen you have never played with him before but y'all have a pod cast together. Rob come on out.
Stephen: Hey Rob. 
(They hug and step to the side.)
Jeff: That just leaves Spencer. Spencer your survivor pick is one of the most well known of all time.
Spencer: Yep the king.
Jeff: Tony come on out.
Spencer: What's up man.
(Tony walk up to each other and hug.)
Jeff: How is it seeing Spencer, Tony.
Tony: It's amazing he was such a thorn at my side during Cagayan but now I hope he wins it all.
(They step to the side.)
Jeff: Alright now that you all have had a chance to meet your survivor picks. Now it's time for today's challenge. One person from each pair will race out into the ocean and travel across an obstacle course of balance beams and boats. Once on the other side of the obstacle course you will dive underneath the water to retrieve a key and race back through the obstacle course. The key will then be handed to the other member of the pair. That person will unlock a chest containing a slide puzzle. First person to complete the slide puzzle wins reward. Wanna know what you are playing for?
Everyone: Yes.
Jeff: The winning pair will enjoy a feast of outback steak house. Salad, margaritas, steak, baked potatoes desert s'mores. Worth playing for?
Everyone: Yes.
Jeff: Alright decide who goes where let's get it on.
(Everyone gets into position.)
Jeff: Alright running the course. We have John, James, Brandon, Colby, Tony, Dean, Joaquin, Aubrey and Rob. On the puzzle Joe, Spencer, Jaclyn, Tommy, Russell, Rupert, Carolyn, Amanda and Stephen. Survivors ready? Go!
(All of the people running the course take off.)
Jeff: John, Joaquin and James are in the lead. Dean Brandon and Colby right behind. Aubrey, Rob and Tony are in the rear. (People start making their way through the balance beams.)
Jeff: John and James both take a fall. Leaving it open to Joaquin.
Carolyn: Come on Joaquin!!!
Jeff: Joaquin in the water. Followed right behind by Dean. Everyone else no where close.
(Dean and Joaquin dive under and get the key.)
Jeff: Both Dean and Joaquin have their keys and are on their way back. Tony out of no where is through right behind him is John.
Jaclyn: Come on John!!!
(Dean and Joaquin get back and unlock the chest.)
Jeff: Carolyn, Tommy start working on your slide puzzle.
(Tony and John get back and unlock their chest.)
Jeff: Spencer and Jaclyn go!!
Jeff: James in the water.
(James dives down.)
Amanda: Come on James!!!
Jeff: Spencer and Jaclyn have some ground to make up. On Carolyn and Tommy.
(Both Carolyn and Tommy are getting close to finishing.)
Tommy: Jeff.
Jeff: Tommy think he has it. He does Dean and Tommy going on reward.
(Everyone gets back.)
Jeff: Alright Dean Tommy come on over. Pick 3 survivors and their survivor picks to join you.
Dean: I think the fairest way to go about it is to give it to 2nd, 3rd and 4th so Carolyn Jaclyn and Spencer.
Jeff: Alright you four head on out. The rest of you got nothing for head back to camp.
(Dean to camera.)
Dean: I know I said the fairest way was the way I was picking. In reality I need someone from my alliance to win immunity. I also think of the majority 6 Carolyn is probably the most likely to flip so there you go.
(At the reward.)
Waitress: Your table will be ready shortly.
Dean: Ok.
Dean: Guys how about we go talk with our picks real quick while we wait for the table.
Spencer: Yeah.
Carolyn: For sure.
Jaclyn: I'm fine with it.
(Everyone walks off with their survivor picks.)
John: So how is you game going?
Jaclyn: Bad and Good.
John: What does that mean?
Jaclyn: So right now I am in an alliance of 3 of 9.
John: Well that's not good at all.
Jaclyn: On the bright side I think my resume is coming along pretty well.
John: How is being in the minority a good thing?
Jaclyn: Well I have won 2 immunities. This last vote there were 3 idols played.
John: What?
Jaclyn: 9 of the 10 votes were cancelled out. Everyone accept mine.
John: Jaclyn that is ridiculous.
Jaclyn: I was single handedly responsible for sending Steph home.
John: What is your plan moving forward?
Jaclyn: I think I have a good case against either of them.
John: Ok keep doing what you are doing. Who are y'all gonna target next?
Jaclyn: Probably Russell or Stephen. Our hope is if we take the leader of one of those threes we will pick up the other two and have the majority.
John: Man since when did you become such a good survivor player?
Jaclyn: Since I was supposed to win the first time.
(John to camera.)
John: Man Jaclyn is playing a good game I just hope she can make it to the end again.
(On the side of the beach.)
Tony: How is your game going.
Spencer: Well as always I'm on the bottom.
Tony: Spencer what did you do this time?
Spencer: Well coming into the merge I was in an 8 person alliance. The first vote went great. After that I lost 2 allies then half of my alliance flipped on me on one vote.
Tony: Ok what are you doing to get out of this?
Spencer:Well we are hopping we can flip Carolyn. We are pretty sure they are gonna split the votes. If Carolyn flips then the votes are 4-3-2. If that doesn't work I have an extra vote. If they split and my alliance of 3 plus my extra vote will send someone home.
Tony: Who are you thinking?
Spencer: Either Stephen or Russell.
Tony: Got to get Russell out Man he is dangerous. Spencer: We have tried. The last 3 tribals he has been to he has gotten votes.
(Spencer to camera.)
Spencer: Having tony is really helping me out. I mean the guy has won twice I don't know anyone who could give me better advice.
(Back during the conversation.)
Tony: What is your resume consist of?
Spencer: I have won two individual immunities. This you might be kind of mad about.
Tony: What?
Spencer: I idoled out Woo.
Tony: Nah I understand it's a game. He should understand that. At least you have some stuff on your resume. Who is your final 3.
Spencer: Well right now it's me Jaclyn and Dean but they all have good resumes. That's why I want Carolyn on my side. If I can take her and who ever is left at the final 5. I will gladly take out Dean or Jaclyn. Right now I think I'm gonna stay loyal to them.
(Tony to camera.)
Tony: Spencer is a phenomenal player. As of right now I think he is playing a winning game. I just hope he can find a stronger footing in the game.
(On the beach.)
Tommy: How is the game going.
Dean: Well I am not in a good spot but not in a terrible one. I have an idol but I'm out numbered 6-3.
Tommy: How do you plan on changing that?
Dean: Well we are hoping Carolyn will flip to our side and they split the votes. If not I have an idol.
Tommy: What is your resume like?
Dean:Well I have won 2 immunities. I have played an idol correctly.
Tommy: That's great. How does that stack up to everyone else?
Dean: I think I have a chance against anyone.
(Tommy to Camera.)
Tommy: I think dean is playing a good game but he needs to have a killer instinct to at the exact time cut his alliance out.
(Down the beach.)
Joaquin: How is you game coming along?
Carolyn: Well right now I am an alliance of 6. Although I am playing the middle right now. I want to get one of these 3 out here. Then the other two I'm gonna pull into a final 5 with me Stephen and Aubrey. I will be the 3rd to two couples meaning I am guaranteed final 4 at least.
Joaquin: Damn that's great.
(Everyone goes inside the restaurant and starts digging into their salads. Tony notices a piece of paper in his napkin.)
(Tony to camera.)
Tony: This is crazy I'm not even a player this season now I found something. Now the question is how do I let Spencer know I have something to give him.
(In the restaurant.)
Spencer: Man that was good I think I'm gonna go to the restroom.
Tony: I need to go too.
(Spencer and tony leave the restaurant.)
Tony: Spencer I found something.
Spencer: What is it?
(Tony pulls out a note.)
Tony: This. Alright I'll read it. This is a steal a vote advantage. This vote steal can only be played until there are 7 people left in the game. Before you vote you must tell Jeff. You wish to steal someone's vote. Causing you to vote twice and someone else to not vote.
Spencer: Dude that is crazy. Now even if they don't flip next vote it's gonna be a 4-4 tie.
Tony: Exactly.
Spencer: Ok let's go back so they don't get suspicious.
(Spencer to camera.)
Spencer: It works out great that I have an extra vote and steal a vote. That is basically a 3 vote swing.
(Day 25.)
Stephen: Carolyn let's take a walk.
Carolyn: Ok.
(Stephen to camera.)
Stephen: It is important to me to see what Carolyn is thinking because we need to split this vote and without 6 people we can't.
(On the beach.)
Stephen: What are you thinking?
Carolyn: Well obviously we split between two of them. If Jaclyn doesn't win we definitely vote for her.
Stephen: Yeah. Did they talk to you about flipping?
Carolyn: Not during the reward.
Stephen: Ok we just have to make sure none of them win immunity.
Carolyn: Yeah that's easier said then done.
(In the woods.)
(Russell to camera.)
Russell: Considering that there were 3 idols played this last tribal. There is no way there isn't one out there.
(In the woods.)
Russell: We need to find it Aubrey.
Aubrey: Yeah we can't let them get it.
(Both Russell and Aubrey begin looking inside holes of trees.)
(Russell turns his back to Aubrey and reaches into a whole and doesn't find anything. Aubrey reaches into a whole and pulls out the idol. Aubrey puts it into her pant and continues looking.)
(Aubrey to camera.)
Aubrey: Finally some power in this game. Now I know they don't have it. So we can split the votes. I will definitely not be telling anyone that I have this idol.
(Day 26.)
Jeff: Alright come on in guys.
(Everyone walks in.)
Jeff: Ready for another immunity challenge?
Everyone: Yes.
Jeff: First things first Jaclyn gonna take back the necklace.
(Jaclyn gives back the necklace.)
Jeff: Once again immunity is back up for grabs. For today's challenge you are gonna stand on a plank and hold onto a rope. On regular intervals you are gonna move further down the ropes. Once it gets to tough your no longer gonna be able to hang on The winner wins individual immunity safe tonight at tribal council. Get into position.
(Everyone gets into position.)
Jeff: This challenge is on. You are gonna stay in this spot for 5min.
(5min later.)
Jeff: Alright time to move to the next level of the rope.
(Everyone start to move.)
Jeff: Everyone immediately starts to struggle.
(Colby and Russell fall in. Stephen falls in and Spencer fall in.)
Jeff: Colby, Russell, Stephen and Spencer all fall in right away. 5 people left in this challenge.
(Aubrey falls in.)
Jeff: Aubrey falls in no chance at immunity.
(Another 5 minutes pass.)
Jeff: Time to move to the next level.
Dean: Damnit!
(Dean falls in.)
Jeff: Dean is in. We are down to 3 in this challenge. Amanda, Carolyn and Jaclyn. Carolyn won this in her season. Can she do it again?
(5 more min pass.)
Jeff: Alright time to move to the final hand hold.
(Immediately Amanda falls.)
Jeff: Amanda is out.
(Carolyn's hand slips and falls into the water.)
Jeff: Jaclyn wins her 3rd individual immunity. Safe tonight at tribal council.
Jaclyn: Yes!!!!
(Jaclyn falls into the water.)
Jeff: Jaclyn come on over.
(Jeff puts the necklace on Jaclyn.)
Jeff: Jaclyn safe tonight at tribal council can't be voted out. As for the rest of you one of you is going home tonight. Head on out.
(Jaclyn to camera.)
Jaclyn: I can't believe I won another immunity. Now it might just time to make a bigger move.
(At camp.)
Spencer: Dean Jaclyn let's go take a walk.
Jaclyn: Ok.
(On the beach.)
Spencer: Who do y'all want gone.
Dean: I think Stephen is the biggest threat. He is just as strategic as Russell but doesn't have idols to protect him.
Jaclyn: That's what I was thinking.
Spencer: Plan A get Carolyn on board. Plan B I'll use my extra vote. If they split 3-3 then us 3 with the extra should be fine.
Jaclyn: I'll talk to Carolyn.
Spencer: Ok.
(Spencer walks off.)
Jaclyn: Do you think it's time we cut him loose?
Dean: I don't think so. I think he is perceived as a bigger threat then both me and you. Plus he doesn't have anyone else besides us. If we vote him out. We would be at the mercy of Carolyn, Stephen and Aubrey.
(Meanwhile back at camp.)
Russell: While they are gone. Do y'all wanna split it?
Stephen: Yeah 3 for Spencer and 3 for Dean.
Aubrey: Girls vote Spencer.
Colby: Guys vote Dean.
Carolyn: Great sounds like a plan.
Amanda: If the vote comes back a tie. Spencer?
Colby: Yes.
(Back to Jaclyn Dean conversation.)
Jaclyn: I don't think either of us beat him in the end.
Dean: I don't know me and you have made some big moves all the way through.
Jaclyn: Yeah that's true.
(Dean to camera.)
Dean: It is imperative that Jaclyn wants to stay loyal to Spencer. He is the only person the opposition will target before me.
(Back to conversation.)
Jaclyn: Dean he is just a huge threat. He has won 2 immunities. Played a great strategic game. He has also played 2 idols successfully.
Dean: Jaclyn if he leaves me and you are next. You know that.
(Carolyn walks up.)
Carolyn: Ok guys I'm gonna be honest. We are splitting tonight. If you 2 vote Spencer. He goes tonight. Then you 2 can join me, Stephen and Aubrey. Us 5 will be the new majority.
Jaclyn: Sounds great.
Carolyn: I want to make a final 3 deal with you all.
Dean: I'm in.
Jaclyn: Me too.
(Jaclyn to camera.)
Jaclyn: Carolyn's plan is very tempting but risky. I know I can't beat Spencer at the end. I feel like I could beat pretty much anyone else as of now. I need him gone. It's just is the timing right because if I get this wrong it's a million dollar mistake.
Jeff: Alright as of last tribal there was 7-3 alliance. With 2 of those 3 playing those idols and the 3rd Jaclyn winning immunity. Causing Steph to go home. Carolyn what was the fallout after last tribal council?
Carolyn: Well everyone was first like who was the vote to send Steph home?
Jeff: Anyone wanna say it was them.
Jaclyn:It was me. That's why I am happy I have this necklace again.
Jeff: Jaclyn so you thought you were in trouble after last tribal.
Jaclyn: Yes. I thought if I didn't win votes would definitely be going my way.
Jeff: Stephen is it right for Jaclyn to be worried?
Stephen: Yes she is the only one among those 3 who haven't played an idol. She would be the quote and quote safe vote.
Jeff: Aubrey has there been any talk about what happens when it does come to the 6.
Aubrey: I think everyone has there own agenda. Time will tell.
Jeff: Spencer how do you try and break this tight 6?
Spencer: I think if you make a move now it would be a big move but you still wouldn't be the target because me dean and Jaclyn are such big threats.
Colby: That's just it Jeff. Why would you go with them? You can't beat them at the end.
Amanda: Jeff I just want to say this. None of us have a chance if any of those 3 make it to the end. I mean look at their resumes. Between the 3 of them they have won 7 individual immunities. They have played 3 idols correctly. If anyone think they can beat them they are lying to themselves.
Jeff: With that being said it is time to vote. Spencer your up.
(At voting confessional.)
Spencer: You would not be getting a vote from me for a long time but you wrote my name down twice. I am getting you on my first try night night.

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