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They were fighting over who got to pick the music when they passed the 'Welcome to Springfield' sign, and Diane quit for a moment, sighting with relief. Not that she was overly eager to arrive to this goddamn town in the middle of bumfuck nowhere, but it was their destination after all, and she couldn't wait to check in somewhere and take a shower.

"It's not fair! Why do we always to have to listen to what you like!?" Complained her sister while she rolled her eyes in the signature annoying younger sibling move that she'd never quite lost.

"Because" She enunciated slowly, mostly to annoy Sav further "I'm the driver, and you're the dumb shotgun. Driver picks the music. And that's facts."

"Whatever. I'm taking the first shower." She resigned, crossing her arms and staring out the window. Diane wanted to argue, but she was just too goddamn tired to even try, so she pressed play on her playlist and focused back on the empty road. As AC/DC filled the car, her sister checked their GPS and grabbed the backpacks from the backseat.

"The motel should be right there." Sav pointed to the tacky 'love' themed motel, and Diane made a u turn to head to the poorly signaled parking lot.

As they exited the car and its heavenly air conditioner, the heat wave hit them all at once, but Diane didn't really mind. She enjoyed hot weather the most, even if they weren't exactly having the vacation of a lifetime here.

"Do you think there's a pool?" Sav asked as they retrieved their suitcases from the trunk, and she shrugged, unsure. The guy in reception gave them a raunchy once over when they asked for a room, but one murderous glare from the older hunter shut him up instantly.

"Thank you." Sav told him, clearly feeling bad for the guy, but Diane was already making her way upstairs. She just prayed this shitty place had working air conditioner, but even a ceiling fan would do.

The room turned out to have two ceiling fans, and she turned them both on before quickly taking off her jacket and lying down face first on the queen bed on the far left, while Sav locked herself in the small bathroom to shower off the day's sweat. The car had been a safe heaven, but the numerous stops they had to make on their way from California had left them sweaty and moody, not to mention frustrated that they hadn't been able to dig up much information on the current case.

She was through her backpack to pull out a can of not-so-cold beer when Sav exited the bathroom, limp brown hair framing her face in tangled bits. Diane opened up the beer and downed it gratefully as she made her way inside.

Once she had finished with the short shower, she pulled a pair of distressed white shorts and a worn dark blue Levi's t-shirt out of her suitcase, putting them on as she combed her short blonde hair as best as she could.

"So, are we gonna hit up the sheriff's office today?" Her sister asked as they made their way back outside the motel and towards their parked car.

"Yeah, but not before lunch. I'm friggin' starving." She declared, hoping the diner they'd passed earlier served decent food. She wasn't too picky, not like Sav and her silly vegetarian agenda anyways, but there were limits when it came to bacon. If it looked green like last time, she might actually shoot herself in the face.

The diner was small, only three people eating inside. She payed them no mind and bee lined towards the register, ready to order her usual double cheeseburger, but Sav stopped her and subtly pointed towards the two guys sharing a booth in the corner.

"You see that big guy in the blue flannel?"

She checked over her sister's shoulder and automatically knew who she meant. A dude that big was kinda hard to miss. He was hunched over a newspaper and the first thing she noticed was his hair, since it was the exact same color as Sav's.

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